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bardicverse said:
theprof00 said:

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.


That was probably the dumbest thing you've posted on this site. Congrats.

And here comes you infallible logic to back up this stupid, stupid sentence.

Sure, the anti-hack vs. hack thing is never ending, just like viruses vs anti-viruses. A new anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around it, an updated anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around that. Its the nature of the beast, and what keeps many people gainfully employed ironically enough. Yet to say that PC gaming is plagued with hacking is inaccurate.

hmm something I never said, interesting.

Console exploits can be used just as often, and there is a LOT of that going on as well. The problem there is, its not as easy to patch/fix.

"as often" you say? show me some numbers. As far as I can tell, that is complete conjecture that is actually going against all the evidence. As a cursory check I googled game hacks. The first site was cheat codes, nothing special. But the next two on the list,, and mpgh (multiplayer game hacks) both focus on hacking pc games online. Although this doesn't prove anything, it is already showing historical evidence of what kind of hacks the GP are using the most.
I can do more checks and see exactly how many hacks are available for any given multiplatform game, but I already know that pc would win that challenge too. You can look it up for yourself genius.

Online PC games have more users. PC game hacks are easier to find and use because you have full access to a pc computer whereas you don't have full unrestricted access to a console unless you really try.

(I also just read that to hack a ps3 game, you need a thumbdrive and a usb keyboard.
Hacking a 360 game requires even more than that, and on top of that, googling xbox360 cod4 hack does not give you one actual hack on the first 10 returns.)

This leads to the problem of pc vs console hack ease in which all you have to do on a pc is dl, install, and then use in game menus, in stark contrast to console game hacks, which, though they may be more effective in the long run, are much less pervasive because of the know-how required to use them.

You just said "just as often"... huh, now it's really up to you to prove it.

Just so you know what you are now expected to do, you should

  • Show me statistics on pc and console hacking, showing a percentage that is the same on both. IE a graph showing that 2.22% of gamers on both the pc and console version of cod4 hack.
  • Explain how a platform which requires more investment to perform a hack does an equal amount of hacking as a platform which requires nothing extra.
  • Explain how the minority (console hacks) are actually on an equal level with pc hacks. (this is different from the first because this asks for analysis and explanation, not just a graph, which you won't be able to produce anyways.)
  • Finally explain how you can just go off and insult someone with a differing opinion.

If you expect everyone in the world to play fair, you're in for a rude awakening in life overall. Some people exist SOLEY by cheating, using the system to their advantage, corruption, etc. Gaming etiquite reflects a person's personality. If you want a fair match, play against friends that won't use an unfair advantage. This goes for console OR PC gaming.

You are preaching to the choir. I don't expect everyone in the world to play fair. I'm just saying that the hacking issue is one of the benefits of console gaming. I don't know what you are trying to prove other than that you are completely out bounds and being offensive

PS EDIT: I am not doing this because I am offended.