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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The VERDICT Is REACHED -- IGN Proclaims Miyamoto As the BEST Games Dev!!

i still thought the list was interesting. I finally saw some of the famous behind some of my favorite games.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

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@Kasz216 Personally, I prefer Kojima. The Metal Gear series is my favorite series and Snatcher is the best adventure game that I ever played. Considering Zone of the Enders and the soon to be fan-translated Policenauts I don't see it as unreasonable to prefer Kojima's portfolio of games.

Kasz216 said:
Quickdraw McGraw said:

That would have been a strong argument had there not been several developers ahead of him who similarly only had 2-3 credits.

Also, your analogy is a tad flawed. ICO and Shadow of the Colossus aren't merely "hits", they are arguably the most artistic achievements in the videogame medium, and have inspired most of the development community either directly or indirectly. "Rock You Like a Hurricane" isn't their artistic equivalent, to put it simply.

And to clarify, I never stated he should top the list (Although I wouldn't object), only that he be ranked much higher.


Ok.  Name... lets say 10 games those games have inspired.


Is that, seriously, all that you took from my response?

I'm not going to play games (I'll throw you a bone though, read the interviews with God of War 3's director).
To add to that, most developer commentary on "Are games art?" usually, without provocation, bring up Ueda's work.

To point out every game that has, or at least tried to have, a similar minimalist artistic design and epic scope would be arduous, and, quite frankly, I haven't played enough games to be the one to try.

darthdevidem01 said:
ICO & SOTC are some of the most overrated game ever

they are really really good

but I hope people realise some people can find them dull & boring (not me)

I liked them....just not upto the level some hyped them to be

I can completely cope with the fact that some people do not enjoy those games.
On the flip side, you should be able to acknowledge their artistic merit, and that some do find them to be that good.

Is The Godfather a, at times, plodding movie that doesn't appeal to everyone? Yes.
Is it still one of the greatest films yet made? Yes, yes it is.

bouzane said:
@Kasz216 Personally, I prefer Kojima. The Metal Gear series is my favorite series and Snatcher is the best adventure game that I ever played. Considering Zone of the Enders and the soon to be fan-translated Policenauts I don't see it as unreasonable to prefer Kojima's portfolio of games.

It's not unreasonable to perfer Shaq to Jordan, or heck.... Frogger to Miyamoto and Kojima conbined.

When dealing with the best ever though.  That's not a "Who do I perfer" situation.

I perfer tons of other developers works over Miyamotos.  I'm not foolish enough to think my opinion is an exterior sign of greatness however.


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Quickdraw McGraw said:
Kasz216 said:
Quickdraw McGraw said:

That would have been a strong argument had there not been several developers ahead of him who similarly only had 2-3 credits.

Also, your analogy is a tad flawed. ICO and Shadow of the Colossus aren't merely "hits", they are arguably the most artistic achievements in the videogame medium, and have inspired most of the development community either directly or indirectly. "Rock You Like a Hurricane" isn't their artistic equivalent, to put it simply.

And to clarify, I never stated he should top the list (Although I wouldn't object), only that he be ranked much higher.


Ok.  Name... lets say 10 games those games have inspired.


Is that, seriously, all that you took from my response?

I'm not going to play games (I'll throw you a bone though, read the interviews with God of War 3's director).
To add to that, most developer commentary on "Are games art?" usually, without provocation, bring up Ueda's work.

To point out every game that has, or at least tried to have, a similar minimalist artistic design and epic scope would be arduous, and, quite frankly, I haven't played enough games to be the one to try.

There really haven't been any...

Not that i've seen. 

Not to mention you need to look back at where a lot of the SOTC and ICO inspirations have come from.  (think Miyamoto here.)

Kasz216 said:

Not to mention you need to look back at where a lot of the SOTC and ICO inspirations have come from.  (think Miyamoto here.)

Again, I'm not diminishing any other developers work, or suggesting that Ueda is the greatest developer.
Inspiration comes from everywhere, for everyone, I won't and never intended to deny that.


When discussing the best game developer isn't it to discuss who has created the best games? As far as influence goes, would Miyamoto have created Mario without Pitfall! or Star Fox without I, Robot? Without Kojima would there be as many cinematic and story driven action games?

PS. It's needlessly insulting to dismiss other peoples' opinions as foolish and stupid.

bouzane said:

When discussing the best game developer isn't it to discuss who has created the best games? As far as influence goes, would Miyamoto have created Mario without Pitfall! or Star Fox without I, Robot? Without Kojima would there be as many cinematic and story driven action games?

PS. It's needlessly insulting to dismiss other peoples' opinions as foolish and stupid.

So it's of your opinion that the games you like best are the best games made?

That games are in fact judged based on how they relate to you and that you have absolutely no biases when it comes to genre, developer, system etc?

You have no ability to say "I perfer cinematic stealth games to Sports games... therefore I may overrate MGS games and underrate sports games."

That is a very self centered opinion... and there are few ways to describe it other then foolish or stupid in my opinion.

I mean that you think yourself the center of all that is gaming and the expert of all is basically what you are suggesting.

darthdevidem01 said:
ICO & SOTC are some of the most overrated game ever

they are really really good

but I hope people realise some people can find them dull & boring (not me)

I liked them....just not upto the level some hyped them to be

IGN loves Team ICO. They gave ICO a 9.4 and Shadow of The Colossus a 9.7. The same as God of War II, BioShock and Halo: Combat Evolved.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective