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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Gnizmo said:
Esa-Petteri said:
Wii versions are always inferior, I don't see that much difference in pushing a button or the waggle. Actually I prefer pushing the button. :D

 I suppose that is true if you want pretty shinies over good controls. The fact that dual analog is stil seen as an acceptable control scheme for a FPS is shameful. fortunately most reviewers are starting to come around to the fact that gameplay is the most important part of a game. I know it is a novel concept. Maybe you would be happier with just really good movies.

Well, in Call of Duty's case, if given the choice I'd take the pretty shinies over good controls any day. But I get the best of both worlds with the PC version :)

Really, people are exaggerating the whole dual analogue thing. It's slower, but it's not bad by any means. I have no trouble switching from World at War on PC to Resistance 2 on PS3.

I'm not disputing what you are saying because I think this is definately a personal choice. I played more hours than I care to even try to count of COD 1, 1.5(UO), and 2 and because of my profession I played them on an extremely powerful graphic workstation on a 31" monitor at resolutions (if the game supported it) of 2560 x 1600. They were indeed gorgeous. Even the snow flakes seemed to have detail.

So why would I give that up to play almost 100% of the Wii with its adequate but hardly spectacular graphics. It's because I REALLY like the motion control, so much that I can hardly bring myself to play anything else. But for a reason no one ever seems to mention, so perhaps they don't experience it.

When I play using the motion control, however good of flawed the execution, I feel like a participant. In Shaun White on the balance board, I feel like I'm on a snowboard, in a light saber duel I feel like I'm in a sword fight.

When I play the same or a similar game on the PC or my Xbox, no matter how realistic the graphics, I lose that sense of personal participation. I become an electronic puppet master controlling digital puppets on the screen. It's no longer me snowboarding down the hill, its just my electronic doppelganger.

Maybe nobody else feels this, and that's too bad because it makes it one hell of a lot more engaging and fun. When they come out with Motion Plus and you can open a door by reaching out with your hand and turning the knob ...... Now that will be fantastic.