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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo wars is horrible

scottie said:
So you're saying that 0.810 metacritic user score is actually not from trolls :P

I kid, I kid


no ,the haze 6.8/10 and the lair  6.2/10 is  made by trolls.....


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Shadowblind said:

I think I was playing it wrong; but the first level in the demo, when the prophet instantly attacks your are you supposed to build up defenses before it gets there? I made one tank looking thing that fought with it for a while, but it ended up killing it and my warthogs :/

Um what Demo are you playing? The first level your in a Warthog trying to rescue soliders, and eventually take back Alpha base. There is no Prophet in that. There is a prophet in Skirmish mode, which is you vs the computer in death match. If you only built a tank then you are doing something very wrong. Maybe you should check out the tutorial, and advanced tutorial. 



horrible is the new awesome.

The demo looks and plays great and it's fun. Any fans of RTS' and Halo will enjoy it.

__XBrawlX__ said:
Way to elaborate...



I just downloaded it so I'll play it tomorrow. RTS is tough on a console but it can be done. Tom Clancy's Endwar turned out well.

You can not base a game on the demo though. The Killzone 2 demo isn't the greatest but it still looks like a great game.

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@ The OP.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The problem here is your opinion is wrong.



Who cares? We all know RTSs on consoles are shit. You knew it was coming.

Please elaborate. I didn't think it to be that bad though AoE surpasses it by far. I wish MS would include mouse support in a future update. This would help greatly.

Solid_Raiden said:
I can't say I agree. It has great controls for a console RTS. That being said, it fails in comparison to almost ANY RTS on PC in my opinion. So I don't see any reason to buy a game that has been done so much better before. Unless of course you love the Halo cannon, which I don't. Saying it's a horrible game is just plain wrong though. It's far from it. At least this is my opinion.


Well said, I couldnt agree more.


  Tifa got MOVES!

AliveFE said:

i just finished the halo wars demo, and wow, it's horrible. I've never played a rts game on a consle before, and i'm surprised about how much rts games rely on mouse and keyboard controls.

What I find funny is - the OP hasn't made a peep.

We are waiting to see what you didn't like about it. We don't bite - well, sometimes Fungku Jesus but only if you cuss him out.