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@mrstickball: You're making this up. You don't know how GFK or ChartTrack is actually tracking November and if number of Sundays have any significance or not (I really doubt they have)

And neither do you. So why are we arguing what GfK says when it's pretty obvious that no one knows what the exact dates for comparison are? Just because one tracking firm says 'Xbox 360 up x% in November' doesn't mean much when we're discussing the VGC tracking firm, which may, or may not track a different timeline.

Also, it's important to know that numbers aren't going to be final unless we get hard values for the data, rather than percentages. We've seen so many people, and PR firms play the ratio and numbers game. At the end of 2008, we'll have LTD values for every region. When that happens, we can look back at what VGC tracked and say "oh, this is where you missed it!"

But until then, like every NPD month - ioi and VGC methodology should be considered innocent until proven guilty.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.