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I actually agree with this article, but for me, the wii was what I wanted.

The Snes was the first console I had, and i still love it, the 64 had that is about it, it was fun, but it's a niche that with time is less and less impressive.
I personally never really liked Mario 64...I missed the 2-D versions.

The game cube, to me, was even less great, though still good, but by then I wanted to look at the competition, and I did, it had more games.

The Wii actually impressed me, and still dose, the motion controls are different and enjoyable, and the game line up(so far) is okay, but with games like NMH, and the virtual console(where I learned that the Turbo Graphix 16 is the greatest thing ever)

Next years one up looks very good, ut its the start of the Wii's 3rd year, and with most Nintendo consoles that is when things start to pick up!

So I agree with this article completely, I have bought all the consoles since the 64(took me 7 months to save foe it lol) and been less impressed.

So than you for posting this article!