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Hacks (in the online world) is just general terminology for cheats of any kind, and I already wrote that in an earlier post, sorry that didn't get to you. Although it may not be the correct terminology, in the online gaming world, saying someone is hacking has replaced saying someone is cheating.

Now, you still haven't shown how multiplat games are "cheated" more (emphasis on more because they would have to be to equal the amount of overall cheating, which is your argument) on consoles, because for every "exploit" that exists, there exist at least as many exploits on the pc version and on top of that, there is a wider userbase to discover such exploits. Furthermore, for every console "hack" there are more on a pc, and they are more readily available.

Also, you are wrong about the anti-hack programs eliminating hacks because my best friend has hacked CS for about 6 years now, one of the programs being almost 4 years old. I've seen him boot other players, restart a server, kill everyone at once and make people switch teams. That one he has had for roughly 7 months now since he got his new comp. When he thinks an admin was unfair or he was accused of walling aimbotting, he kicks them off the server, and yes, they are both public and private official servers.

As to your argument with what I said: No, it's not stupid because windows updater updates my virus definitions, restructures how some files are accessed, changes authorization levels, eliminates faulty lines of code and updates windows defender.
"as if you expect MS Update to be an antivirus/antispyware"
as if you expect that you are right all the time

Finally, you may think you can read what I mean when I say I'm not offended. but I really am not. I'm sitting here laughing at this. But whereas you call me a dumbass overtly, I'm enjoying the act of sneaking it in between the lines.

EDIT: i said the offended thing for the mods, I didn't want them to think I was angry, because I'm not, I just enjoy pulling your argument apart.

EDIT2: and now I'm done because I don't want to get banned or invest any more time into this argument where you are never going to agree that console online gaming has less "cheaters" than pc gaming.