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justinian said:
The guy is "the leading man" behind both processors. Do you really think he is gonna make a call?

If any two of our clients who paid roughly the same for my company's services asked the question "Who did you do the best work for?" or "Which piece of work you produced for us is better?", that's the usual response, about equal.

That's how it works.

It's the business/political way.

Personally I don't really care which is more powerful.

I am sorry but both the CPU's are the same, because they came from the same team. just think about it, if you have a idea and you have to create the same thing for two different people you will use the same idea. You will not have two completely different ideas. It would be like Microsoft makeing windows for two companies, they would look and feel the same because the some people would be in the team and so they would have the same idea. Yes there will be some input form Sony and Microsoft in the way they want things to go, but the "ideas" will be all the same. So they are the same and the GPU is pritty close by all respects and the only difference I have really heard of is the Upscaling (hardware/Software) and the memory the PS3 has two banks of 256 which can't be used as one and the 360 has 512 which can be used as the developer see's fit. This would explain the lack of texture on some PS3 games.