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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - N-Revolution closes, blames Nintendo’s shift away from hardcore gamer.

lol, so even when Nintendo sells more consoles than ever, Nintendo's own games are better than ever and the 3rd party situation is definitely not worse than in Gamecube days you can't sell your magazine.

Well done! Maybe hire a new PR person or blame the internet, cause this is just nonsense.

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With demos now available to freely download, we have no need for traditional magazines.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Soleron said:
Well, he's genuine, because if the readership has dropped and the new material reduced to the point where it is economically unviable to continue, that can't be faked.

Nintendo, if you want my money, you need to make a high-quality, first-party (not any of your crud satellite developers like Ambrella/NST; I mean EAD, Retro, IS or similar) title for the Wii or DS that is aimed at an experienced gamer in a traditional genre. If you don't feel my cash is worth your investment, that's fine. But at least come out and say so. Don't leave this market in a state of perpetual waiting.

The economy wouldn't have any affect on the first part (readership being down), would it?

Also, I'm pretty sure Nintendo has released lots of traditional games for the DS, but they can't possibly do it all. In the past two years they've released Zelda, SMG, Brawl, MP3, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem, Wario Land, and Disaster (well it's not out everywhere yet...). That's 8 traditional games in 2 years, not to mention loads of more "casual" games that might also appeal to a more traditional audience, and the DS games they've made in the last 2 years as well. They alone can only do so much. It takes a while to make great traditional games. Next year they have Pikmin at least, plus some unannounced games (they don't talk about games until a few months before launch so they might have some big games coming it Feb we wouldn't know about).

I think the real problem here, and the people this magizine should be blaming (if anyone), would be 3pd parties for thinking that rushed, crappy mindless mini games is equal to the enjoyable fun involved "social" games Nintendo puts out, or rushed simple traditional games in equal to the interesting, challenging, deep, yet easy to pick up and play traditional games that Nintendo has put out. 3rd parties should be to blamed, and they (3rd parties) should be ashamed too.

trestres said:
@mesoteto: The guy may be right, after all is core gamers who usually go out and buy game magazines to be well informed about what's coming up. Casual gamers will just go out and buy a game whenever they enter a store, they dont have clue about upcoming games most of the times.

They had to close it because it looks like core gamers weren't interested in what Nintendo is offering this gen, so people weren't buying their magazines. If sales go down it's because of a reason, not because magazines are thing of the past, cause every other single magazine would be disappearing. The thing is Nintendo chose to go more into the casual side of gaming this gen, hence the slow sales of their magazines. During the GC era, I can assure you sales were way higher.

Let's hope that the other remaining Nintendo magazines stay on float, I have a big collection of the Club Nintendo magazines, which is the official magazine for Latin America. But it's been a while since they have arrived here, I'm fearing the worst.

thats the thing, the core gamer is very misinformed this gen if you take a list of all the core title released this gen and compare it to previous gen you will see that the time line almost match up the only thing missing is some third party core titles, and you can not blame nintendo for third parties not putting their best effort into the wii we have seen just as many core title on the wii as we did with the game cube at similar points in their lives....its just what we also have is a up swing in the amount of casual games


clerk said:
Who reads magazines anymore?


^^^^ This.


The internet had destroyed a need for magazines and even newspapers. Google news gives me TODAY  the news that the  newspapers will give me TOMORROW. To be honest, good riddance, less trees need to be chopped down.

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Why would someone buy a magazine when all the info is on the Internet and you don't have to wait for it for a month?

Internet killed the magazine star!

Signature goes here!

main problem with his statement is it is not true

the gaming population is also the internet population, and they get their news from

other gaming oriented websites-that have up to date information

magazines however are 1-2 MONTHS out of date

for example

ffxiii going to the 360- the internet knew this was happening seconds to a few hrs after it was revealed

magazine that is monthly...would have to wait til the next issue a 2-4 weeks later.

a magazine that is every 2 months, we are talking up to 8 weeks
a quarterly is 12 weeks etc...

gaming sites had this information up and distributed almost instantaneously.

the places that get the gaming news the fastest survive. those that do not (magazines) fail.

magazine subscriptions- world wide -(except for a few) are all down significantly.

not just the gaming ones

outlawauron said:
With demos now available to freely download, we have no need for traditional magazines.

We chiefly read magazines for editorials and interviews, though, and those are often still exclusive and (hopefully) insightful.

well the nintendo official magazine went out of business during the gamecube era. so im pretty sure its not just the casual thing

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


^it like i said,...they needed a scape goat and picked a big one