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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Days of Just Assuming that the Wii Version is Inferior are OVER!

bardicverse said:
theprof00 said:

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.


That was probably the dumbest thing you've posted on this site. Congrats.

Sure, the anti-hack vs. hack thing is never ending, just like viruses vs anti-viruses. A new anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around it, an updated anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around that. Its the nature of the beast, and what keeps many people gainfully employed ironically enough. Yet to say that PC gaming is plagued with hacking is inaccurate. Console exploits can be used just as often, and there is a LOT of that going on as well. The problem there is, its not as easy to patch/fix.

If you expect everyone in the world to play fair, you're in for a rude awakening in life overall. Some people exist SOLEY by cheating, using the system to their advantage, corruption, etc. Gaming etiquite reflects a person's personality. If you want a fair match, play against friends that won't use an unfair advantage. This goes for console OR PC gaming.


I used to Play COD 1 & 2 online a great deal. I did see cheating but I didn't care that much because one, I'm not the competitive about video games. I have nothing to prove and at my age I'll nver match at 15YO reflexes anyway. I mainly quit because I just got disgusted with the constant obscenity and verbal abuse from teenagers that were trying to be be rambo or something. The whole atmosphere was just way over the top, hyper competitive and no one seemed to be there for fun.

I've got better things to do with my time than compare pecker size with a pottymouth 14YO kid who'll probably be lucky to rise to night shift assistant manger at Burger Doodle in his entire professional life.


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^^^ NOW Im jealous. You have a Burger Doodle near you.

It was funny, on the topic of dealing with people over audio chat. I am an ex- Everquest player, and people loved Ventrilo during everquest 2. I couldnt stand it and felt it ruined the game for me. The level 50 Orc Shaman I envisioned in front of me probably wouldn't have the southern drawl I heard over the audio channel. =P I don't think I'll ever be into player speech systems in games ever.

bardicverse said:
theprof00 said:

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.


That was probably the dumbest thing you've posted on this site. Congrats.

And here comes you infallible logic to back up this stupid, stupid sentence.

Sure, the anti-hack vs. hack thing is never ending, just like viruses vs anti-viruses. A new anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around it, an updated anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around that. Its the nature of the beast, and what keeps many people gainfully employed ironically enough. Yet to say that PC gaming is plagued with hacking is inaccurate.

hmm something I never said, interesting.

Console exploits can be used just as often, and there is a LOT of that going on as well. The problem there is, its not as easy to patch/fix.

"as often" you say? show me some numbers. As far as I can tell, that is complete conjecture that is actually going against all the evidence. As a cursory check I googled game hacks. The first site was cheat codes, nothing special. But the next two on the list,, and mpgh (multiplayer game hacks) both focus on hacking pc games online. Although this doesn't prove anything, it is already showing historical evidence of what kind of hacks the GP are using the most.
I can do more checks and see exactly how many hacks are available for any given multiplatform game, but I already know that pc would win that challenge too. You can look it up for yourself genius.

Online PC games have more users. PC game hacks are easier to find and use because you have full access to a pc computer whereas you don't have full unrestricted access to a console unless you really try.

(I also just read that to hack a ps3 game, you need a thumbdrive and a usb keyboard.
Hacking a 360 game requires even more than that, and on top of that, googling xbox360 cod4 hack does not give you one actual hack on the first 10 returns.)

This leads to the problem of pc vs console hack ease in which all you have to do on a pc is dl, install, and then use in game menus, in stark contrast to console game hacks, which, though they may be more effective in the long run, are much less pervasive because of the know-how required to use them.

You just said "just as often"... huh, now it's really up to you to prove it.

Just so you know what you are now expected to do, you should

  • Show me statistics on pc and console hacking, showing a percentage that is the same on both. IE a graph showing that 2.22% of gamers on both the pc and console version of cod4 hack.
  • Explain how a platform which requires more investment to perform a hack does an equal amount of hacking as a platform which requires nothing extra.
  • Explain how the minority (console hacks) are actually on an equal level with pc hacks. (this is different from the first because this asks for analysis and explanation, not just a graph, which you won't be able to produce anyways.)
  • Finally explain how you can just go off and insult someone with a differing opinion.

If you expect everyone in the world to play fair, you're in for a rude awakening in life overall. Some people exist SOLEY by cheating, using the system to their advantage, corruption, etc. Gaming etiquite reflects a person's personality. If you want a fair match, play against friends that won't use an unfair advantage. This goes for console OR PC gaming.

