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Forums - Sony Discussion - FF X-2 is better than FFXII !!!

Yeah, I said it! I'm tired to read post all over the internet sayin that X-2 sucks blablabla. I really think that it's better than XII, because: see next post.

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@tremble i agree with u, i hated ff12 the worst ff game in the series it was for me. final fantasy 10-2 was a good rpg game and also i like the fact we got to see what happened after the cgi scene in ff10, got to see tidus and yuna end up together. just like it was suppose to be .





- The story: even if it's a bit girly at first, it becomes much more interresting after 10 hours. In XII, there is almost no story.

- Graphics: Yeah XII has really big areas, but the design is pretty average and there is like a grey filter. In X-2, it's all about colours, funny clothes and nice costumes for the girls.

- Fighting system: Classic in X-2, I really liked the costumes system, pretty funny and esthetic. In XII, it sux.

- Characters: yuna, pain and rikku are great! Leblanc's clan is pretty funny too IMO. In XII, excepted fran and balthier ...

I disagree, I thought that everything about X-2 sucked except for the battle system. There were certain parts that made me cringe in disgust (concert scene).

XII on the other hand, was a masterpiece, and would not have received nearly as much hate if it were a new IP.

These are merely my opinions of course.

A lot of people don't understand X-2 because it was made more to appeal Japanese culture, a lot of that doesn't translate well here... Which is why i like the game, i get and like J-culture since i was a kid (in my area we have a strong Asian community with a lot of Nihon-jin and my best friend is Chinese that is now living in Japan)...

When i ask people what they don't like about FFX-2 and a lot of them answer to me "first, that damn opening concert..." i get that after seeing the intriguing FFVII opening, the EPIC FFVIII opening (Still my favorite), the IX opening that was used in a lot of AMVs, and the amazing X opening, watching a pop concert is something that don't process to them... For me it was good, especially since i watched it in Nihongo, i felt like i was watching Ayumi Hamasaki or Utada Hikaru...

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Persona4 = WIN

PSP fanboi

Utada Hikaru rules! Funny you talk about her cause a few hours earlier I was watching her singin simple and clean live on youtube lol

I suspect that I would really like FFXII if I could stand to play it long enough to get to the point where I could make my own Gambits. I've watched my wife play, and the mechanic looks absolutely fascinating. But the game just doesn't hold my interest beyond the first 20-30 minutes. I've watched the whole thing played, and I can recognize its greatness, but it simply isn't for me: the beginning ruins that.

FFX-2 is a surprisingly good game if you can look past all the fanservice. Again, there are some fascinating concepts there. But the fanservice is so pervasive and so damaging that I can't blame people for not being able to get past it to find the great game underneath. I do get annoyed at people who have never played the game insisting that it's horrible. It's deeply flawed, but a great game if you actually play the thing.

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What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

I didn't like Final Fantasy XII. I was very disappointed as I had been a huge fans of Matsuno's prior work. While I thought the game was okay initially, the farther I go into the more boring and flawed the game became. Be that as it may, I wouldn't wipe my ass with the FFX-2 disc. The game was an absolute travesty. It was so bad, that I can't even play FFX anymore. FFX-2 took Spira and turned into a Charlie's Angel style parody of the original game. The battle system was actually pretty good but unfortunately the story was a joke, they ruined Yuna's character, and Paine was a cookie cutter as they come.

C'mon, the story's not that bad! It's just a love story, so of course, you gotta like it :p