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bardicverse said:
theprof00 said:

EDIT2: @bardicverse. yes there exist programs to boot cheaters offline. But saying that those programs eliminate cheating is like saying that microsoft updater eliminates virii and spyware.


That was probably the dumbest thing you've posted on this site. Congrats.

Sure, the anti-hack vs. hack thing is never ending, just like viruses vs anti-viruses. A new anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around it, an updated anti-hack comes out, hackers find a way around that. Its the nature of the beast, and what keeps many people gainfully employed ironically enough. Yet to say that PC gaming is plagued with hacking is inaccurate. Console exploits can be used just as often, and there is a LOT of that going on as well. The problem there is, its not as easy to patch/fix.

If you expect everyone in the world to play fair, you're in for a rude awakening in life overall. Some people exist SOLEY by cheating, using the system to their advantage, corruption, etc. Gaming etiquite reflects a person's personality. If you want a fair match, play against friends that won't use an unfair advantage. This goes for console OR PC gaming.


I used to Play COD 1 & 2 online a great deal. I did see cheating but I didn't care that much because one, I'm not the competitive about video games. I have nothing to prove and at my age I'll nver match at 15YO reflexes anyway. I mainly quit because I just got disgusted with the constant obscenity and verbal abuse from teenagers that were trying to be be rambo or something. The whole atmosphere was just way over the top, hyper competitive and no one seemed to be there for fun.

I've got better things to do with my time than compare pecker size with a pottymouth 14YO kid who'll probably be lucky to rise to night shift assistant manger at Burger Doodle in his entire professional life.