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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Core Gamers are disappointed with Nintendo

Esa-Petteri said:
So.. now maelstrom is not your hero anymore? :O


Please change your sig.  

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I actually agree with this article, but for me, the wii was what I wanted.

The Snes was the first console I had, and i still love it, the 64 had that is about it, it was fun, but it's a niche that with time is less and less impressive.
I personally never really liked Mario 64...I missed the 2-D versions.

The game cube, to me, was even less great, though still good, but by then I wanted to look at the competition, and I did, it had more games.

The Wii actually impressed me, and still dose, the motion controls are different and enjoyable, and the game line up(so far) is okay, but with games like NMH, and the virtual console(where I learned that the Turbo Graphix 16 is the greatest thing ever)

Next years one up looks very good, ut its the start of the Wii's 3rd year, and with most Nintendo consoles that is when things start to pick up!

So I agree with this article completely, I have bought all the consoles since the 64(took me 7 months to save foe it lol) and been less impressed.

So than you for posting this article!

   Heh. I do find it amusing when someone writes an explanation as to why I am disappointed (Core Gamer) in Nintendo. I guess I appreciate the sentiment, but I never knew I was disappointed in the first place.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

i am ready for madworld

If Nintendo released a WiiWare title named Super Mario Bros. 4, that would be a first day buy for me. I wouldn't spend more than fifteen dollars for it though.

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misterd said:


 I know the lineup we're looking at this year looks good (and unlike some consoles, I'm pretty sure our games will actually release this year), but it doesn't change the fact that for the past6 months I've been playing my 360 almost exclusively because the Wii market was absolute shit from April to... well, still.


I agree.  I even had to buy a 360 cause there has been basically nothing to play on Wii since Brawl came out in Europe over 6 months ago. 

I am not disappointed at all with the core games this gen.  Loved them all. Only problem has been they were released to close to each other followed by .  But if not that 3rd parties were such idiots and refused to release any 'core' game for Wii it wouldn't be a problem at all.  With no big Wii 1st party game this Christmas other than Animal Crossing you would have thought 3rd parties would capitalise on the lack of competition from Nintendo.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are some of the greatest games ever.. So are Super Mario Galaxy and (to a lesser extent) Twilight Princess.. That's not just my opinion, check MetaCritic or see the responses here.

The article you quote from doesn't really say anything.

I think Sean Malstrom has created a maelstrom by mischoosing his words.

The way I read it, his use of the terminology "in decline" has nothing to do with popularity -- or quality (see SMG's reviews) but rather the "wow" factor. The Nintendo series no longer "floor" people.

I personally disagree with this assessment to some degree -- after all look at the critical reception of Super Mario Galaxy. However, for the most part, these are not the most highly games sought by the traditional core demographic (males 18-30), so to that extent, you could argue they are "in decline."

Of course, Nintendo is looking to break out of the mold of being dependent upon the core demographic. And by doing that, there will be growing pains. After all, people don't like change.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


"...The fear of ‘Expanded Audience’ declining Nintendo’s Core games is silly. Nintendo’s Core games were easily in decline before they even began to target an Expanded Audience. One of the reasons why Gamecube didn’t do so well was because of the decline in Nintendo’s core titles. Windwaker and Super Mario Sunshine did not cause any mass phenomenon. One can argue that even the N64 games were a decline. Mario 64 and Ocarina didn’t strike the same note as the 16 bit versions. The phenomon of the N64 titles rested mostly on the 3d sensations at the time. Ocarina did sell very well. However, it sold very well to younger people. Nintendo’s N64 games are beloved by those who played them young. Many older folks did not find the titles as appealing due to the switch to 3d. The fanbase ended up fractioning..."

Now that I've had a chance to look, whoever is making the assertion that Nintendo's franchise games aren't selling like they used to is smoking some serious crack.

NES 6.51m, 4.38m (Zelda II)
SNES 4.61
N64 7.60m (Ocarina) 3.36m (Majoras)
Gamecube 4.55m (Wind Waker)
Wii 5.10m (Twilight Princess) And still counting.

NES 2.73m
SNES 1.42m
Gamecube 2.83m (mp1), 1.29m (mp2)
Wii 1.49m, so far.

NES 40.24m, 7.46m (2), 17.28m (3)
SNES 20.61m
N64 11.89m
Gamecube 6.28m
Wii 7.92m, so far.


SNES 8.76m
N64 9.87m
Gamecube 6.96m
Wii 14.01m, so far.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

i wasnt dissapointed with N64 or even gamecube, love the gamecube lol

but i'm sooooo dissapointed with the wii.

the article is right about nintendo slowly declining so i'm really scared that theyll do next gen :|