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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo and the Gaming Press: IS INTOLERANCE EVIDENCE OF FEAR & PANIC

Poor design is not a valid excuse. Saying the controller is at fault reeks of short-sightedness, especially when you consider the number of games which DO use the Wii Remote well. Also, the Wii Remote alone has more than enough buttons for any game, though not every game is ideally suited to Wii Remote-only controls as they stand now. There were some fantastically complex games control-wise designed for the NES, remember, and that system had only 4 buttons and a d-pad to work with. The limitations of a controller are only a setback when you lack the creativity to work within the limitations.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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Ding ding ding, you are correct sir. Although, the wii remote is a little sluggish if you ask me.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Pristine20 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
kowenicki said:

@ grampy comparing medical advances that lessen pain and suffering to a gaming development IS UTTERLY ridiculous and the analogy manages to appear both schoolboyish and pompous at the same time... quite an achievement.

I too have used the controls for decades.. like you I have been in gaming since it started. Saying you HATED the controls of gaming but stayed with gaming seems a tad incongruous to me.

In the end you contradict yourslef often in your two main posts here and are guilty of exactly the same thing you are against... generalisations and pigeonholing.


BTW I'm 41.

I thought it was a great analogy.  Both involve an industry change that changed the skillset necessary to be a master.

Surgeons needed a new skill set to be the best surgeons.

Wii games need a new skill set to be the best gamers than traditional gamers.  Now you aim with IR instead of an analog stick and you swing with your whole arm instead of pressing a bunch of buttons.

In both cases the people with the old skill set are angry at the people with the new skill set AND angry at the industry for making their skill set obsolete.

In the case of the hardcore gamers, Nintendo has just showed them that the last 15 years in their mom's basement honing their 1337 skills was a waste of time, because now anybody can play games.  With one fell swoop Nintendo has just told them they wasted 15 years, and they're mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!

You know, I have nothing against nintendo or their strategy (they did what they had to do to make money) as much as I won't even consider a wii purchase with my own money but this is the kind of comment that pisses me off.

You read off like the kind of person who walks around generalising people as the "snobcore" for refusing to accept "casual gaming" yet in the same vein, you have the audacity to generalise people as  'playing games in their mom's basement for 15 years" because they don't favor the wii.

So basically someone like Kowenicki, who, from what I deduct from his post and sig, loves gears (x360), has a daughter (and own family most likely), has been holed up in his mom's basement for 15 years.

Insulting games, companies and what not for not being the way one likes is one thing. Posting gross insulting over-generalizations about other people's way of life is a whole 'nother dimension of a mix of arrogance and plain stupidity.

I really hope I don't get banned for this post but I just couldn't hold this one back.

No you're right, and I'm sorry.  I just got "in the zone" there, just riffin', ya know, joshin' him, and getting carried away?  I would never report you for pointing out my arrogant inconsistency.

I generalized the snobcore because they generalize Nintendo fans as either rabid fanboys, babies, grandparents, or soccer moms.  I use this vague "they" to refer to them, but I wasn't talking about you or kowenicki in particular.  I'm not trying to attack individuals here.  I was over-exaggerating to make my point about the loudest whiners, but in the case of many reviewers, I'm not exaggerating at all.  For example, the 18 year old reviewer that doesn't read and can't spell takos or spaguetti.  Grampy found that guy's bio earlier and it was hilarious.

I think there should be games like Gears and there should be fans of those games.  I am attacking the concept that those should be the only games and that other games are somehow stupid, or somehow casual shovelware, or somehow a threat.  I support all genres.  I hate the review system and the people who get paid to support it.  It's really holding us all back.

I hope this post better explained what I wanted to say while decreasing the arrogance.

Apology accepted. I actually see you in a whole new light. Not many can acknowledge their errors. I too am sorry for my choice of words.

Hating what "they" don't understand is pretty much human nature. This is not to excuse "them" but just to let you know that this kind of attitude is sure to exist with regard to anything you love. It's a fact of fundamental humanity. I've fallen prey to this attitude myself and strive to avoid it. The easy way I avoid this is to try not say anything about something I don't know much about.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Khuutra said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

So there are only rabid ninty-fanboys and hardcore bitter fanboy haters?

You don't see a possibility of a game critic actually being educated and informed before they write?

That's how film critics do it.  They actually go to school.

I love this idea, I do, and I would love for it to be acceptable, but studying video games as art is only something that designers do right now. The gaming press would have to go though a video game education at something like Digipen in order to appreciate games as art.

Also I'd prefer them to be educated in literature, too, so they at least understand different schools of criticism.

I saw you making zings in another thread about how we don't need to worry about critical theory because the medium's too young, and it cracked me up.

What did you study or what are you studying in school?


Grampy said:


4.     The Wii became a clown at a grown-ups party, because it wasn't trying to fit into the party, but bring new people to the party.
Once again, we find that we have some secret bar to reach, some litmus test to pass. “They are “grown-ups” and we are “clowns” and worse yet, we actually invited “outsiders” to this “private grown up party.” Wow, I just wish they had given us the paper work when we plunked our money down so we could have applied or pledged or whatever it is one does. Does this mean I don’t get to learn the secret handshake?


Oh... my... god...

It seems the error is on me, I should have chosen an analogy that wasn't so hard to understand! Or maybe you didn't read my last post?

