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@mrstickball: You're making this up. You don't know how GFK or ChartTrack is actually tracking November and if number of Sundays have any significance or not (I really doubt they have).

ELSPA monthly awards (from UK' ChartTrack) are given with the same scheme that is used by NPD (4-4-5 for each quarter), strictly speaking they are week ahead of NPD.

Italy hardware data is published with different scheme. Last 5-week months were May and August. If they going with 4-4-5 scheme than next 5-week month actually would be November.

Ther X360/PS3 ratio is wrong anyway to the same degree no mather the timespan. Either PS3 is undertracked and X360 overtracked or PS3 spot on and X360 overtracked vastly.

This info comes from MS and its also posible that MS decided which weeks should be included and which shouldn't and than calculated yearly growth from GFK/CT weekly data. In this is case its doubtful that they would choose timspan that puts them in worse light.