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Forums - Sony Discussion - How Far Have The Playstation 3's Graphics Progressed Since Its Launch

KLucifer said:
KylieDog said:
KZ2 isn't a good example seeing as it sacrifices fast responsive controls to achieve those visuals.

R1 vs R2 would have been better.


you must be kidding about the sacrificing fast responsive was purposefully done that way to add sense of weight...also to movement as well...nothing to do with sacrificing anything for visuals....

I'm fairly certain that games like Halo and Call of duty have created a sense of weight without sacrificing movement speed. In real life, you certainly would run slower if you're wearing heavy protective gear, but I doubt it'll have the same impact as you moving your head/arms/gun to your left or right. So no, it wasn't added for a sense of weight.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the article was trying to prove, I could have come up with better and more relevant examples (people have been saying R1 and R2, which is a big omission in my opinion).

Also, I'm fairly certain that the same can be said about the Wii and 360. I agree with Kantor, except:

"Yes, every console's graphics improve over time. I don't see why the PS3 needs an article or thread about it"

Finally, I disagree with the closing paragraph of the article, Uncharted is still the benchmark for the PS3, Killzone 2 might create a more gripping and immersive experience (and perhaps even be a better game), when Drake and Sev are standing still in game so that the only things that matter are lighting, draw distance and textures, I guarantee that Uncharted kills killzone 2 visually.

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It is obvious, but it is odd to think that we are going to see better looking games than God of War 3 and Uncharted 2, which I think are better looking than Killzone 2. Evan Wells, head of ND, said that he expects to see the same sort of jump this generation as he did last generation, so Uncharted 3 should look seriously impressive

KLucifer said:
KylieDog said:
KZ2 isn't a good example seeing as it sacrifices fast responsive controls to achieve those visuals.

R1 vs R2 would have been better.


you must be kidding about the sacrificing fast responsive was purposefully done that way to add sense of weight...also to movement as well...nothing to do with sacrificing anything for visuals....

based on post history I'm going to go out on a limb and say it wasn't a joke.

Personally, I think it was done to increase accuracy in shooting as far as aiming goes.  It takes more subtle movements to aim.  Turning, I'll agree that weight is the reason.

Either way, those factors do not effect visuals at all.


Kantor said:
FKNetwork said:
Kantor said:
Yes, every console's graphics improve over time. I don't see why the PS3 should be an exception.

I totally agree!

If anything I would say the 360 and Wii have improved a lot more since release than the PS3, the only thing on PS3 that looks amazing (which is out to buy right now) is KZ2, if it wasn't for this title I wouldn't say the system improved that much at all since it was released and I own a PS3 (and games! amazing I know!) so not being a fanboy about it,

And half of those comparisons the OP posted also apply to the 360 with games such as Fifa 07/09, Soul Calibur 4/Virtual Fighter 5, these are on the 360 and look/run the same (or slightly better) on the 360, all sequels no matter what console they are on should ALWAYS look better, if they don't there is a serious problem somewhere!


I personally think if someone made a Wii and 360 thread showing the improvements made since release it would be a lot more impressive than this PS3 thread, just my view so don't shoot me!


Only because the PS3 launch titles looked so damned awesome. The Wii launch titles, in my opinion, were hideous. It's improved a lot.

I wasn't impressed by any of the PS3 Launch titles to be honest, that's why I waited before buying my PS3, then again, the 360 and wii's launch titles wasn't great either but I was more impressed with the 360 than the ps3's launch titles (maybe because it was the first next gen to the market?), I remember playing PGR3 for the first time, OMG!!!


Don't forget people we're comparing launch titles to the best titles the PS3 has to offer to see the differences so it's all fair.

Also add some comparisons if you want here's another one:

Genji: Days of the Blade


God of War III

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Is it just me or did I not see much improvement at all using those screenshots. They probably should have picked some better ones if they wanted to show improvements from Resistance to Killzone 2.

I actually think the Ridge Racer 5 pic looks better since the GT5P looks too matte/plastic.

I don't see any real difference between the Sonic and Ratchet pictures. Only very subtle differences in Fifa 09. I can't really see anything in the Virtua Fighter/Soul Calibur shots to compare to (used completely different levels and characters), so they mostly look the same.

That's the issue with these kinds of comparisons. The images are too small and they're usually crap.

Not very far at all.

Yea, good progession

IllegalPaladin said:

That's the issue with these kinds of comparisons. The images are too small and they're usually crap.

Agreed.  The only way to get a good comparison is to watch side by side HD video in actual HD quality.