You are preaching to the choir. I don't expect everyone in the world to play fair. I'm just saying that the hacking issue is one of the benefits of console gaming. I don't know what you are trying to prove other than that you are completely out bounds and being offensive

PS EDIT: I am not doing this because I am offended. 


Alright everyone, cool your jets. This is one of those threads where the anger seems to be escalating and escalating, and pretty soon several people are going to say something that warrants a ban.

On both "sides" of this argument -- calm down. First and only warning.">">

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Gnizmo said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

Well, in Call of Duty's case, if given the choice I'd take the pretty shinies over good controls any day. But I get the best of both worlds with the PC version :)

Really, people are exaggerating the whole dual analogue thing. It's slower, but it's not bad by any means. I have no trouble switching from World at War on PC to Resistance 2 on PS3.

I'm not disputing what you are saying because I think this is definately a personal choice. I played more hours than I care to even try to count of COD 1, 1.5(UO), and 2 and because of my profession I played them on an extremely powerful graphic workstation on a 31" monitor at resolutions (if the game supported it) of 2560 x 1600. They were indeed gorgeous. Even the snow flakes seemed to have detail.

So why would I give that up to play almost 100% of the Wii with its adequate but hardly spectacular graphics. It's because I REALLY like the motion control, so much that I can hardly bring myself to play anything else. But for a reason no one ever seems to mention, so perhaps they don't experience it.

When I play using the motion control, however good of flawed the execution, I feel like a participant. In Shaun White on the balance board, I feel like I'm on a snowboard, in a light saber duel I feel like I'm in a sword fight.

When I play the same or a similar game on the PC or my Xbox, no matter how realistic the graphics, I lose that sense of personal participation. I become an electronic puppet master controlling digital puppets on the screen. It's no longer me snowboarding down the hill, its just my electronic doppelganger.

Maybe nobody else feels this, and that's too bad because it makes it one hell of a lot more engaging and fun. When they come out with Motion Plus and you can open a door by reaching out with your hand and turning the knob ...... Now that will be fantastic.

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^^^ Ok Prof, you apparently can't read. EXPLOITS != HACKS. Exploits are glitches in programming that are used to get an unfair advantage. You cant readily get into a console game and alter the code of it. Yet bug exploits can and commonly do get used to give an advantage in both offline and online games.

Can I give you a ratio of how many people are using the exploits? Considering they are untrackable actions, then no, but if you need a point of reference, think of how many bug exploits are out there, from loading a weapon, hitting pause and doing some other actions, then unequip and reequip the weapon, increasing ammo (Resident Evil GC exploit, fyi) There's a lot out there. They just arent labeled "hacks".

Also, you claim all of these hacks and patches etc for the games you googled, but have you tested to see how many are valid anymore? For every hack that comes out, there is a patch within a week. I'd venture to say that at least half of the hacks don't work or have been patched.

And yes, in different terms, you did say that PC gaming was faulted by hacking greatly, as you are trying to back up here.

Making an edit saying that you are not offended only clarifies that you posted because you WERE offended, which is clear through how you demand that I give you stats, etc. You showed how offended you were several times there. Let me clarify the  reference from your earlier post - you said this:

"yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware."

- The post is dumb because MS updater isn't designed to fight virii and spyware, where the programs to boot cheaters are designed to take care of the cheating/hacking issue. The comparison is stupid at best, as if you expect MS Update to be an antivirus/antispyware, you might as well as expect to get soda out of an iPod. See what I mean? It makes no sense at all.

Hacks (in the online world) is just general terminology for cheats of any kind, and I already wrote that in an earlier post, sorry that didn't get to you. Although it may not be the correct terminology, in the online gaming world, saying someone is hacking has replaced saying someone is cheating.

Now, you still haven't shown how multiplat games are "cheated" more (emphasis on more because they would have to be to equal the amount of overall cheating, which is your argument) on consoles, because for every "exploit" that exists, there exist at least as many exploits on the pc version and on top of that, there is a wider userbase to discover such exploits. Furthermore, for every console "hack" there are more on a pc, and they are more readily available.

