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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 360 CPU and Cell are fairly equal according to Dave Shippy

The guy is "the leading man" behind both processors. Do you really think he is gonna make a call?

If any two of our clients who paid roughly the same for my company's services asked the question "Who did you do the best work for?" or "Which piece of work you produced for us is better?", that's the usual response, about equal.

That's how it works.

It's the business/political way.

Personally I don't really care which is more powerful.

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show it .

beside both MS and Sony are their customers.he is not gonna put one down and say ,yea we gave MS/Sony the weaker one.




Sardauk said:
nen-suer said:


Thats the point, if u want something different and unique u have to pay money and work hard, it may come as a surprise to u but most great game makers care about the games more than the profit.



Well that is new to me: the video gaming industry which generates more money than movies btw... is about .. ART ? Not money ?

On your remark about the """"outdated UR3""": We are not talking about fundamental science here.... iterative development are the best way to obtain a good results. Making a new big bang from scratch is expensive and generally not worth the investment, if you cannot recycle it later.

They dont do that every time, MGS 2 engine was used in ZOE, ICO engine was used and improved in SOTC

but UR3 engine was bought and used in too many games, why do u think ps3 exclusives always shine? becouse they dont use same engine too much,so games cant stop making u say WOW. They learn improve adapt ,i mean MS made tons of money (like they need it) what did they show for it? Halo Wars ,ninja blade....



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Sardauk said:

Well that is new to me: the video gaming industry which generates more money than movies btw... is about .. ART ? Not money ?

On your remark about the """"outdated UR3""": We are not talking about fundamental science here.... iterative development are the best way to obtain a good results. Making a new big bang from scratch is expensive and generally not worth the investment, if you cannot recycle it later.

Actually iterative development isn't best way to obtain good results. In this case the whole base of engine is done for quite different systems than X360 is. You will get best results with plan based development from the scratch with lots of time in development phase. Of course using some readily made engine is much cheaper than building one from the scratch and I am quite sure that in next gen we will see nothing but readily made engines as development costs are getting way too high. :)

justinian said:
The guy is "the leading man" behind both processors. Do you really think he is gonna make a call?

If any two of our clients who paid roughly the same for my company's services asked the question "Who did you do the best work for?" or "Which piece of work you produced for us is better?", that's the usual response, about equal.

That's how it works.

It's the business/political way.

Personally I don't really care which is more powerful.

I am sorry but both the CPU's are the same, because they came from the same team. just think about it, if you have a idea and you have to create the same thing for two different people you will use the same idea. You will not have two completely different ideas. It would be like Microsoft makeing windows for two companies, they would look and feel the same because the some people would be in the team and so they would have the same idea. Yes there will be some input form Sony and Microsoft in the way they want things to go, but the "ideas" will be all the same. So they are the same and the GPU is pritty close by all respects and the only difference I have really heard of is the Upscaling (hardware/Software) and the memory the PS3 has two banks of 256 which can't be used as one and the 360 has 512 which can be used as the developer see's fit. This would explain the lack of texture on some PS3 games.


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Deneidez said:
Sardauk said:

Well that is new to me: the video gaming industry which generates more money than movies btw... is about .. ART ? Not money ?

On your remark about the """"outdated UR3""": We are not talking about fundamental science here.... iterative development are the best way to obtain a good results. Making a new big bang from scratch is expensive and generally not worth the investment, if you cannot recycle it later.

Actually iterative development isn't best way to obtain good results. In this case the whole base of engine is done for quite different systems than X360 is. You will get best results with plan based development from the scratch with lots of time in development phase. Of course using some readily made engine is much cheaper than building one from the scratch and I am quite sure that in next gen we will see nothing but readily made engines as development costs are getting way too high. :)


IMO it is more true for PC, which is an open system, than console.

In the console world, I believe it is about mastering the architecture so why would starting from scratch give a better results when you already obtain a lot from the past ?


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

nen-suer said:
BrayanA said:
Gh0st4lifE said:


360 is easier to program

BRs' transfer rate < DVDs'


What else ?




Transfer rate ''HD DVD < DVD < CD''

Wii easier to program than Xbox360

Fixed ver 2.00

Since when does the 360 use HD DVD for it's games?


nen-suer said:
Sardauk said:
nen-suer said:


Thats the point, if u want something different and unique u have to pay money and work hard, it may come as a surprise to u but most great game makers care about the games more than the profit.



They dont do that every time, MGS 2 engine was used in ZOE, ICO engine was used and improved in SOTC

but UR3 engine was bought and used in too many games, why do u think ps3 exclusives always shine? becouse they dont use same engine too much,so games cant stop making u say WOW. They learn improve adapt ,i mean MS made tons of money (like they need it) what did they show for it? Halo Wars ,ninja blade....



You need to come up with facts, my (27 posts) padawan...

PS3 exclusives always shine ?

UR3 overused ??

Halo Wars ?? 




Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Sardauk said:
Deneidez said:

Actually iterative development isn't best way to obtain good results. In this case the whole base of engine is done for quite different systems than X360 is. You will get best results with plan based development from the scratch with lots of time in development phase. Of course using some readily made engine is much cheaper than building one from the scratch and I am quite sure that in next gen we will see nothing but readily made engines as development costs are getting way too high. :)

IMO it is more true for PC, which is an open system, than console.

In the console world, I believe it is about mastering the architecture so why would starting from scratch give a better results when you already obtain a lot from the past ?

Uhm... Its just the opposite on PC that you are suggesting. You really don't have to care about optimizing every single thing on PC because eventually PC:s will be powerful enough to run code with no probs at all even if its not so optimized(Of course you should optimize critical points.). You are also skipping the part when you make the program first time for X360. If you make fully working program with no optimizations and then start to repair it, it will be like two times more work than making the program from the scratch properly. Of course everything you have made in the past is available for later projects, but thats after you have made them, and that will apply only for the platform you are using as for example I doubt that ps2 optimizations will work on X360 or PS3.

Christhegamer said:
justinian said:
The guy is "the leading man" behind both processors. Do you really think he is gonna make a call?

If any two of our clients who paid roughly the same for my company's services asked the question "Who did you do the best work for?" or "Which piece of work you produced for us is better?", that's the usual response, about equal.

That's how it works.

It's the business/political way.

Personally I don't really care which is more powerful.

I am sorry but both the CPU's are the same, because they came from the same team. just think about it, if you have a idea and you have to create the same thing for two different people you will use the same idea. You will not have two completely different ideas. It would be like Microsoft makeing windows for two companies, they would look and feel the same because the some people would be in the team and so they would have the same idea. Yes there will be some input form Sony and Microsoft in the way they want things to go, but the "ideas" will be all the same. So they are the same and the GPU is pritty close by all respects and the only difference I have really heard of is the Upscaling (hardware/Software) and the memory the PS3 has two banks of 256 which can't be used as one and the 360 has 512 which can be used as the developer see's fit. This would explain the lack of texture on some PS3 games.


Really. I see. You keep thinking that.