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I prefer 360 pad. It's feels more solid and it was designed from the ground up with analogue sticks in mind. The PS3 pad feels really cheap, has no rumble (I take it that's been rectified with the later if you bought an earlier PS3) but worst of all for me, it's the same pad as the PSOne pad which had the analogue sticks tacked on later on in it's life to compete with the N64 pad. The Playstation pad was never designed for analogue sticks, it was an after thought. To me that's evident. Oh and I prefer buttons assigned with letters to pretentious shapes....

That's not to say the 360 pad is perfect. It's D-pad is awful. Apparently it's been recitified but too late for me. Also it took them that long to realise it was rubbish??? I hope no one has had the misfortune of playing a fighting game using THAT d-pad. I shoudn't have to spend extra bucks to buy a decent controller to play fighting games. And any side scrolling 2-D games for that matter.