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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 sales predictions

Euphoria14 said:
Bugrimmar, comparing KZ2 to LBP is not really the most fair way to go.

LBP is in a genre severely lacking this Gen with the exception of pretty much only Galaxy.

KZ2 on the other hand is in a genre that has sold incredibly well this entire console generation.


and its a genre that has huge proven ip's with huge fanbases. again, killzone doesn't have much of a fanbase since killzone 1 was a disappointment.

now see, galaxy is a mario game and so you can see how well it sold. it has a huge fanbase. lbp, as i predicted before, is a new ip that doesn't have a fanbase, and is difficult to comprehend.

galaxy: lbp, as call of duty: killzone.

believe me, it's going to be the same.

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KZ2 selling big as COD4, you mean? because I don't see how the hell you can compare a game like LBP on a PLAYSTATION 3 (hardcore elite $400 system) to....Mario? on a NINTENDO Wii?

Your logic is flawed , dude.

^Well I guess we will eventually find out, but that time isn't anytime real soon.

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It will debut at approximately 400,000. It will sell approximately 2.75 million LTD.

I think it will initially sell 20 million and then all xbox fanboys see it and buy it so I predict 50 million LTD

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non-gravity said:
I think it will initially sell 20 million and then all xbox fanboys see it and buy it so I predict 50 million LTD


 I guarantee somebody somehow uses this against the sales of the game next year.

Get ready for "PS3 fans predicted 20M sales for KZ2".

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killerzone 2 will not do better than Gow2 and CoD 5.

If they do a price cut, and advertise this game i'm thinking maybe 650k - 1M week one. 4.5M LTD

I don't think it will do as well as Resistance 2.

Lifetime sales prediction: 1.5m - 2.5m

I don't know, but I'm buying Day 1 so that's at least 1 copy sold week 1.