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Sardauk said:
nen-suer said:


Thats the point, if u want something different and unique u have to pay money and work hard, it may come as a surprise to u but most great game makers care about the games more than the profit.



Well that is new to me: the video gaming industry which generates more money than movies btw... is about .. ART ? Not money ?

On your remark about the """"outdated UR3""": We are not talking about fundamental science here.... iterative development are the best way to obtain a good results. Making a new big bang from scratch is expensive and generally not worth the investment, if you cannot recycle it later.

They dont do that every time, MGS 2 engine was used in ZOE, ICO engine was used and improved in SOTC

but UR3 engine was bought and used in too many games, why do u think ps3 exclusives always shine? becouse they dont use same engine too much,so games cant stop making u say WOW. They learn improve adapt ,i mean MS made tons of money (like they need it) what did they show for it? Halo Wars ,ninja blade....



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