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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Analysis: PS3 vs Xbox 360 which controller is better for games

Xen said:
NNN2004 said:
mrstickball said:
Oh, one should notice: every article Mike Ferro (creator of that article) has posted was pro-PS3 or anti-X360. It's hard to see how he gave a balanced look when, of the last 15 articles he's written, 0 shed the X360 in a positive light.

He wrote such masterful articles as:

Review: Resistance 2 potentially best FPS of 2008
Xbox 360 loyal studio says PS3 has more potential
GTA IV helps PS3 overtake Xbox 360 in Japan
Microsoft bans thousands of Xbox 360 accounts
PSN accounts equal Xbox Live
Sony needs to unite to beat Xbox 360
Microsoft time release of NXE to avoid warranty costs?
Xbox Live still not fixed: Refund expected?
Xbox Live less stable than PS3 PSN?

..And so on. Hard to imagine this guy has objectivity when no articles I saw shed the X360 in a glaringly positive light.

hes one of the biggest sony fans in the site and maybe the leader of the sony fans in the site.


You gotta be kidding me.


hmmm after megaman2


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WessleWoggle said:
I have to agree it fits more kinds of hands. The xbox controller is made for large hands. The PS controller looks like it's made for small hands.

The old controller for the XBOX is the best controller for large hands, not the 360 controller.


Dualshock3 is superior imo. The D-Pad Pad is responsive and accurate, The triggers work fine. On the other hand the 360 triggers are better, but not by the margin that the Dualshock D-Pad Trumps all over the 360 D-Pad.

MikeB said:

Of course there are alternative controllers available, but here's Mike Ferro's analysis on the standard 360 and PS3 controllers:

My take: Overall a nice analysis, but does not address all aspects.

For games like Ape Escape or Super Stardust HD (games I like and own) the symmetrical nature of the analog sticks feels a lot more natural and is far more effective on the PS3.

I also like the motion sensing ability of the DH3 which the 360 controller does not provide. For example the flying parts in Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction or a game like Super Ruba Dub. With LittleBigPlanet you can make a lot of gestures, like shaking your head or looking at and pointing towards something when playing online with people (next to chat communication). I like the triggers, pressing them a little further you can get your sackboy to point fingers at things instead of just waving your hands for various gestures.

Although I can manage with both controllers myself, I will have to note my girlfriend and sister both got hand cramps from using the 360 controller (and from using the PS3 controller). Of course there are others who say they experienced the exact opposite to be the case for them, but note there are hundreds of million of gamers out there who used similar controllers as those standard with the PS3.

In the end its all very subjective and depends on personal preferences. But you hear 360 fans all the time about how the PS3 controller sucks and the 360's controller is vastly superior, I thought this analysis to be an interesting read.

My opinion as a physical therapist and the ergotherapists I know is that the PS3 controller is better designed overall, it more easily fits more different kinds of hands. For the symmetrical nature of the analog sticks this is also the case, better suited for both left and right handed people, the active range of motion is a handicap for the left 360 analog stick (especially an issue if you have left-hand problems or small thumbs).


In my opinion (and I am very analytical) the 360 and PS3 controller are good for:

360: Racers, FPS, TPS, WRPG's, RTS, Sports, 

PS3: Fighters, Action/Adventure, Platform.

Both: JRPG's (Especially turn based, because then it doesn't matter which controller).

blazinhead89 said:
Dualshock3 is superior imo. The D-Pad Pad is responsive and accurate, The triggers work fine. On the other hand the 360 triggers are better, but not by the margin that the Dualshock D-Pad Trumps all over the 360 D-Pad.


Don't play games that demand excessive tapping on a PS2/PS3 controller because you're going to have to replace it.

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The DS3 for me, hands down. Oh, and the DS3 is way better than the sixaxis.

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

I'm surprised they said the DS 3 is better for FPS's.


the only thing that should changed in the 360 controller is the D pad its really suck.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
blazinhead89 said:
Dualshock3 is superior imo. The D-Pad Pad is responsive and accurate, The triggers work fine. On the other hand the 360 triggers are better, but not by the margin that the Dualshock D-Pad Trumps all over the 360 D-Pad.


Don't play games that demand excessive tapping on a PS2/PS3 controller because you're going to have to replace it.

My brothers had his x and A buttons get stuck in. So it happens with both controllers

I prefer 360 pad. It's feels more solid and it was designed from the ground up with analogue sticks in mind. The PS3 pad feels really cheap, has no rumble (I take it that's been rectified with the later if you bought an earlier PS3) but worst of all for me, it's the same pad as the PSOne pad which had the analogue sticks tacked on later on in it's life to compete with the N64 pad. The Playstation pad was never designed for analogue sticks, it was an after thought. To me that's evident. Oh and I prefer buttons assigned with letters to pretentious shapes....

That's not to say the 360 pad is perfect. It's D-pad is awful. Apparently it's been recitified but too late for me. Also it took them that long to realise it was rubbish??? I hope no one has had the misfortune of playing a fighting game using THAT d-pad. I shoudn't have to spend extra bucks to buy a decent controller to play fighting games. And any side scrolling 2-D games for that matter.