Rainbird said:

Okay, that is just stupid. You know what the Wii isn't either? A medicament. It is just an analogy.

It is not MY PARTY. But if you owned a console in the last generation, you owned a console that had plenty of games to offer for the hardcore gamers. That was how the "party" was, the only move towards a broader audience came with games like Singstar. Then the Wii comes along and opens up the party to a lot more people, people who previosly had no interest in joining the party.

See where my analogy is going?

Just to flesh it out a bit more then. This "party" is accesable once you have a gaming platform. There is no secret bar or anything more exclusive than the fact that you cannot play these games, if you do not own a platform they will play on. That is the "exclusivity". You can invite your friends or your family in for a while if you like.

If you bought either a PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Xbox 360 or a PS3, chances are you wanted to play a "hardcore" game. This is the party. The people who bought one of these platforms. Then comes the Wii. Buying a Wii gives you a ticket to this party, but instead of promising "hardcore" games, we are promised games like Wii Sports. This appeals to a whole new demographic compared to the other platforms, meaning that a new kind of people are invited into the "party". I never said the Wii users were clowns, I said the Wii was, compared to the other platforms. And clowns attract different people compared to things like somebody reading the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy aloud. (Another analogy, hope you can follow here)

Can... I... be... any... clearer?

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Hahaha, you were just way more insulting. I'm sure you think Lord of the Rings is the most complex, brilliant, and compelling "hardcore" story ever told, but this is telling us more about you than about Nintendo.

If you bought that PS double, you obviously only bought it for true G games like GT, GH, and GTA.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Hahaha, you were just way more insulting. I'm sure you think Lord of the Rings is the most complex, brilliant, and compelling "hardcore" story ever told, but this is telling us more about you than about Nintendo.

If you bought that PS double, you obviously only bought it for true G games like GT, GH, and GTA.

Okay, now I am starting to think I am bad at making analogies. Anyway, you are very very wrong.

I never said anything about Lord of the Rings being the magnum opus of litterature, in fact I only used it as an example because it is long. And can we agree that a clown, doing some short worth of entertaining, appeals to a different demographics compared to a guy, sitting and reading aloud the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy?

Secondly, the only true G games for the PS2 I own are the God of War games, and this is despite never actually owning a PS2 myself. I have never owned a GT og GTA game (and I have never had interest in one), and I only played GH for a total of ~2 hours with my friends.

Rainbird said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Hahaha, you were just way more insulting. I'm sure you think Lord of the Rings is the most complex, brilliant, and compelling "hardcore" story ever told, but this is telling us more about you than about Nintendo.

If you bought that PS double, you obviously only bought it for true G games like GT, GH, and GTA.

Okay, now I am starting to think I am bad at making analogies. Anyway, you are very very wrong.

I never said anything about Lord of the Rings being the magnum opus of litterature, in fact I only used it as an example because it is long. And can we agree that a clown, doing some short worth of entertaining, appeals to a different demographics compared to a guy, sitting and reading aloud the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy?

Secondly, the only true G games for the PS2 I own are the God of War games, and this is despite never actually owning a PS2 myself. I have never owned a GT og GTA game (and I have never had interest in one), and I only played GH for a total of ~2 hours with my friends.


I can't decide if this party is terrible or awesome.

I think some are missing the point to this tread and this gens battle. Look right in the OP and the quotes by Mr Iwata.

Nintendo wasn't in some grand design quest to have the most powerful processor or the best rendering GPU or the best optical disc system on the market. They weren't trying to render their opponents obsolete. They were focusing on what they believed their customers wanted from the beginning of their design process and not some "my processor is bigger than yours" contest. And that is the essence of any industry, what the consumer desires.

Now I don't blame Sony or MS for doing what they did because that was the traditional model (polygons/sec) and they continued that tread. Nintendo went back to the drawing board with the DS and Wii and asked themselves "Well we can't compete with these corporate giants on graphics alone, that's what killed us 2 gens in a row and now even our handheld market is threatened, what do we do." And that's when they thought of a new consumer experience, and as such that proved successful.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

Oh you were perfectly clear, and still are. I didn't fail to understand, I simply do not accept the whole idea that some consoles and/or the people who prefer them are more or less "grown-up" or more or less “clown-like” than any other. Especially because, not to put too fine a point on it, you are judging these games based to a large extent on their amount of violent content.

I do not, and never have accepted a fascination of violent games as a sign of maturity; almost the opposite. The combat veteran’s I know including two Green Berets and one from Delta, if they play such games at all prefer RTS to FPS. Just like the fact that I detest GTA because of the years I have spent documenting real urban violence. You only have to see and smell a few real acts of violence to lose your taste for it.

Do I feel childish to play MK Wii? Not fricking way and as far as I concerned, you’re missing just as much by not being able to play MK as I am by not being able to play MGS. The fact that two platforms happen to share a lot more software in common doesn’t make them a gold standard. Does the fact that GM and Ford make near clones make them superior to BMW who makes…BMWs.

But slice it and dice it and explain it and clarify it any way you want, there was, whether you recognize it or not, a clear underlying  assumption  that we are the true brethren, the insiders, and the Wii is an interloper, the outsider that needs to shape up and be more like the PS360 to be taken seriously.

This I categorically reject, and sales would indicate that I am not alone at this.