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Forums - Sony Discussion - So simple for sony to win that its pathetic...

This thread made me LOL so hard I nearly choked. :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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EvilChronos said:

This is the easiest way for sony to win. 3 simple things that could win it all for them. They know it, we know it, microsoft and nintendo know it but for some reason it STILL has not happened. Heres hoping for next year...

1. Complete software driven backwards compatibility for all ps2 and ps1 games. "that means downloading patches and updates that let u play ps2 and ps1 games for those who dont know".

2. A ps3 80 gig model bundled together in 1 box with Little big planet, dual shock controller, hdmi cable. All for the reasonable price of 299.99.

3. Stop production of the ps2. "the ps3's biggest competitor/enemy is its own brother"

Those 3 very simple and not to god awfully expensive things would certainly catapult sony into 1st place within a year of these things being done/released. So the question is why doesnt sony just bite the bullet on this one and do it. They would certainly make up the money in the end plus some. They were so scared with the money they were loosing with the ps2 "for atleast the first 4 years" for the price they sold it at but they made it back in the end plus way, way more.

Sony plz figure it out before it is too late and u start loosing developers cause its just not worth it to publish on your system.



 1) Wouldn't make any difference

2)Sony has lost 3.6 billion in 2.5 years. What's another 2-3 billion in one year in losses right ?? Nevermind that sony has huge debts and has to lay off an army of people.

3) Great idea. Cut one of the few things that bring a few profits to sony's gaming division so that the , now priced at 299$ with a free game+HDMI cable according to your second proposition, ps3 can completely destroy sony.


EvilChronos said:

1. Complete software driven backwards compatibility for all ps2 and ps1 games. "that means downloading patches and updates that let u play ps2 and ps1 games for those who dont know".

2. A ps3 80 gig model bundled together in 1 box with Little big planet, dual shock controller, hdmi cable. All for the reasonable price of 299.99.

3. Stop production of the ps2. "the ps3's biggest competitor/enemy is its own brother"

Simple? Perhaps. Easy? Feasible? Not on your life.

1) Whether or not this is really possible depends largely on how they implement certain aspects of their OS. Certainly Sony should do this -dropping BC was yet another in Sony's long list of colossal mistakes with this console- but I think you underestimate how easy it is, even for a company with full access to the system's specs and documentation. Even the PS2 wasn't actually 100% backward-compatible, though it did come damn close.

2) Sony cannot do this. The losses they take are already too huge, and they are not in a position to sustain even worse losses than they currently do for the amount of time that they would need to sustain them. Depending on who you ask, they might not even be in a position to sustain the losses they're currently taking for long enough. Companies cannot run forever on debt alone, and a large part of our current economic problems can be chalked up to people and companies that tried to do it. Sony did too, actually, and now they are paying the price of that risk.

3) While stopping production of the PS2 would indeed push PS3 sales to some degree, it is unlikely that it would boost PS3 sales by enough to justify cutting loose such a profitable part of Sony's catalog. See point 2, above. Also see point 1, given that full BC is frankly a necessity before Sony can hope to do this without alienating fans.

You ask why Sony hasn't done this. I can give you the answer in two words: it can't. Sony has painted itself into a corner, to the point where they simply can't do what needs to be done to save the PS3.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

The best thing about this thread is that the OP is actually serious.

elnino334 said:
The best thing about this thread is that the OP is actually serious.

Yes, but doesn't Sony want to win enough to throw some of their equity to the wind?  They sold their insurance division shortly after the PS3 launched -- maybe they could sell their music and movie studios to afford these bundles and discounts which would slightly increase their chances of ever passing the 360 world wide even though the PS3 would still have no hope of ever reaching profitability overall.

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TheBigFatJ said:
elnino334 said:
The best thing about this thread is that the OP is actually serious.

Yes, but doesn't Sony want to win enough to throw some of their equity to the wind?  They sold their insurance division shortly after the PS3 launched -- maybe they could sell their music and movie studios to afford these bundles and discounts which would slightly increase their chances of ever passing the 360 world wide even though the PS3 would still have no hope of ever reaching profitability overall.


The problem right now is there aren't many buyers. It's hard to get credit for billions of dollars to make an acquisition and nobody wants to throw away all their cash.

FishyJoe said:
TheBigFatJ said:
elnino334 said:
The best thing about this thread is that the OP is actually serious.

Yes, but doesn't Sony want to win enough to throw some of their equity to the wind?  They sold their insurance division shortly after the PS3 launched -- maybe they could sell their music and movie studios to afford these bundles and discounts which would slightly increase their chances of ever passing the 360 world wide even though the PS3 would still have no hope of ever reaching profitability overall.


The problem right now is there aren't many buyers. It's hard to get credit for billions of dollars to make an acquisition and nobody wants to throw away all their cash.


I know -- Charter communications is about to find that out as well.  They're liquidating and trying to trade debt-for-equity, which is an odd thing to attempt when you have negative equity.

hmmm this is in OP's signature


PS3=130M 360=90M Wii=120M DS=130M PSP=70M

Other Prediction: The PS3 will overtake the 360 XMAS of 09 "9-21-08""

If PS3 is on target for both, why would Sony need advice from OP? or OP means Sony can achieve his predictions by following his advice?

Based on OP's suggestions, money is not an issue. In such case, if Sony gives out free PS3s with no games or movies, they can totally gain the market share for gaming and quickly expanding the Blu-ray penetration. This would totally do better than add BC back to PS3 or bundling games and there is no need to kill PS2. :)

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.