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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Resident Evil 5 Hidden Message for - Something happening 1-30-09

ameratsu said:
ymeaga1n said:
indodude said:
Hammer-of-Dawn said:
hopefully 360 version gets exclusive content......we dont want PS3 copies being sold now do we?


 This is sad if this is not sarcasm...

Why cuz you have a PS3? Sorry man, sometimes you just end up betting on the wrong horse. 



This is the sort of thing that sucks about online gaming discussion. For so many people, it just comes down to system wars. Nothing else matters, it's just them trying to convince themselves that they made the best purchase.

Day 1 DLC is stupid. If nothing else, it exists to nickel and dime consumers for content that should be included in the purchase price. If Microsoft or Sony really cared they'd include it on the disc, period. Just recently, there was DLC for a PS3 game (don't remember which) that cost money just to unlock all the content in the game without playing it. Um.. it's called cheat codes.


Maybe you should read my post further up and mrstickballs post. I see your argument against day 1 DLC (which i've never even seen) but what is your opinion on DLC that comes out 6 months or a year after release?


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ymeaga1n said:
papflesje said:

Each and every time that people defend a console, someone answers "it's just a company, they're out to get money, nothing more". 

Yet, you are now stating that MS is doing this to create "a better experience for our fans"?  LOL.  They are doing this to get more cash into their own pockets, even if it means spending a bit more to get it.  Doing it for their fans?  Pft.  Those fans are the ones paying the money.  What would help to get those fans to spend their money?  Maybe DLC, okay, let's do that and get some more money out of their pocket.

It's some cute, cuddly intervention on MS' part to give their fans a better experience....unless their fans are willing to fork over their money.

Same goes for Sony and exclusive content for multiplats (yay for stupid time trials in Mirror's Edge).



I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to argue. I keep rereading the bolded part and am clueless as to what you're trying to say. It sounds like you're trying to paint MS as a money hog and they're only funding DLC because they want to make more money. While conveniently forgetting that customers aren't forced to buy the DLC, they only buy it if they want to.

There is a correlation between people spending money on xbox products and MS "giving a better experience for our fans" (in the form of DLC). People aren't going to buy the DLC UNLESS they feel it makes the gaming experience better for them. We're xbox owners, not apple fanatics. And really, who gives a shit. If I love a game and exclusive DLC is released for it, EVEN FUCKING BETTER FOR ME! I'm supposed to be mad at MS for trying to make money by offering EXTRA gameplay long after the game has been released? If I don't care much for the game, I don't have to buy the DLC and I'm still a happy camper.



It must feel better when the DLC is exclusive so you can come to vgc to tell Rock_on, "hey, I got DLC and you didn't...take that!"


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

ymeaga1n said:
ameratsu said:
ymeaga1n said:
indodude said:
Hammer-of-Dawn said:
hopefully 360 version gets exclusive content......we dont want PS3 copies being sold now do we?


 This is sad if this is not sarcasm...

Why cuz you have a PS3? Sorry man, sometimes you just end up betting on the wrong horse. 



This is the sort of thing that sucks about online gaming discussion. For so many people, it just comes down to system wars. Nothing else matters, it's just them trying to convince themselves that they made the best purchase.

Day 1 DLC is stupid. If nothing else, it exists to nickel and dime consumers for content that should be included in the purchase price. If Microsoft or Sony really cared they'd include it on the disc, period. Just recently, there was DLC for a PS3 game (don't remember which) that cost money just to unlock all the content in the game without playing it. Um.. it's called cheat codes.


Maybe you should read my post further up and mrstickballs post. I see your argument against day 1 DLC (which i've never even seen) but what is your opinion on DLC that comes out 6 months or a year after release?


I got his point. Some DLC (think GTA:L&D, Valkyria chronicles Selvaria dlc) were obviously made after the game's completion and thats fine. But when you have something like Scamco's Star wars character gaffe, it's a cause for concern. They expected me to pay an extra $4.99 to play as Yoda who was obviously already on the disc. I had to vote a hell no with my wallet and I suggest many of you who feel the same should do the same.

In the case of RE5, if capcom is locking parts of the game to sell as dlc, I don't think you should be too happy about it unless games are not expensive enough for you. In my case, I ceased to care about RE when it became another shooter so I couldn't care less.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

KylieDog said:

Exclusive DLC in general sucks though, make games exclusive, fine, DO NOT make DLC exclusive.


My thoughts exactly. Content already on the disc sold as DLC also sucks.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

will be interested too see what this is all about.





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mrstickball said:
papflesje said:

Each and every time that people defend a console, someone answers "it's just a company, they're out to get money, nothing more". 

Yet, you are now stating that MS is doing this to create "a better experience for our fans"?  LOL.  They are doing this to get more cash into their own pockets, even if it means spending a bit more to get it.  Doing it for their fans?  Pft.  Those fans are the ones paying the money.  What would help to get those fans to spend their money?  Maybe DLC, okay, let's do that and get some more money out of their pocket.

It's some cute, cuddly intervention on MS' part to give their fans a better experience....unless their fans are willing to fork over their money.

Same goes for Sony and exclusive content for multiplats (yay for stupid time trials in Mirror's Edge).

