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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Eurogamer Hammers Fear 2: 5/10

Solid_Raiden said:
Shadowblind said:

I liked the FEAR 2 Demo more then Killzone 2, but I have personal reasons for this:

1.) Monolith is up and away one of my favorite devs of all time. I liked Fear 1 and Condemned 1, and absolutely loved Condemned 2. FEAR 2 felt like it, sort of.

2.) Survival Horror is my favorite genre( if done right)

3.) Being a psychotic sniper, I couldn't stand Killzone 2's controls. Too hard to get a headshot.

Doesn't mean Killzone 2 is a bad game by any means, and I thought the demo wasn't that bad either.

Remember though guys, like me and you disolitude has  right to his own opinion, no matter how it sounds to you personally.


 I have no problem with anyone having their own opinion. I don't believe I've said anything to you or anyone else preffering Fear 2 over killzone 2 or any other game. In fact I've made multiple posts in Fear 2  threads giving my own opinion without ever questioning anyone elses. As long as you keep fanboy comments out of it, I'm all for difference in opinions. But you can't say that Disolitude has not shown fanboyism here. He said he'd prefer a game to something that not only can he not play but he hasn't even played the demo to compare I'm sure. In additon to downplaying another game he can't play and hasn't experianced. What is the point in that other then to stealth attack PS3 owners? Compare to something you can actually play and experiance! He has shown a history of downplaying ps3 games for no reason other then fanboyism and this is no different.


 Point taken. BTW, are you posting from the PS3 browser? Spaces would be nice,  :P

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Can you play it non-letterboxed in the final PC version? I felt like space was wasted on my screen when the non-widescreen resolutions had letterboxes. What's worse was that the hud felt too cluttered, like even more space was wasted.

Solid_Raiden said:


 I have no problem with anyone having their own opinion. I don't believe I've said anything to you or anyone else preffering Fear 2 over killzone 2 or any other game. In fact I've made multiple posts in Fear 2  threads giving my own opinion without ever questioning anyone elses. As long as you keep fanboy comments out of it, I'm all for difference in opinions. But you can't say that Disolitude has not shown fanboyism here. He said he'd prefer a game to something that not only can he not play but he hasn't even played the demo to compare I'm sure. In additon to downplaying another game he can't play and hasn't experianced. What is the point in that other then to stealth attack PS3 owners? Compare to something you can actually play and experiance! He has shown a history of downplaying ps3 games for no reason other then fanboyism and this is no different.


 You need to work on your listening/reading skills.

I OWNED A PS3! I PLAYED MGS4 BEGINNING TO END! along with a few other games.

Also, you coming in this thread at this point and yelling FOUL! is very comical since you absolutely have no idea whats going on.

The reason why I mentioned I'd rather play FEAR 2 than Killzone 2 is because me and Spartan have been going back and forth on these 2 games for a while. He doesn't give 2 shits about FEAR 2...he cant even write it properly (Its not Fear2...its F.E.A.R...but if thats too hard FEAR should do). He jsut wants to make it look inferior to Killzone 2 every chance he has.  My previous post was directed strictly at him saying, yes, FEAR 2 may have gotten a bad review from Eurogamer, but I still want to play it more than Killzone 2. Nothing wrong with that...

disolitude said:
Solid_Raiden said:
Wow. Your such a damn fanboy Disolitude. You downplay Killzone 2 without even playing the demo I'm sure. And then join the bandwagon of other xbots saying the demo wasn't impressive and Killzone is overrated (1) but then complain when users judge Fear 2 by the demo. Your a hypocrite and I don't need to know your life story to tell that, I can see it clearly enough from your post history. I am renting Fear 2, have actually played the demo, thought it played medicore but had increadible atmosphere and would even buy it if Killzone 2 wasn't coming out but because it is I won't get enough value out of Fear 2 to warrant a buy. Seriously, comments like "I'd rather play Alone in the Dark then MGS4" are just plain retarded because you can't play MGS4, you don't own a PS3 and have downplayed every exclusive release to come from the system.(2) I understand that people have their own opinion which is great if it wasn't covered in biased turds like yours. Enjoy any game you want, really do. But don't be such a troll about it.(3)

1. Complete lie. Never said Killzone 2 demo wasn't impressive. Post a link to me saying this or admit you made it up please.

