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Forums - Sales Discussion - If last year ends up being PS3's peak year...

DirtyP2002 said:
Xen said:
badgenome said:
Xen said:
...people really amaze me recently.

After a terrible 2007, and when things actually start going well, games start coming out by the shitload, support grows both in quality and in quantity... it's gonna be discontinued.

What are you on?

The Gamecube was 3rd both in Europe and NA, and? did they discontinue it quickly? no, they did the best they could with it...

I don't know what's more redicilous, Legend11's thread or yours.


Some good points, but Nintendo has never lost their ass on hardware. Sony does and has to make it up in software sales.


I anwsered that above, heh...

As for their current losses in that division, I'd believe PS2 hardware and software sales, PSP hardware sales and PS3 software sales cover them well, and maybe even rack profits...


Well the latest numbers published by sony reported a loss for the division. Sony lost 400 million USD (don't know the exact number but in this range) in 3 months.

So with a profitable PS2 (hardware + Software) profitable PSP (hardware) they still reported a loss of 400 million USD. So I leave it up to you to estimate the generated profits of the PSP and PS2. Add the combined profit to 400 million and you get the loss the PS3 made in 3 months.

Or am I misreading your post?


Nah, it was only an assumption. I didn't see those numbers.


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I don't agree with OP.  I can't believe how much stock people put in CNN articles.  Probably one of the top Bill gates love companies in the world.  The writer of the article must also have never watched a Hi-Def (any format) movie on any TV screen(or even listened to sound quality differences).  The article has about as much substance as the "Wii will fail" "omg Xbox is teh dead" PS3 failed" spam threads that once plagued these forums.

It's interesting as i was reading the history of the old generations earlier. When reading about the older consoles and how they failed just made me see so many similarities with the PS3. The price, the image, generally poor ports of other formats games, weak sales in places that sell high volume of games (US/Japan) normally, devs saying too hard to work with etc.. etc..
While i don't think the PS3 will be gone for a longtime yet i do think it is just following in the footsteps of consoles before it. That doesn't make them failures, far from it. Just means they were never really a competitor for 1st place.

haha 2009 its last year! thats jokes.

Well we know it will last AT LEAST 2009 since God of War 3 and Gran Turismo 5 should be later on 2009.

dolemit3 said:
Paul said:
FishyJoe said:
leo-j said:
FishyJoe said:
I don't necessarily agree with the OP, but Leo-j is awfully arrogant to criticize since he has predicted doom for the Wii so many times.


And I was stupid for it, and my THREADS WERE CLOSED for it.


They were closed because you weren't trying to debate with any facts or logic. If you are willing to debate in a calm manner with facts and logic, you are welcome to do so. But if it's simply about your hatred, then yeah they will be closed.


Hatred is the path to the dark side.

And the dark side always loses.



Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

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Alasted said:
dolemit3 said:
Paul said:
FishyJoe said:
leo-j said:
FishyJoe said:
I don't necessarily agree with the OP, but Leo-j is awfully arrogant to criticize since he has predicted doom for the Wii so many times.


And I was stupid for it, and my THREADS WERE CLOSED for it.


They were closed because you weren't trying to debate with any facts or logic. If you are willing to debate in a calm manner with facts and logic, you are welcome to do so. But if it's simply about your hatred, then yeah they will be closed.


Hatred is the path to the dark side.

And the dark side always loses.



Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

Spaceballs ftw.



I am at a loss for words.

RolStoppable said:
Metsadah said:
RolStoppable said:
If the PS3 goes down, it's going to take a lot of the 360 3rd party support with it, so the 360's end will be near as well. Could be interesting.

are you an idiotic stupid fanboy or just an idiot?

MS is making tons of money on gamesales and so are the publishers. The only one making money on the wii is nintendo. Do you really think that all the big publishers stop making games when the last console in place failes?

They cant join the wii, since nobody with a wii cares about anything else then mario


I am at a loss for words.

Wow...  Just Wow!

RolStoppable said:
Metsadah said:
RolStoppable said:
If the PS3 goes down, it's going to take a lot of the 360 3rd party support with it, so the 360's end will be near as well. Could be interesting.

are you an idiotic stupid fanboy or just an idiot?

MS is making tons of money on gamesales and so are the publishers. The only one making money on the wii is nintendo. Do you really think that all the big publishers stop making games when the last console in place failes?

They cant join the wii, since nobody with a wii cares about anything else then mario


I am at a loss for words.




colonelstubbs said:
So when the console gets cheaper, and the games begin fully utilising the machines capabilities, it will sell LESS?



Hey, to be completely fair, it happened to the gamecube, and most non-winning consoles before this generation.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.