Yeah, I guess your right. Sony has no desire to either earn money, nor give their fans more than a half-assed experience.

Money talks. Of course MS wants to earn more money so they buy up DLC. That's the name of the game. But as a X360 gamer, I'm benefitting immensely from what Microsoft has done. They've taken a console (the Xbox) which was pretty soft on it's game lineup, and turned the 360 into the best console on the market, with a stronger lineup than either the Wii or PS3. And at a price that's lower than both.

Even if MS isn't doing it for the fans, at least the fans are reaping massive rewards in the process. A $200 Xbox 360 gets you a crap load of gaming goodness, and a company that may have bad underlying motivations, but is still committed to their gamer base.

After all, Sony doesn't seem like it's given a rats behind about the consumer this entire generation. So I guess that even if Sony was 'for the fans', they show it in such a horrible way that you really can't tell. You can't say your for the fans when you've let 95% of your exclusive games go to a company you outsold 7:1 worldwide with your last system.



Now you're just placing words in my mouth and using it to bash.

MS and Sony are both in it for the money, that's something that everyone will acknowledge.

Sony has not been doing the MS-tactic of buying DLC or getting an agreement for this (let's admit it, money has to be given for a company usually to go DLC without making it multiplat), since we all know they are in a weak financial state.  They cannot spend the money, even though they can guess that it'll bring in more money.

MS can do this because they have deeper pockets and their higher sales + higher income stream (live and such) gives them an easier chance to earn back the money.

That the fans benefit from this, is a side effect, which is something they can market and something they can say, but which holds little to no reality for them.  That the fans are happy, creates an easier environment to get money out of them.

It's really pathetic and weak to turn those words into "yeah, Sony is the one who doesn't care about their fans, because they give them an half-assed experience".


First it was that MS gave the fans even more, now it's that sony isn't willing to give their fans the complete experience.
Pathetic from your side, mrstickball.

Let's turn it around:  Sony cares about their fans, since they have a massive first and second party developer crew, churning out massive games each year.  MS doesn't care about their fans since they scratch those developers out of their company.  Foo-ey on MS.   Also stupid statement, also bolony.

prolly a special wallpaper for 120 MS Points.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

ymeaga1n said:
These comments against MS getting exclusive DLC are the stupidest arguments I have ever seen. They are competitors.

And do you really think dev are making exclusive DLC for the xbox out of the kindness of their heart? Not MS or dev problem if sony isn't getting the DLC, that sony's problem. Maybe you should be pissed off at sony for fucking up so badly.

Totally agree, If sony spent some cash rather than ripping their fans off maybe the PS3 would start getting extra content too.

The 360 is getting exclusive content for almost all new multiplatform games now, fallout 3, gta4, tomb raider, RE5, street fighter 4, the list goes on, the only people complaining are sony fanboys lmao


papflesje said:

Now you're just placing words in my mouth and using it to bash.

MS and Sony are both in it for the money, that's something that everyone will acknowledge.

Sony has not been doing the MS-tactic of buying DLC or getting an agreement for this (let's admit it, money has to be given for a company usually to go DLC without making it multiplat), since we all know they are in a weak financial state.  They cannot spend the money, even though they can guess that it'll bring in more money.

MS can do this because they have deeper pockets and their higher sales + higher income stream (live and such) gives them an easier chance to earn back the money.

That the fans benefit from this, is a side effect, which is something they can market and something they can say, but which holds little to no reality for them.  That the fans are happy, creates an easier environment to get money out of them.

It's really pathetic and weak to turn those words into "yeah, Sony is the one who doesn't care about their fans, because they give them an half-assed experience".


First it was that MS gave the fans even more, now it's that sony isn't willing to give their fans the complete experience.
Pathetic from your side, mrstickball.

Let's turn it around:  Sony cares about their fans, since they have a massive first and second party developer crew, churning out massive games each year.  MS doesn't care about their fans since they scratch those developers out of their company.  Foo-ey on MS.   Also stupid statement, also bolony.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth. Just argue the point for Sony. If you are getting upset at what MS is doing (which is why you've responded negatively to what MS is doing - getting exclusive DLC), then why not argue the point that MS is choosing to give their players a better experience? It's not unlikely that Sony could contract Capcom out to get their own exclusive scenarios in DLC for Resident Evil 5, but are choosing, either by intention or lack of money, not to.

Does Sony care about their fans? Their track record is pretty bad this gen. First they force them to adopt to a next-gen optical format that adds $200 to the system price, then they become so smug as to give them a horrible software lineup for the first 16 months of the console's life, then they remove critical features like Backwards Compatability from every device. That's not a lot of fanservice, is it?

Sony has better studios than MS. Problem is there have been 3 decent IPs to come out as 1st party exclusives - Resistance 1/2, Motorstorm, and LittleBigPlanet. That's really not a lot of 1st party titles to boast about...Is it? I mean, maybe if you were used to what the Sega Saturn got in the way of exclusives, you'll be fine with it, but the average gamer that adopted the PS1/2 en-mass the past 2 generations didn't enjoy it. Which is probably why few have chosen to adopt the big black whale-esque box called the Playstation 3.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Commando said:
prolly a special wallpaper for 120 MS Points.

Thats what it is looking like.