I did some research and it seems I confused you with another member. I could have sworn it was you but it does look like I was completely wrong and for that I do apologize. Along with that goes mostly all reason for my entire post so I sincerely apologize for the entire post. Oops. :/

2. Since you are a new member I don't hold it against you for not knowing but I actually bought a PS3 last May just to play MGS4. I owned it for 3 months and have played Resistance, Uncharted and Haze during that timeframe. I made a post saying how I don't like MGS4 and how I'm enjoying alone in the dark more than watching that interactive movie, hence why Spartan brought that up. He did his homework...and my opinion on that is still the same. Uncharted was great and Mortal Kombat 2 on PSn kicks ass...but overall my PS3 experiene was pretty dry so I sold it.

Again, I apologize. Misinformation. I don't know who I got you confused with.

3. I have been a member here for well over a year and have not been banned once. Therefore your argument and calling me a troll holds no water. Trolls eventually get the ban hammer even if they were members on the site forever. Just ask Tres Tres.

I do still think it's wrong to draw comparisons to games you can't play for yourself. Why compare it to Killzone 2? Have you played the demo? Better yet, have you played both games? There are plenty of games on the 360 to draw comparisons to. Still I can't help but feel like an ass after the mix up so I'm going to drop it and walk the walk of shame.


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ps3 browser

its a shame you returned your ps3 since you left out a few titles. should have made the most of it when you had it. r2, hvb, gt5p, lbp, sshd and a few others would have kept you going.

ot: why are we discussing fanboyism when we should be discussing the low score from eurogamer?

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I want to play Killzone 2...very much so. It will be first game tht I get for my ps3 when Sony gives a price cut.

I just had a problem with Spartan making this thread since he really doesn't care about FEAR 2. But nevertheless, I should have been more argumenttive...I mean, every game gets a few bad reviews no matter how good it is and that Eurogamer review sounds like a bitter fanboy gamer wishing FEAR 2 was FEAR 1.

@Fei-Hung - Ill get ps3 again hen they lower the price. I jsut refuse to pay premium for something I don't want (bluray) I think its a sound strategy since I'm letting game pile up that I want to play. I mean, Resistance 2, LBP, Killzon 2...all games id like to play.

disolitude said:
Solid_Raiden said:


 I have no problem with anyone having their own opinion. I don't believe I've said anything to you or anyone else preffering Fear 2 over killzone 2 or any other game. In fact I've made multiple posts in Fear 2  threads giving my own opinion without ever questioning anyone elses. As long as you keep fanboy comments out of it, I'm all for difference in opinions. But you can't say that Disolitude has not shown fanboyism here. He said he'd prefer a game to something that not only can he not play but he hasn't even played the demo to compare I'm sure. In additon to downplaying another game he can't play and hasn't experianced. What is the point in that other then to stealth attack PS3 owners? Compare to something you can actually play and experiance! He has shown a history of downplaying ps3 games for no reason other then fanboyism and this is no different.


 You need to work on your listening/reading skills.

I OWNED A PS3! I PLAYED MGS4 BEGINNING TO END! along with a few other games.

Also, you coming in this thread at this point and yelling FOUL! is very comical since you absolutely have no idea whats going on.

The reason why I mentioned I'd rather play FEAR 2 than Killzone 2 is because me and Spartan have been going back and forth on these 2 games for a while. He doesn't give 2 shits about FEAR 2...he cant even write it properly (Its not Fear2...its F.E.A.R...but if thats too hard FEAR should do). He jsut wants to make it look inferior to Killzone 2 every chance he has.  My previous post was directed strictly at him saying, yes, FEAR 2 may have gotten a bad review from Eurogamer, but I still want to play it more than Killzone 2. Nothing wrong with that...

I made my second post before ever reading yours. Sorry. FEAR 2 may have been "hammered" by Eurogamer but Killzone 2 was "hammered" by Edge. Regardless, I think both games will be amazing and for completely different reasons. Had FEAR 2 been released any other month it probably would have recieved a buy instead of a rent from me. I thought FEAR was just OK but that was because I played it on 360 instead of PC when it released, I hated listening to messages to piece together the story and most importantly it wasn't scary enough. The sequal seems to add much more "fear" into the title so I'm stoked. Why people continue to rag on both games is beyond me.


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Eurogamer and Edge both seem to take innovation into their scores far more than anyone else, so it's fairly normal for one of them to slam a game that has been getting generally positive reviews before that.


Fei-Hung said:
ps3 browser

its a shame you returned your ps3 since you left out a few titles. should have made the most of it when you had it. r2, hvb, gt5p, lbp, sshd and a few others would have kept you going.

ot: why are we discussing fanboyism when we should be discussing the low score from eurogamer?


 Heck if I know. I was told this by this guy:

Seems hypocritical if your using it now. 

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

@ solid_raiden

Lol, we're like 1 post behind each other.