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Oh you were perfectly clear, and still are. I didn't fail to understand, I simply do not accept the whole idea that some consoles and/or the people who prefer them are more or less "grown-up" or more or less “clown-like” than any other. Especially because, not to put too fine a point on it, you are judging these games based to a large extent on their amount of violent content.

I do not, and never have accepted a fascination of violent games as a sign of maturity; almost the opposite. The combat veteran’s I know including two Green Berets and one from Delta, if they play such games at all prefer RTS to FPS. Just like the fact that I detest GTA because of the years I have spent documenting real urban violence. You only have to see and smell a few real acts of violence to lose your taste for it.

Do I feel childish to play MK Wii? Not fricking way and as far as I concerned, you’re missing just as much by not being able to play MK as I am by not being able to play MGS. The fact that two platforms happen to share a lot more software in common doesn’t make them a gold standard. Does the fact that GM and Ford make near clones make them superior to BMW who makes…BMWs.

But slice it and dice it and explain it and clarify it any way you want, there was, whether you recognize it or not, a clear underlying  assumption  that we are the true brethren, the insiders, and the Wii is an interloper, the outsider that needs to shape up and be more like the PS360 to be taken seriously.

This I categorically reject, and sales would indicate that I am not alone at this.