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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Analysis: PS3 vs Xbox 360 which controller is better for games

PS3 controller was awful, but there was some logitech controller for PS3, which was actually quite good. Don't know about X360 controller. I haven't even touched that console. :P

And outcome of analysis in OP was shock to me too... :D

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I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I quite like the L2/R2 triggers for driving games, never had a problem with them slipping. So I prefer the driving on the playstation especially with the analogs closer together is nice in GTA.

Shooters excel on the 360 though.

I'm more likely to believe that's your opinion as a PS fanboy mike.

360's controller is vastly superior than ps3 controller i feel

@ Deneidez

And outcome of analysis in OP was shock to me too... :D

That's a positive, sometimes shock therapy may be required to get those grey cells to work for people.

There has been a lot of anti-PS3 (anti-Blu-Ray / anti-Sony / etc) FUD by US media (and 360 fans) ever since the platform launched, it's nice we are starting to see more and more balanced articles pop up here and there. I think in a couple of years we will all be laughing when looking back at those discussions.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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X360 D-Pad is crap... worse even than GC D-Pad... overall GC and X360 controller are very alike and I like both.






i like the PS3 controller but especially the motion sensing. the motion is used especially in uncharted and mirrors edge

I agree with your statement.  I have long said the 360 controller with offset analogs is almost entirely unnatural.  The ps3 controller however is a bit too small.  360 is a bit too large, bad button layout (for me), and too heavy.  I do like the overall feel of the 360 controllers shape, just want it a tad smaller.


Wouldnt it be nice if the makers made different sized controlelrs for different sized hands?!?!?!?!?

Anything on Techblorge I simply do not read. Trash of the gaming internet.

The 360 one is a lot better, the ps3 one gives me cramps!