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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - "Hardcore" Wii games from 2009+

attn: "people trying to correct the topic creator that NMH2 comes out in 2010"

There is a reason the topic title says "2009plus"


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Phoenix_Wiight said:

I'm somewhat tired of seeing countless threads which talk about what are going to be the best games for 2009 and some people still completly disregard the Wii, so here's my list of "hardcore" Wii titles for next year that have some great potential.

-The Conduit


-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

-Cursed Mountain

-FFCC: The Crystal Bearers

-Arc Rise Fantasia

-"Tales of" Game

-Monster Hunter 3



These are the "hardcore" Wii games that I think have potential, what about you? Do you think any of them will be great hardcore titles?


The bolded is what I'm already getting. I've indented to what I'm slightly interested in.


"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

It's actually quite amazing how we already have a bunch of upcoming games and Nintendo hasn't shown all their secrets yet- for all we know we might have an extra 3 games added to that list soon.

Fragile comes out in January in Japan.... hopefully everywhere else soon..

And to the one that said JRPGs are casual: Please tell me you're joking, please!

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Can we have a thread of List of Wii Casual games for 2009? Cause i personally sometimes like to play some casual stuff.

To be honest Wii lineup for 2009 looks really sweet, and we all know that the biggest games are not even announced yet (ninty 1st party and others)

u forgote
house of the dead
red steel 2
little king story
new zelda game
trace memory
& another game that will be announced later

I'm getting the conduit,sin and punishment 2 and I'll see if I get others like punch out.

Soriku said:
-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle + have to get first one

-FFCC: The Crystal Bearers

-Arc Rise Fantasia

-"Tales of" Game

-Monster Hunter 3


-Fatal Frame IV


-Valhalla Knights


Do want.


Are you seriously getting all those games?

ctk495 said:
Soriku said:
-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle + have to get first one
-FFCC: The Crystal Bearers
-Arc Rise Fantasia
-"Tales of" Game
-Monster Hunter 3
-Fatal Frame IV
-Valhalla Knights

Do want.

 Are you seriously getting all those games?


I surely am. Plus Symphonia 2 (Europe), MadWorld, House of the Dead. Plus Star Ocean 4, RE5, Alan Wake and Vesperia (Europe). Plus Chrono Trigger (You've guessed it...Europe) and Suikoden. And maybe some others.

For me this gen starts in 2009. Until now it was ok, but finally the JRPGs are coming!