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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Star Ocean 4 Box Art Released:Missing "Only On X360" Stamp

Well hey cool, more people to share the experience with. Game on!

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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Yeah there has been bitching on both sides of the fence. Honestly, I don't think it's 360 owners not wishing PS3 owners anything "good." I think 360 owners are just tired of PS3 fans fawning over 360 games.


Are you sure about that. I was under the impression that the Tales Studio didn't have any PS3 dev kits when they started Tales of Vesperia. Which was around 2 and half years ago. One of the reason they cited for developing the game on 360 was that they didn't want to do another PS2 game and the 360 was the only next gen system with complete development kits. I'm sure they have PS3 dev. kits at this point in time. After all, other divisions of Namco have released PS3 titles.

Darc Requiem said:

Yeah there has been bitching on both sides of the fence. Honestly, I don't think it's 360 owners not wishing PS3 owners anything "good." I think 360 owners are just tired of PS3 fans fawning over 360 games.


Are you sure about that. I was under the impression that the Tales Studio didn't have any PS3 dev kits when they started Tales of Vesperia. Which was around 2 and half years ago. One of the reason they cited for developing the game on 360 was that they didn't want to do another PS2 game and the 360 was the only next gen system with complete development kits. I'm sure they have PS3 dev. kits at this point in time. After all, other divisions of Namco have released PS3 titles.

Last time I read that was still the case. (back when ps3 tales game was rumoured)! (Around July this year)

They obviously will get one sooner or later.



Hmmm.... I noticed that stamp on past games but never really cared for which game had it or not. I hope I can get ToV, Star Ocean 4, and The Last Remnant on my PS3 soon.

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
Hmmm.... I noticed that stamp on past games but never really cared for which game had it or not. I hope I can get ToV, Star Ocean 4, and The Last Remnant on my PS3 soon.


 The US ToV bax has the stamp on it.

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badgenome said:
*~Onna76~* said:

360 fans honestly don't wish PS fans "anything" good, do they?!

After the bitchfits thrown in the wake of FFXIII going multiplat, can you really say the inverse is true?

Excuse me?.. don't you think its quite obvious? Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean IV, Ace Combat 6, Eternal Sonata all games which you 360 owners are so lucky to play first, what did you expect? We start waving out of joy that FFXIII lost its exclusivity? Like PS3 owners haven't already "lost enough" as it is?! You think we're all stupid to realize of how crap the PS3 is doing in sales?

Give me a break. That's nothing compare to the pile of crap you're all throwing at us for the past couple of weeks... what.. months... I lost counting the numbers of PS3 doomed threads which has been spit out around here. Those threads make me so depressed at times I nearly want to throw out my own PS3...

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*~Onna76~* said:
badgenome said:
*~Onna76~* said:

360 fans honestly don't wish PS fans "anything" good, do they?!

After the bitchfits thrown in the wake of FFXIII going multiplat, can you really say the inverse is true?

Excuse me?.. don't you think its quite obvious? Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean IV, Ace Combat 6, Eternal Sonata all games which you 360 owners are so lucky to play first, what did you expect? We start waving out of joy that FFXIII lost its exclusivity? Like PS3 owners haven't already "lost enough" as it is?! You think we're all stupid to realize of how crap the PS3 is doing in sales?

Give me a break. That's nothing compare to the pile of crap you're all throwing at us for the past couple of weeks... what.. months... I lost counting the numbers of PS3 doomed threads which has been spit out around here.

Maybe you shouldn't take it so personally if somebody who owns a different system gets to play a game? Just a thought.

Boasting over exclusives FTL.

I honestly don't give a rats if 360 owners can play FFXIII or SOIV, the only thing I take personally is that as a PlayStation fan I'm being put aside by developers like Square Enix, Namco Bandai and others and the joy in the eyes of the 360 fans by our suffering. "That's" what I take personally.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

*~Onna76~* said:

I honestly don't give a rats if 360 owners can play FFXIII or SOIV, the only thing I take personally is that as a PlayStation fan I'm being put aside by developers like Square Enix, Namco Bandai and others and the joy in the eyes of the 360 fans by our suffering. "That's" what I take personally.


What favors has Sony done for developers?  They've made their system the most difficult and costly to develop for.  They require exclusive content for the PS3 version of a multi-platform game if it's delayed and the other SKUs are not.  And now that they've screwed many third-parties over they're now saying they aren't going to moneyhat anymore.  They really did a number on third-parties and in my opinion a just reward would be to lose most third-party support.

Onna I know what you mean by square enix, but it is expected from Wada, I mean he is ignoring the wii as well "kinda like they want to go out of business".

Namco was trying to be neutral last generation but couldn't ignore the ps2 for the majority.