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Jaffe is just being, well, Jaffe - over the top, sometimes far from the target, but always entertaining. That said, it's disturbing how Jaffe prefaced his praise for GoW3 with the obligatory Gears-is-the-greatest-thing-since-sliced-bread infocommercial.

Nothing against Gears, the game is an exploding barrel of fun, but come on, Jaffe. Gears is a perfectly ordinary shooter with high production values and a script cobbled together from outtakes of every humdrum 1990s sci-fi movie ever made.

The videogame industry has this horrible habit of thinking 16-year-old bratty white males from the US suburbs living on overblown expense accounts from Corporate Drone Daddy Who Never Had the Time to Raise Me are the demographic majority of gamers. But they're not even close to the majority of gamers now, and their presence will shrink as the industry continues to grow.