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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Mario Galaxy Scans from Famitsu! I said WOW!

It looks like light will turn boo mario back to normal mario (just guessing from the light rays in the third picture)

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The haunted house looks SOOOO cool, I love the art style in this game.

I cannot wait, looks like there won't just be 'all galaxies' after all.

I wonder what other 'suits' Miyamoto has in store for us.

Someone translate.. and let us know if you are translating so we can relax :P

OriGin said:
I wonder what other 'suits' Miyamoto has in store for us.


So far we have the Boo Bee suits.


/a very lame pun

anyway, I hope they bring back some old ones like the frog! and I hope Mario can have his fire power again from a fire flower. and you should be able to aim with the pointer.

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Meh... Ratchet looks way better jk... hmm, actually Ratchet really looks way better...

needless to say this is by far my most anticipated game along with prime 3.. a true benchmark for other wii developers to follow..

Definitely looks leaps and bounds beyond anything seen the Game Cube .It will surely be a great game ,but for the looks it definitely looks way worse than Ratchet and Clank on the PS3 .

^^ Don't compare the Rachet with Mario. Dont show your ignorance to the internet like many anti-Nintendo-fanboys do... just don't.

And I have also "WOWed" when I saw those scans. Actually I wow every time I see a new Galaxy screen. I'm feeling bad for third party devs right now who insist on churning out shoddy ports. Every game from Galaxy's release will be compared to it graphically [and gameplay wise I believe like what happened after mario 64's release].

The Wii can do some serious shniz!! :D

"She can feel it changing her. It's becoming a part of her, corrupting her. But what frightens her most... she likes it!" - Effects of Phazon corruption.

Metroid Prime 3 Hype Level: Corrupted


1UP - 9.0 

IGN - 9.5

It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.
"You'll never want to play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again - it's THAT good.". - Gametrailers

It's built with older technology than Rachet, so of course it looks worse if you measure it that way. I prefer the graphical style of SMG, while people who own a PS3 and no Wii generally seem to prefer Rachet's. That's how fans work. =P