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Forums - Sony Discussion - David Jaffe approves of GoW3 (graphics)

Man the graphics sounds like its going to be intense. GoW on the PS2 were the A class in terms of graphics, so you wouldn't expect any less for a PS3 game. But dam, the way he says it, really makes you wanna see what it looks like.

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Just curious. Any of the people shit talking Jaffe here ever defend Cliffy B.?

Other than that, Jaffe is the FUCKING man!

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I love Jaffe

And of course it looks better than Gears 2. KZ2 Beta does that easily.

But does GoW 3 look better than KZ2?

DMeisterJ said:
I love Jaffe

And of course it looks better than Gears 2. KZ2 Beta does that easily.

But does GoW 3 look better than KZ2?

I hope


RolStoppable said:
I disrespect David Jaffe as a game developer and human being. His vocabulary is very limited, how old is he? Twelve?

Agreed. Jaffe and Cory Barlog both act (and speak, and post on the internet) like they're immature fanbois. I can't stand either one of them.


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^ From the sound of it so far, it just might.

If true, this is just like last gen with the PS2. Every year we keep seeing a leap in graphics.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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I really cant wait for the game to come out.


Jaffe is just being, well, Jaffe - over the top, sometimes far from the target, but always entertaining. That said, it's disturbing how Jaffe prefaced his praise for GoW3 with the obligatory Gears-is-the-greatest-thing-since-sliced-bread infocommercial.

Nothing against Gears, the game is an exploding barrel of fun, but come on, Jaffe. Gears is a perfectly ordinary shooter with high production values and a script cobbled together from outtakes of every humdrum 1990s sci-fi movie ever made.

The videogame industry has this horrible habit of thinking 16-year-old bratty white males from the US suburbs living on overblown expense accounts from Corporate Drone Daddy Who Never Had the Time to Raise Me are the demographic majority of gamers. But they're not even close to the majority of gamers now, and their presence will shrink as the industry continues to grow.

I was expecting an argument over which games have better graphics, not on how one man speaks. Wow, he uses "bad" words. If they're so bad, why are they words? Stupid people are acting like he can't say them. Sure he doesn't need to, but I could care less.

I am more interested in seeing what he saw than what he said. You should be too (but if you want to bitch about his language usage on a GAMING forum, go right ahead. Ignore the off-topic section).

EDIT: HERE is somewhere that discussion can continue.

I'm going to pretend like you forgot to play MGS4 Mr. Jaffe.

Good to hear God of War is shaping up so nicely.