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Soleron said:
Well, he's genuine, because if the readership has dropped and the new material reduced to the point where it is economically unviable to continue, that can't be faked.

Nintendo, if you want my money, you need to make a high-quality, first-party (not any of your crud satellite developers like Ambrella/NST; I mean EAD, Retro, IS or similar) title for the Wii or DS that is aimed at an experienced gamer in a traditional genre. If you don't feel my cash is worth your investment, that's fine. But at least come out and say so. Don't leave this market in a state of perpetual waiting.

The economy wouldn't have any affect on the first part (readership being down), would it?

Also, I'm pretty sure Nintendo has released lots of traditional games for the DS, but they can't possibly do it all. In the past two years they've released Zelda, SMG, Brawl, MP3, Mario Kart, Fire Emblem, Wario Land, and Disaster (well it's not out everywhere yet...). That's 8 traditional games in 2 years, not to mention loads of more "casual" games that might also appeal to a more traditional audience, and the DS games they've made in the last 2 years as well. They alone can only do so much. It takes a while to make great traditional games. Next year they have Pikmin at least, plus some unannounced games (they don't talk about games until a few months before launch so they might have some big games coming it Feb we wouldn't know about).

I think the real problem here, and the people this magizine should be blaming (if anyone), would be 3pd parties for thinking that rushed, crappy mindless mini games is equal to the enjoyable fun involved "social" games Nintendo puts out, or rushed simple traditional games in equal to the interesting, challenging, deep, yet easy to pick up and play traditional games that Nintendo has put out. 3rd parties should be to blamed, and they (3rd parties) should be ashamed too.