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Forums - Sales Discussion - GfK: Xbox 360 sales increased 124% from last NOV, but...

We all know the likes of GfK use weeks like NPD. This Nov NPD is of 4 weeks and also was last year.

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so PS3 wasn't being pwnd that badly in EU then?

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Does GFK has numbers for the Ps3?

If Ps3 has similiar differences then it would be the dates. If Ps3 is similiar with ioi then it would be ioi. Simple solution.

darthdevidem01 said:
so PS3 wasn't being pwnd that badly in EU then?


Its been an close fight in Nov with 360 winning, and overall PS3 is still ahead by 300k in EU.

Who cares about a few consoles here and there. If you are a Sony fan then there is more to worry about then a few consoles.. Like your system is falling of a large cliff and there maybe a few bounces as it hits the sides. The only people that are buying the PS3 are techy people who like HD and want to get there freinds around to say "ooooh, look at my big TV and I have a Blu-ray player". Its time to move on and accept 3rd place and a very hard next generation.

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@mrstickball: You're making this up. You don't know how GFK or ChartTrack is actually tracking November and if number of Sundays have any significance or not (I really doubt they have).

ELSPA monthly awards (from UK' ChartTrack) are given with the same scheme that is used by NPD (4-4-5 for each quarter), strictly speaking they are week ahead of NPD.

Italy hardware data is published with different scheme. Last 5-week months were May and August. If they going with 4-4-5 scheme than next 5-week month actually would be November.

Ther X360/PS3 ratio is wrong anyway to the same degree no mather the timespan. Either PS3 is undertracked and X360 overtracked or PS3 spot on and X360 overtracked vastly.

This info comes from MS and its also posible that MS decided which weeks should be included and which shouldn't and than calculated yearly growth from GFK/CT weekly data. In this is case its doubtful that they would choose timspan that puts them in worse light.


Good point.

People are forgetting one thing that increase % are from GfK but they come via Microsoft themselves.

@mrstickball: You're making this up. You don't know how GFK or ChartTrack is actually tracking November and if number of Sundays have any significance or not (I really doubt they have)

And neither do you. So why are we arguing what GfK says when it's pretty obvious that no one knows what the exact dates for comparison are? Just because one tracking firm says 'Xbox 360 up x% in November' doesn't mean much when we're discussing the VGC tracking firm, which may, or may not track a different timeline.

Also, it's important to know that numbers aren't going to be final unless we get hard values for the data, rather than percentages. We've seen so many people, and PR firms play the ratio and numbers game. At the end of 2008, we'll have LTD values for every region. When that happens, we can look back at what VGC tracked and say "oh, this is where you missed it!"

But until then, like every NPD month - ioi and VGC methodology should be considered innocent until proven guilty.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mr stickball why would GFK report 3% increase for Ps3 and ioi be SPOT on and then report 124% increase for 360 but ioi have higher % increase?

....Because VGC could be off for both?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.