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Forums - PC Discussion - Meet the ATI HD4750

Fallout 3 here I come!

I gonna need more RAM...

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900 gigaflops? Very nice for that price.

Good news Everyone!

I've invented a device which makes you read this in your head, in my voice!

KLucifer said:
they finally realized that releasing the 4600 series was such a stupid idea....3800> far...

hopefully 4700 would be better than the 3800 series...or else they're making another stupid idea after another...4700 for $99 better perform better than 3870 which only go for $85...cuz the little brother 4670 which costs around $89 couldn't outperform the cheaper and lower performance of a 3850 which you can find for about $55-60


Well the 9600GT performs just about similar to the 3870 and as you can see from the benchmarks the 4750 is quite a bit faster.

nojustno said:
KLucifer said:
they finally realized that releasing the 4600 series was such a stupid idea....3800> far...

hopefully 4700 would be better than the 3800 series...or else they're making another stupid idea after another...4700 for $99 better perform better than 3870 which only go for $85...cuz the little brother 4670 which costs around $89 couldn't outperform the cheaper and lower performance of a 3850 which you can find for about $55-60


Well the 9600GT performs just about similar to the 3870 and as you can see from the benchmarks the 4750 is quite a bit faster.

Also for anyones reference, the x800 Radeon cards could outperform many later generation cards (although lacking SM 3.0 would help slightly).


looks like a great card, especially for the price

odds of getting working drivers for this in osx86... next to zero

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cool way to go ATI!!! their price to performance ratio is absolutly amazing. gotta ove the underdog.

Long Live SHIO!

Crap, this throws a bit of a wrench in my plans to replace my current PC, which is starting to show multiple little signs of failure. What does everyone think I should do? I wanted to replace my computer before it craps out, and had plans to start assembling a system this weekend, but with this video card not coming in until April, is the difference between a 4850 now and a 4750 then worth it?

Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition

Supposedly this is 40nm, so it'd be really interesting to see some pics of the die on this thing.

My x1300 is looking to retire and I think that maybe i'll replace it with this baby

Now that's a nice deal.

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