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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Pristine20 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
kowenicki said:

@ grampy comparing medical advances that lessen pain and suffering to a gaming development IS UTTERLY ridiculous and the analogy manages to appear both schoolboyish and pompous at the same time... quite an achievement.

I too have used the controls for decades.. like you I have been in gaming since it started. Saying you HATED the controls of gaming but stayed with gaming seems a tad incongruous to me.

In the end you contradict yourslef often in your two main posts here and are guilty of exactly the same thing you are against... generalisations and pigeonholing.


BTW I'm 41.

I thought it was a great analogy.  Both involve an industry change that changed the skillset necessary to be a master.

Surgeons needed a new skill set to be the best surgeons.

Wii games need a new skill set to be the best gamers than traditional gamers.  Now you aim with IR instead of an analog stick and you swing with your whole arm instead of pressing a bunch of buttons.

In both cases the people with the old skill set are angry at the people with the new skill set AND angry at the industry for making their skill set obsolete.

In the case of the hardcore gamers, Nintendo has just showed them that the last 15 years in their mom's basement honing their 1337 skills was a waste of time, because now anybody can play games.  With one fell swoop Nintendo has just told them they wasted 15 years, and they're mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!

You know, I have nothing against nintendo or their strategy (they did what they had to do to make money) as much as I won't even consider a wii purchase with my own money but this is the kind of comment that pisses me off.

You read off like the kind of person who walks around generalising people as the "snobcore" for refusing to accept "casual gaming" yet in the same vein, you have the audacity to generalise people as  'playing games in their mom's basement for 15 years" because they don't favor the wii.

So basically someone like Kowenicki, who, from what I deduct from his post and sig, loves gears (x360), has a daughter (and own family most likely), has been holed up in his mom's basement for 15 years.

Insulting games, companies and what not for not being the way one likes is one thing. Posting gross insulting over-generalizations about other people's way of life is a whole 'nother dimension of a mix of arrogance and plain stupidity.

I really hope I don't get banned for this post but I just couldn't hold this one back.

No you're right, and I'm sorry.  I just got "in the zone" there, just riffin', ya know, joshin' him, and getting carried away?  I would never report you for pointing out my arrogant inconsistency.

I generalized the snobcore because they generalize Nintendo fans as either rabid fanboys, babies, grandparents, or soccer moms.  I use this vague "they" to refer to them, but I wasn't talking about you or kowenicki in particular.  I'm not trying to attack individuals here.  I was over-exaggerating to make my point about the loudest whiners, but in the case of many reviewers, I'm not exaggerating at all.  For example, the 18 year old reviewer that doesn't read and can't spell takos or spaguetti.  Grampy found that guy's bio earlier and it was hilarious.

I think there should be games like Gears and there should be fans of those games.  I am attacking the concept that those should be the only games and that other games are somehow stupid, or somehow casual shovelware, or somehow a threat.  I support all genres.  I hate the review system and the people who get paid to support it.  It's really holding us all back.

I hope this post better explained what I wanted to say while decreasing the arrogance.

Apology accepted. I actually see you in a whole new light. Not many can acknowledge their errors. I too am sorry for my choice of words.

Hating what "they" don't understand is pretty much human nature. This is not to excuse "them" but just to let you know that this kind of attitude is sure to exist with regard to anything you love. It's a fact of fundamental humanity. I've fallen prey to this attitude myself and strive to avoid it. The easy way I avoid this is to try not say anything about something I don't know much about.


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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler