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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FPS haters due to dual analog control!

Cheebee said:

Well, it's a -fact- that FPS games control better on Wii, and on a PC, for that matter. Anyone claiming any different is just a biased fanboy. You can -like- dual analog controls, but saying they're better than IR pointer motion controls is just plain silly. Yes you can be extremely skilled with dual analog, but the simple truth is that Wii's FPS controls (if done right), are just superior.
And I totally agree with dark_gh0st_b0y in saying that the HD consoles' dual analog FPS controls are more outdated than Wii's graphical capabilities.
The rabids fanboys can flame all they want, I don't care, it's just a truth that can't be denied.


Fact =/= Opinion


I don't like Dual Analogs and like the Wiimote for FPS games but even I find this ridiculous.

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Cheebee said:
No, Torillian, you show me proof they're not superior. If I really, truly have to explain to anyone why pixel-perfect Wii or PC controls are superior to old analog controls, they had better educate themselves first.


You're the one who made the idea that there is undeniable evidence that Wiimote is superior and should be preferred by everyone.  All I'm saying is that the control methods are comparable and it all comes down to preference, and people who refuse to believe that someone would prefer a gamepad are just giving too much stock to their own opinion instead of reailizing that people have their own. 

Wii is not pixel-perfect either, that's a load of crap.


Aww. Wii fans are so cute. "Wiimote is superior, prove me wrong!!1". Too bad that is an opinion, not a fact. You are just being a whiny little snob.

I think what sold me on purchasing the Wii, was when I heard that in Zelda I could point to objects with my bow and arrow. It always frustrated me in older Zelda games having to ride Epona with little control and point an arrow at the same time. It took time to get the knack of but it always felt klunky. When I tried Twilight Princess I was happy, and the controls have suited me in a dozen other games since. For me Dual-Analog always felt imprecise.

IR pointer > Mouse > Single Analog > Dual Analog

It's not really opinion.

More accurate controls > Less accurate controls

You can still have a preference for tank controls over wii-mote but that doesn't make your preference more accurate.

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Grampy said:
Barozi said:
I love it when Wii fanboys (and yeah I've spotted at least 2 of them here) claim the superiority of the Wii controls in shooters.

In fact it might be even true, but it's always coming from guys who suck at playing FPS with normal controlers.

Just accept it that there are MANY gamers who could kick your asses in every FPS. (I'm not denying that the average Wii gamer is probably able to beat an average PS360 gamer)

If you're counting me in your group of analog wanabees I'm afraid you are mistaken. Do you remember the final scene of Quigley Down Under when Tom Selleck has gunned down the three men who figured he was helpless without his preferred rifle. Standing over one of his surprised dying victims he says "I said I never had much use for them, I never said I couldn't use one".

I've played countless hours of FPS with dual analog controllers and I was perfectly competent with them. Since there was no online play it wasn't possible to test my skills on today's level but among my peers I certainly held my own. I never particularly liked the controllers even then, which is why I switched to the PC. I preferred, first the mouse and keyboard and later the Belkin specialized FPS hand controller.  I played a LOT of Call of Duty 1,2 and United Offensive and did fairly well.

I am now playing CoD WaW on the Wii and looking forward to Conduit and the other games down the road. Having played all of the different methods, I personally am sold that the Wii is far better than any other control system with the exception of the future Motion Plus.

Does that make me a fanboy? I don't think so. It's just my opinion. If you prefer the Xbox360 or the PS3 because the controls are familiar to you or the HD graphics are important to your game experience, it's fine by me. Have fun and don't be so quick to be dismissive of those whose taste happens to be different.

I wasn't referring to you when I said Wii fanboy. Besides that. You aren't the kind of person, who just creates a thread to hate on control schemes are you ?

It's just annoying when suddenly someone pops up and says: "dual analog controls are shit - Wii controls are far superior. If I had the chance to play a FPS with Wii controls against you with a PS360 controller, you will automatically fail."

They are deniying that there are a lot of people who are very accurate with a normal controller.

Yes, that's what I said, you can -prefer- dual analog controls. There's nothing wrong with that. So what if people really like them and don't want to try PC/Wii controls. No biggie. I'm not trying to force those people to sell their HD consoles and get a Wii or play their games on a PC. Come on.

But claiming those outdated controls are -better- than PC/Wii controls is just awkward. Come on. On PC and Wii, it's possible to aim more precise in a much faster way. YES, that will take some getting used to, YES you will have to practice. But that's even more so with dual analog. Or anyone wanna tell me they were a FPS pro right off the bat when trying out dual analog controls for the first time.
And I'll reiterate this: I am NOT suggesting people can't like dual anlog controls or that you can't be a really good FPS player with them. If people like those controls, FINE!

Bit, if anyone really can't see, or rather, doesn't -want- to see that IR motion/mouse pointer controls are a faster, more precise and intuitive way to play FPS games, then oh well. I personally don't care. At all. Have fun next generation, I can guarantee right here and now that both Microsoft and Sony will adopt this new style of control, and all those great 'hardcore' HD FPS franchises will all use IR pointer controls, and dual analog will be a thing of the past.

Also, what Pyro as Bill said. You can prefer a Honda that can go 100 mph, but at the same time you can't deny that a Ferrari that can go 200 mph is faster. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. (And please, for the love of God, people, this is just an example)

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Euphoria14 said:
Anyone tried the Nyko Perfect Shot yet?

Should I get that for Wii FPS games or the WiiZapper?

It's a matter of the game and/or personal taste. I own both and use both. The Perfect Shot is faster and gives you the nunchuck in your other hand for movement.

At other times I prefer the zapper because it holds the nunchuck freeing your hand to operate buttons as required. Also I find it more satisfying for games like CoD WaW where it gives the tactile feel of a Tommy gun.

They are cheap enough that it's not unreasonable to have both especially since you'll proabaly only need one of each.

Cheebee said:


Also, what Pyro as Bill said. You can prefer a Honda that can go 100 mph, but at the same time you can't deny that a Ferrari that can go 200 mph is faster. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. (And please, for the love of God, people, this is just an example)

Interesting example. But what happens if I had a tuned Honda that can go 210mph ? :D

I love dual joysticks because I'm good with them.

PC gamers hate dual joysticks because they suck with them and they can only handle pointing with the mouse.

I've never played a FPS on the wii but I hate motion controls.