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super_ectoon: I know this is probably blasphemy, but I only played through them one time each. I can't remember what things are called in any game. (except FFVI and FFVII, I can name lots from those games. I don't know why)

1. Ice Beam (I think that is what it is called)
I love the idea of freezing stuff, and back when I was a kid that had never been done before.

2. In Metroid Prime Hunters multiplayer map, with the two platforms running through the room (it's from the first hunter fight, in single player I think)

3. Original Metroid... they don't make games like the old NES games any more.

I am sorry if I called something wrong or got a detail wrong I am really bad at remembering what things are called.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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Lol need to apologize. I don't want this thread to seem elitist. The only one that I have played through A LOT is Super Metroid. My roommate and I were trying to see who could get the fastest time. This was before the internet, so I thought we were doing pretty good beating the game in under and hour and ten minutes. How wrong we were.

Ice beam is great. I just wish that it served the same purpose in the new games as it did in the past. Creating platforms out of bad guys led to some pretty cool shortcuts.

ckmlb said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Wow, Metroid, Metroid 3, AND Metroid Prime 3 all in one month?

And IGN was complaining about Nintendo not pushing MP3...
Releasing a couple VC games is not pushing it...


 Sure it is. You think their release to VC is coincidental? It's cross-marketing. All the old schoolers who buy Super Metroid on VC will think about picking up MP3, and people who grow to love MP3 will get curious about the history of the franchise and buy previous Metroid games for VC.


You think Marathon wasn't released to X360 to pump up fanboys for Halo 3?


BTW, if anybody wants to play the games which were the spiritual predecessors to Halo, you can play all three of them for free with a very slick open source app called Aleph One. Get it all at and run it on Mac, Windows or Linux. Dedicated fan community ports are one of the coolest things about PC gaming.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

super_etecoon said:
Okay questions

1) What is your favorite weapon or upgrade from the series?

2) What is your favorite room or level?

3) Which game was the most difficult?

1) Phazon - black - suit

2) Artifacts temple [sort of, forgot the name]

3) Echoes by FAR.

"She can feel it changing her. It's becoming a part of her, corrupting her. But what frightens her most... she likes it!" - Effects of Phazon corruption.

Metroid Prime 3 Hype Level: Corrupted


1UP - 9.0 

IGN - 9.5

It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.
"You'll never want to play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again - it's THAT good.". - Gametrailers
super_etecoon said:
Okay questions

1) What is your favorite weapon or upgrade from the series?

2) What is your favorite room or level?

3) Which game was the most difficult?

1) Hyper Beam...but if we're going for non-event items, then Screw Attack.

2) Original Brinstar. Full of nostalgia, and I loved seeing it again in Super Metroid and Zero Mission

3) Metroid II, hands down, followed by the original. The original is only hard because Samus starts with just 30 energy and some of those enemies don't play around when it comes to damage. Metroid II takes the cake though...even though Samus is usually a powerhouse by the end of every game, those evolving Metroids can still beat your ass around and you don't even have the advantage of freezing them with the Ice Beam. And it's the easiest game to get lost in because soe many areas look identical. 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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azzer100 said:
super metroid is still to this day one of my favourate games ever. Its also the only game that my sister ever played apart from wii sports, tetris and brain training.

I think most ppl could agree that when it comes to updating a franchise to 3d, nintendo are the dogs bollucks. mario 64, metriod prime and zelda ocarina spring to mind.

ID LOVE to see a hd 2d metroid game on the wii after they make metriod prime 3

I couldn't think of a better title for Ninty to release on WiiWare to kick the service off ;)

The 1st Metroid was the 2nd "console" title I ever played/owned. Super Mario Bros was the #1st, and Kid Icarus was the #3rd. No wonder these are still some of my most loved games ever.



Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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cklmb: Yeah, releasing a couple older versions and past histories isn't pushing the new game.

Played Marathon on Xbox Live yet?

It may not be a good push, but it keeps the game fresh in another way.

1. Screw Attack - Shocked there's less innuendo for this, however seeing as it destroys pretty much everything...

2. Norfair - Ridley's area. (Super Metroid)

3. Can't comment.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

super_etecoon said:
Lol need to apologize. I don't want this thread to seem elitist. The only one that I have played through A LOT is Super Metroid. My roommate and I were trying to see who could get the fastest time. This was before the internet, so I thought we were doing pretty good beating the game in under and hour and ten minutes. How wrong we were.

Ice beam is great. I just wish that it served the same purpose in the new games as it did in the past. Creating platforms out of bad guys led to some pretty cool shortcuts.

Ice beam in Fist Person would be cool (see what I did there), but it would be to small to land on in first person...

Wait a second, "new direction for Metroid series"?!?!?  3rd person?1!??  Eh, won't happen any time soon.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

If this game is anywere as crppy as Red Steel I am done with the Wii altogether. I am not exited about Mario and I dont want to play smash bros on the gamecube another 5 years. This is Nintendos last chance at getting me to buy this system. I put 1700 dollars into my Gamecube and it never matched the Xbox or PS2 in fun and depth of gaming, and the Wii has been even worse to this point. Nintendo please give me a reason to be a three console guy again, make this game be better than Warhawk, Lair, Heavanly Sword, and Halo3.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


KBG29 said:
If this game is anywere as crppy as Red Steel I am done with the Wii altogether. I am not exited about Mario and I dont want to play smash bros on the gamecube another 5 years. This is Nintendos last chance at getting me to buy this system. I put 1700 dollars into my Gamecube and it never matched the Xbox or PS2 in fun and depth of gaming, and the Wii has been even worse to this point. Nintendo please give me a reason to be a three console guy again, make this game be better than Warhawk, Lair, Heavanly Sword, and Halo3.

That's nice. I...don't really care, and I doubt anyone else does either, but that's nice anyway.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"