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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

So when a game has 20 or more users it becomes a platinum game, am I correct?

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yungmagic09 said:
So when a game has 20 or more users it becomes a platinum game, am I correct?

As long as there are less then 5 users with full achievements.


outlawauron said:
Alright, I was wondering because konnichiwa is permabanned.

konnichiwa is removed from the league.  It is reflected on MGC right away.  The next update will reflect it in the league.


I just regained a platinum(GTAIV). Now my goal is to take Tales of Vesperia.


Acevil said:

I just regained a platinum(GTAIV). Now my goal is to take Tales of Vesperia.

Good luck my friend!

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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NeoRatt said:
outlawauron said:
Alright, I was wondering because konnichiwa is permabanned.

konnichiwa is removed from the league.  It is reflected on MGC right away.  The next update will reflect it in the league.


Not to derail this thread but i don't really see why konnichiwa was perma-banned...It says for trolling but there are far worse trolls on these forums.


yo_john117 said:
NeoRatt said:
outlawauron said:
Alright, I was wondering because konnichiwa is permabanned.

konnichiwa is removed from the league.  It is reflected on MGC right away.  The next update will reflect it in the league.

Not to derail this thread but i don't really see why konnichiwa was perma-banned...It says for trolling but there are far worse trolls on these forums.

I'll just say, I wasn't one of the judges involved so to speculate on their thinking would be wrong. 

It is dissappointing losing a gamer with the number of games (108) and a gamerscore of over 20K.  This will slow down platinums for some games that were close to 20.

If KonnichwaBE gets onto the site with another ID, gets 50 posts in, and applies to rejoin, I will accept.  I don't manage the site, just the 360 League.


NeoRatt said:
eNamrah said:
@Montana: Unfortunately 4 users with max achievements is the limit for a platinum game. You're the 5th user with 1000 in Civ:Rev, so the game is now no longer a platinum.

Does everyone want to go back to full platinums?  I have greatly simplified the effort to do this now so it would not be a problem for me...  It used to take 3-4 hours to do the platinums... Now, I am less then an hour and quantity would not change it...  What do you all think?


Yes please, i want my CoD4 to shown Also, when MW2 is released, if i get it early and have the 1000 gs before release... will it DQ me or the game?


What are the current rules for platinums? And what the proposed ones?

Is it 20 users needed, with only a certain % having the platinum? And is the proposal that all games (will 1 or 2 exceptions like Dash of Destruction) with 20 users are platinum? I am not sure, the latter will get me more platinums, but my Gears of War 2 one feels that much more sweet. Maybe there should be golds? But that will probably create too much extra work

Its 20 tags for a platinum. But if there are 5 with maximum gamerscore it is not a platinum. It must be a game which is not free and usually not a movie tie in.


If you think it wont add extra work, maybe up the maximum quota for max Gamerscore, from 5 to maybe 8 or 10?