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super_ectoon: I know this is probably blasphemy, but I only played through them one time each. I can't remember what things are called in any game. (except FFVI and FFVII, I can name lots from those games. I don't know why)

1. Ice Beam (I think that is what it is called)
I love the idea of freezing stuff, and back when I was a kid that had never been done before.

2. In Metroid Prime Hunters multiplayer map, with the two platforms running through the room (it's from the first hunter fight, in single player I think)

3. Original Metroid... they don't make games like the old NES games any more.

I am sorry if I called something wrong or got a detail wrong I am really bad at remembering what things are called.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.