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I love piracy! Every time I order my men shoot galleon with my sloops dozen cannons my adrenaline pours all over the ship... Err, wait. Oh, software piracy? Its wrong, but you cannot do anything about it. As long as customers get their bytes on their medias theres nothing you can do to stop your game to get cracked.

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Thats one of the things i dislike about PC gaming a lot of people are just to cheap to buy the games , I understand of you emulate Megaman X3 or something but some people overboard it, I feel guilty when i pirate and now i cant stand to even pirate a song when you can just get it off youtube

Katilian said:
As a software developer, I personally don't have any problems with piracy. If your business model can't be sustained due to whatever reason, then you simply go out of business. Sure, this might affect the way things are done now, but the arts have survived for thousands of years without copyright, so why would they suddenly disappear if your product isn't artificially protected?

Funnily, out of all the places I've worked, I've seen more piracy between employees in companies that produce "Intellectual Property" (which include a software development company and a post production film company (computer graphics related)) than the companies that actual produce physical products. Though this might be more related to the fact that the "IP" companies I've worked for have a much younger employee age, probably in the late 20s.

That said, so far this year I've purchased 29 games. I have no problem supporting companies that I feel have delivered a decent product, however, if you're going to produce a product that infringes on *my* copy rights (e.g. fair use) with rubbish like DRM, then why should I respect your copy rights.

Hey someone who finally feels like me.  Thank god.


kuraobi said:
vlad321 said:
*~Onna76~* said:

Hate it, always have and always will. If you don't have the money for games you shouldn't game at all. Its not like you would go out to a store and start stealing now would you? Same thing....

I'm not rich at all, but at least I buy my games "original". There's still the "second hand" market, or is that even too much to ask?


No it's not the same thing. If I went and made physical copies of things in the store then it would be the same thing. If that was the case why the fuck should i give any money to the original maker if they didnt spend their resources or time and effort to make the copy? If you want to equate piracy with going into a store and stealing you atumatically lose. However I'm linient on this and I will say that it's like comparing apples to oranges.


Of course you can make physical copies, that's called counterfeit items. And why would you give money to the people who created the original thing ? Simply because if they didn't create it you couldn't have copied it, so you owe them something (which is called intellectual property).


If it's not their resources or their time or effort they deserve no money from me basically. Again if you wanna be going on about this, why aren't all types of gadget makers payign royalties for using Maxwell's ideas to his family? No they don't, yet they are blatantly using his ideas.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Kasz216 said:
Katilian said:
As a software developer, I personally don't have any problems with piracy. If your business model can't be sustained due to whatever reason, then you simply go out of business. Sure, this might affect the way things are done now, but the arts have survived for thousands of years without copyright, so why would they suddenly disappear if your product isn't artificially protected?

Funnily, out of all the places I've worked, I've seen more piracy between employees in companies that produce "Intellectual Property" (which include a software development company and a post production film company (computer graphics related)) than the companies that actual produce physical products. Though this might be more related to the fact that the "IP" companies I've worked for have a much younger employee age, probably in the late 20s.

That said, so far this year I've purchased 29 games. I have no problem supporting companies that I feel have delivered a decent product, however, if you're going to produce a product that infringes on *my* copy rights (e.g. fair use) with rubbish like DRM, then why should I respect your copy rights.

Hey someone who finally feels like me. Thank god.

Actually I am with you guys too. Sure piracy is bad, but you can't still sue your potential buyers. As a software dev myself too I have plan no to use drm or sue anyone because of piracy. Neither I care about pirates or make my software for pirates. They are quite irrelevant in my equations. Rest of my ideas you will see when/if I get ever anything out. :P

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I hate piracy, equivalent to shoplifting. Means the only way of playing games without having to find the disc and put it in is illegal.

Also, it means companies resort to DRM.

However, my biggest hatred is that because of people's silly habits, it's not got a load of powerful media companies (Record Labels, Film Studios included) clamouring for governments to police the internet. And having my ISP snoop at what I'm doing I think is a fucking liberty.

Well,to everyone that defend or skip the piracy issues,you got to come to Mexico,the piracy is everywhere and the losses are just too much.

Is not fair not even right,to get incomes from something that you don't put the effort to develop,produce, just unfair not matter how do you want to defend this.

Steal is steal,just like that.

The world suffer economic issues,yeah big deal,but everyone have troubles,but not everyone do the easy,wrong path.


Yeah, I hate it...



I don't hate it but I'm not 100% for it either.

Downloading ROMs of old games that doesn't sell new isn't too bad, imo... Why? Because if you buy it second hand on Ebay or w/e the company doesn't make a penny out of it. The guy who sells it does. So would you buy a game knowing all your money isn't given to the people who made the game?

I don't like people who SELL pirated games. Now that's very bad! >:(

Bottom line is, if a game is available new or to download (like VC games on Wii), it's best to buy them.