Also, you are wrong about the anti-hack programs eliminating hacks because my best friend has hacked CS for about 6 years now, one of the programs being almost 4 years old. I've seen him boot other players, restart a server, kill everyone at once and make people switch teams. That one he has had for roughly 7 months now since he got his new comp. When he thinks an admin was unfair or he was accused of walling aimbotting, he kicks them off the server, and yes, they are both public and private official servers.

As to your argument with what I said: No, it's not stupid because windows updater updates my virus definitions, restructures how some files are accessed, changes authorization levels, eliminates faulty lines of code and updates windows defender.
"as if you expect MS Update to be an antivirus/antispyware"
as if you expect that you are right all the time

Finally, you may think you can read what I mean when I say I'm not offended. but I really am not. I'm sitting here laughing at this. But whereas you call me a dumbass overtly, I'm enjoying the act of sneaking it in between the lines.

EDIT: i said the offended thing for the mods, I didn't want them to think I was angry, because I'm not, I just enjoy pulling your argument apart.

EDIT2: and now I'm done because I don't want to get banned or invest any more time into this argument where you are never going to agree that console online gaming has less "cheaters" than pc gaming.

Prof, I'm just letting you dig your own grave on this one.

1 - MS Updater does NOT update virus definitions, as it has nothing to do with your Anti-virus software, which is run by a separate company with its own updating system. I guess I am right, after all.

2 - Your post about your best friend is like posts saying that "people I know don't play the Wii anymore". Filler, no meat.

3 - As someone who spent 10+ years as an IT admin, no, hacking and cheating are two very different things. Cheating using a bug exploit and cheating by using a program that enhances your advantage are two very different methods. Is the old Contra code for 30 free lives hacking? Even though its more of an easter egg than anything else, its still a cheat code, but it is not a hack.

4 - As I stated, a user statistic for exploit usage can only be correlated by page hits or search hits to the website that hosts the cheat code/exploit info. Information in Webalizer that is only accessible to them, unless they have a hit counter. So, you can either assume that somewhere between a few users of a particular console to every user of that console is the general range of exploit use. Pretty wide margin to work with.

5 - Thus far I've not called you any names or insults, I just stated that your analogy about MS update was dumb. I'm sure the mods will like to have a chat with you soon.

bardicverse said:
Prof, I'm just letting you dig your own grave on this one.

1 - MS Updater does NOT update virus definitions, as it has nothing to do with your Anti-virus software, which is run by a separate company with its own updating system. I guess I am right, after all.

2 - Your post about your best friend is like posts saying that "people I know don't play the Wii anymore". Filler, no meat.

3 - As someone who spent 10+ years as an IT admin, no, hacking and cheating are two very different things. Cheating using a bug exploit and cheating by using a program that enhances your advantage are two very different methods. Is the old Contra code for 30 free lives hacking? Even though its more of an easter egg than anything else, its still a cheat code, but it is not a hack.

4 - As I stated, a user statistic for exploit usage can only be correlated by page hits or search hits to the website that hosts the cheat code/exploit info. Information in Webalizer that is only accessible to them, unless they have a hit counter. So, you can either assume that somewhere between a few users of a particular console to every user of that console is the general range of exploit use. Pretty wide margin to work with.

5 - Thus far I've not called you any names or insults, I just stated that your analogy about MS update was dumb. I'm sure the mods will like to have a chat with you soon.

1. Huh, yeah it does, because windows defender is my anti-virus. well lookit that! you are wrong after all

2. No, it's not at all like that. Sure I don't know the name of the program he uses, but there are many that have been around for years that work and continue to work undetected.

3. I'm just talking about pervasive use of the word. If someone in a game is perceived as having an unfair advantage, the first thing you will hear is " _____ is hacking"  I explained that it wasn't accurate, but it has become the accepted terminology without being technical. Words start to become broadly defined as their usage increases. Things similar to overlyused word become incorporated. Just like when my mom used to tell me to stop play nintendo (when i was playing sega) because to her, the word nintendo meant video games. Sure that is just an anecdote, but it is a thing that actually happens in the world on a large scale. feel free to not believe me. 

4. yes it is a wide margin. but there are going to be more for pc users. 

5. Maybe they will tell me to settle down, but like I said, I'm not angry. You just refuse to admit that pc gamers hack more than console gamers. Not only that but you did insult me, and are wrong to boot, as shown in my response to 1.

EDIT: ok now for real, i'm done

theprof00 said:
bardicverse said:

EDIT: ok now for real, i'm done

Pinky swear?