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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii's 'core' games for Spring - Hits or Misses?

Soleron said:
No first-party titles on that list. Therefore, miss. Seriously Nintendo - I want a core game that shows off the Wii's motion controls to the best of your ability while retaining the classic feel. Neither SMG (not radical enough) nor MP3 (lost non-linear essence of Metroid) nor Zelda (controls added late in development) achieved this.


 I totally agree with the bolded part.   I'm amazed Nintendo introduced the Wii and then aside from Wii Sports/Play have never brought out a game that fully explores the possibilities of the Wiimote.  3rd Parties have done a better done with Godfather, Red Steel(flawed but valiant attempt), Dewy's Adventure, Zack & Wiki & Boom Blox and probably a few I'm forgetting. 


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Gamerace said:
Soleron said:
No first-party titles on that list. Therefore, miss. Seriously Nintendo - I want a core game that shows off the Wii's motion controls to the best of your ability while retaining the classic feel. Neither SMG (not radical enough) nor MP3 (lost non-linear essence of Metroid) nor Zelda (controls added late in development) achieved this.


 I totally agree with the bolded part.   I'm amazed Nintendo introduced the Wii and then aside from Wii Sports/Play have never brought out a game that fully explores the possibilities of the Wiimote.  3rd Parties have done a better done with Godfather, Red Steel(flawed but valiant attempt), Dewy's Adventure, Zack & Wiki & Boom Blox and probably a few I'm forgetting. 

I think Metroid Prime 3 and WarioWare easily fit that description.


I agree with all of it except deadly creatures. I think it could do 300-600k. It will definately hit the top 100 on launch. I think the hardcore wii players will eat it up. They've done alot of promotional videos, and it has dennis hopper, and billy bob thorton in it. I'm sure that will be right on the box.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

Also I don't think little kings story will sell hardly anything sadly. Maybe 100-250k.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

stof said:
Gamerace said:
@ scottie - When Wii Music sells more than the 5m I predicted (which it might)

The predictions here are low since none of these are AAA titles. They are AA at best. Therefore these are decent sales for (most) of them.

Conduit is the the best of the bunch (sales potential wise) but even it looks like a generic shooter which would sell about the same (1-2m) on 360 (maybe less due to competition)


Except there is one AAA title there. It's Madworld. It's made by some of the amazing developers of Okami, it features some of the best graphics on the Wii and it's got production values through the roof. Not to mention it looks like an exceptionally solid entry in to a much neglected Wii Genre.


And I'll say it again. Style is not niche, niche style is niche. People that think a hip hopping SinCityesque beatemup with cartoonish violence will have a similar appeal as a Japanese art style mythical wolf game are way off base. This games style will attract way more people than if they'd tried to go for realism. Infact, had madworld gone the Skate it route (as opposed to the Saun White route), then it would be in trouble. But this game has hit a stylistic home run that'll take its sales right out of the park (less than a million is IN the park)

It's also getting a lot of attention in the media and is being released by a company that seems damned sure that it wants to push it's hardcore games on the Wii.

Anyone that thinks this game will do less than 1 million life time sales... I challenge them to a duel!


You and Johnsobas are right on the quality of these titles it's true.  I'm sure both will get great reviews.  But in saying AAA I'm thinking both quality and marketability.   Both will be high quality, both will be hard to market.  Neither has a known IP.  Neither has massive hype (Conduit has far more hype than MadWorld and LKS has almost none).   MadWorld has a unique style to it which will more likely hurt sales.  Sin City did well in theatres but only relative to it being a low budget movie.  I expect MadWorld to perform similarly.    Little King Story could be the next Dewy's Adventure or Zack & Wiki.   Great game killed by it's own cartoony kiddy style mixed with adult level difficulty.

On the flipside MadWorld does have two things going for it - Easy to grasp gameplay/pick up and play controls.  If the controls are as fun and tight as those in Godfather it could really help it with strong word of mouth sales.   The style while bizarre to many casual onlookers is definately better than a realistic look.   Realism would have looked poor next to HD games, made it too gross for most and gotten it an AO rating.   It's SinCity look does what was intended, makes it all too surreal to be taken as real and allows people to relish in the obscene violence without guilt.   Ultimately it's all going to boil down to controls.   If my girlfriend can pick it up and start killing people in crazy ways within a few seconds, this could be a surprise hit.


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Chrizum said:
Gamerace said:
Soleron said:
No first-party titles on that list. Therefore, miss. Seriously Nintendo - I want a core game that shows off the Wii's motion controls to the best of your ability while retaining the classic feel. Neither SMG (not radical enough) nor MP3 (lost non-linear essence of Metroid) nor Zelda (controls added late in development) achieved this.


 I totally agree with the bolded part.   I'm amazed Nintendo introduced the Wii and then aside from Wii Sports/Play have never brought out a game that fully explores the possibilities of the Wiimote.  3rd Parties have done a better done with Godfather, Red Steel(flawed but valiant attempt), Dewy's Adventure, Zack & Wiki & Boom Blox and probably a few I'm forgetting. 

I think Metroid Prime 3 and WarioWare easily fit that description.


Both do use the controls well for sure but WarioWare are just simple mini-games and Metroid Prime is mostly just shooting with little (but well done) motion controls.  

Actually Disaster: Day of Crisis might really do the controls justice on all aspects but I can't say for sure since NOA hasn't released it here in NA.  Buggers...



Gamerace said:
Chrizum said:
Gamerace said:
Soleron said:
No first-party titles on that list. Therefore, miss. Seriously Nintendo - I want a core game that shows off the Wii's motion controls to the best of your ability while retaining the classic feel. Neither SMG (not radical enough) nor MP3 (lost non-linear essence of Metroid) nor Zelda (controls added late in development) achieved this.


I totally agree with the bolded part. I'm amazed Nintendo introduced the Wii and then aside from Wii Sports/Play have never brought out a game that fully explores the possibilities of the Wiimote. 3rd Parties have done a better done with Godfather, Red Steel(flawed but valiant attempt), Dewy's Adventure, Zack & Wiki & Boom Blox and probably a few I'm forgetting.

I think Metroid Prime 3 and WarioWare easily fit that description.


Both do use the controls well for sure but WarioWare are just simple mini-games and Metroid Prime is mostly just shooting with little (but well done) motion controls.

Actually Disaster: Day of Crisis might really do the controls justice on all aspects but I can't say for sure since NOA hasn't released it here in NA. Buggers...


Metroid Prime 3 engineered the best control scheme overall and only 1 yr after the Wii's release. I think your wrong and WM + will certainly improve the capabilities of the wiimote and Nintendo's games.


“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Well Gamerace, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on Madworld. you think it's style will have a negative effect on sales by alienating a portion of the market and I think the style will be an asset to help the game appeal to a wider audience (and appeal a lot more to those who already might be interested)

I guess we'll just have to wait and see when the game comes out.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.