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mrstickball said:
papflesje said:

Each and every time that people defend a console, someone answers "it's just a company, they're out to get money, nothing more". 

Yet, you are now stating that MS is doing this to create "a better experience for our fans"?  LOL.  They are doing this to get more cash into their own pockets, even if it means spending a bit more to get it.  Doing it for their fans?  Pft.  Those fans are the ones paying the money.  What would help to get those fans to spend their money?  Maybe DLC, okay, let's do that and get some more money out of their pocket.

It's some cute, cuddly intervention on MS' part to give their fans a better experience....unless their fans are willing to fork over their money.

Same goes for Sony and exclusive content for multiplats (yay for stupid time trials in Mirror's Edge).

Yeah, I guess your right. Sony has no desire to either earn money, nor give their fans more than a half-assed experience.

Money talks. Of course MS wants to earn more money so they buy up DLC. That's the name of the game. But as a X360 gamer, I'm benefitting immensely from what Microsoft has done. They've taken a console (the Xbox) which was pretty soft on it's game lineup, and turned the 360 into the best console on the market, with a stronger lineup than either the Wii or PS3. And at a price that's lower than both.

Even if MS isn't doing it for the fans, at least the fans are reaping massive rewards in the process. A $200 Xbox 360 gets you a crap load of gaming goodness, and a company that may have bad underlying motivations, but is still committed to their gamer base.

After all, Sony doesn't seem like it's given a rats behind about the consumer this entire generation. So I guess that even if Sony was 'for the fans', they show it in such a horrible way that you really can't tell. You can't say your for the fans when you've let 95% of your exclusive games go to a company you outsold 7:1 worldwide with your last system.



Now you're just placing words in my mouth and using it to bash.

MS and Sony are both in it for the money, that's something that everyone will acknowledge.

Sony has not been doing the MS-tactic of buying DLC or getting an agreement for this (let's admit it, money has to be given for a company usually to go DLC without making it multiplat), since we all know they are in a weak financial state.  They cannot spend the money, even though they can guess that it'll bring in more money.

MS can do this because they have deeper pockets and their higher sales + higher income stream (live and such) gives them an easier chance to earn back the money.

That the fans benefit from this, is a side effect, which is something they can market and something they can say, but which holds little to no reality for them.  That the fans are happy, creates an easier environment to get money out of them.

It's really pathetic and weak to turn those words into "yeah, Sony is the one who doesn't care about their fans, because they give them an half-assed experience".


First it was that MS gave the fans even more, now it's that sony isn't willing to give their fans the complete experience.
Pathetic from your side, mrstickball.

Let's turn it around:  Sony cares about their fans, since they have a massive first and second party developer crew, churning out massive games each year.  MS doesn't care about their fans since they scratch those developers out of their company.  Foo-ey on MS.   Also stupid statement, also bolony.