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Forums - Sony Discussion - GAMESTOP KILLZONE 2 PRE-ORDERS ARE RISING Midnight Launch Is A Go!!

i pre-ordered mine through amazon. i'm going to stay up until midnight just so i can be disappointed in the postal service. xD

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Mirson

And your point is......?

Halo 3 was huge.

I JUST CALLED my gamestop WE'RE HAVING ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Rpruett said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Mirson

And your point is......?


That Halo is indirectly a more popular and therefore 'better' game.  The oh so 'subtle' dig.  I do enjoy them.

im so happy that halo 3 is SUCH a better game than killzone 2... i really am... truly. i HATED halo 3 ;)

Halo 3 is Great amazing superb!! i hope K2 is the biggest croc of ^&*( to hit the fps genre/ps3 ever, cuz that will mean that ill absolutely love it, it will be the exact opposite of halo 3, HOORAY FOR US K2 FANBOYS!!!!


CGI-Quality said:
@ Mirson

Like I said, that's trolling.
What does Halo 3 have to do with a KZ2 Preorders thread?!


Just what you would think.  He's trying to state that an Xbox 360 game is more popular than a PS3 game.  What else would he be trying to prove?  And yes, it is trolling.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


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mike_intellivision said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ mike

What it does is ready the franchise for frontloaded sales, AND the potential for sequels to sell even more, think WoW, Gears 2, or Halo 3! Look at how frontloaded they ALL were, and you can bet your spleen that they'll ALL have midnght openings for their next iterations. In this case, it helps KZ2 make nicer sales, IMO, and probably assure KZ3 Midnight Launchs.


But if it going to sell the same number of games that first day/week -- through advanced sales -- why should the store open up at midnight, have to spend money on labor (or reallocate it) and utilities just to make customers who have already agreed to buy the game happy?


Of course, if there was not a midnight opening and a 24-hour store had the game that I really wanted, I might go there instead. So I may have just answered my own question.


Mike from Morgantown


well id say its not that bad a deal for the gamestore thats doing the midnight launch...  the only one that has occasional midnightlaunches around here is gamestop so take them for example

like you said alot of people aready pre ordered it... many of them preordered with the idea that in doing so they will be getting the game earlier and if you pre order at gamestop you can expect them to do such a thing with every major game

and because that that people pre ordered in the first place.. because they expect a midnight launch

another point is free advertising for the game.. and more importantely your store...  its not unusual for midnight launches here in germany to get a lot of media attention .. so this way people will hear about your store and the game ..and everything that has a midnight launch is instantly considered to be something big

so you cant see it like ..  a service sorely for those who already pre ordered and decided to buy it .. but more of a way to bring attention to you and the game you selll to the public

and furthermore if you get to sell the game before the other retailers you gain an edge in the competion... since  the price being nearly the same everywhere you have to ensure that the customer buys from you


terislb said:
mike_intellivision said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ mike

What it does is ready the franchise for frontloaded sales, AND the potential for sequels to sell even more, think WoW, Gears 2, or Halo 3! Look at how frontloaded they ALL were, and you can bet your spleen that they'll ALL have midnght openings for their next iterations. In this case, it helps KZ2 make nicer sales, IMO, and probably assure KZ3 Midnight Launchs.


But if it going to sell the same number of games that first day/week -- through advanced sales -- why should the store open up at midnight, have to spend money on labor (or reallocate it) and utilities just to make customers who have already agreed to buy the game happy?


Of course, if there was not a midnight opening and a 24-hour store had the game that I really wanted, I might go there instead. So I may have just answered my own question.


Mike from Morgantown


well id say its not that bad a deal for the gamestore thats doing the midnight launch...  the only one that has occasional midnightlaunches around here is gamestop so take them for example

like you said alot of people aready pre ordered it... many of them preordered with the idea that in doing so they will be getting the game earlier and if you pre order at gamestop you can expect them to do such a thing with every major game

and because that that people pre ordered in the first place.. because they expect a midnight launch

another point is free advertising for the game.. and more importantely your store...  its not unusual for midnight launches here in germany to get a lot of media attention .. so this way people will hear about your store and the game ..and everything that has a midnight launch is instantly considered to be something big

so you cant see it like ..  a service sorely for those who already pre ordered and decided to buy it .. but more of a way to bring attention to you and the game you selll to the public

and furthermore if you get to sell the game before the other retailers you gain an edge in the competion... since  the price being nearly the same everywhere you have to ensure that the customer buys from you



I had not thought of the PR part of it. Of course, if they become too common they are no longer news worthy. Still, the word of mouth advertising that it generates has got to be good.


I guess because I try to be in asleep by midnight that I don't think of these things anymore.


Mike from Morgantown



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I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

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Quartz said:
I wonder how much teasing and crying there would be if Killzone 2 managed to/not to outsell Gears 2 in the first week.

I'm not looking forward to this...(The amount of possible flaming).

Oh come one that will be great :)

That's the only reason why I'm interested in sales of it (since i don't care about FPS that can't be played without M+K).

But just thinking about how many people would be in denial if it outsold GoW makes me hoping it will happen :)



midnight launching yes no yes no yes.

yes it is. then will see is possible to.

ps its hard to sell the same when it launches on a friday and not a tuesday.

still day one sales at a half million would be great IMO and 2 million in the first month would be good.

if it ends up up with 3-4 million lifetime they would be happy and count that as a success.