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^^^ Ok Prof, you apparently can't read. EXPLOITS != HACKS. Exploits are glitches in programming that are used to get an unfair advantage. You cant readily get into a console game and alter the code of it. Yet bug exploits can and commonly do get used to give an advantage in both offline and online games.

Can I give you a ratio of how many people are using the exploits? Considering they are untrackable actions, then no, but if you need a point of reference, think of how many bug exploits are out there, from loading a weapon, hitting pause and doing some other actions, then unequip and reequip the weapon, increasing ammo (Resident Evil GC exploit, fyi) There's a lot out there. They just arent labeled "hacks".

Also, you claim all of these hacks and patches etc for the games you googled, but have you tested to see how many are valid anymore? For every hack that comes out, there is a patch within a week. I'd venture to say that at least half of the hacks don't work or have been patched.

And yes, in different terms, you did say that PC gaming was faulted by hacking greatly, as you are trying to back up here.

Making an edit saying that you are not offended only clarifies that you posted because you WERE offended, which is clear through how you demand that I give you stats, etc. You showed how offended you were several times there. Let me clarify the  reference from your earlier post - you said this:

"yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware."

- The post is dumb because MS updater isn't designed to fight virii and spyware, where the programs to boot cheaters are designed to take care of the cheating/hacking issue. The comparison is stupid at best, as if you expect MS Update to be an antivirus/antispyware, you might as well as expect to get soda out of an iPod. See what I mean? It makes no sense at all.