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Forums - Gaming Discussion - LBP sales have depressed me...

it still is, we have now 50 members in the official lbp thread, and it is one of the best games I've played this gen. period

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Buy Valkyria Chronicles. Take your mind off of LBP for a bit. Who knows, since Valkyria Chronicles is so good, maybe you'll completely forget about LBP. n_n


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

I got my girlfriend interested today for the first time. I tried getting her to play three or four times, but she wasn't interested.
Today she asked me to take out the garbage and i said "ok, but play for me" When I got back she was physically jumping up and down while crossing a chasm. she was hooked.

Reasonable said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Well, not a lot of people really want to play a cutesy, fun game, no matter how innovative it is.

It's just not some people's cup of tea, like mine.

While I respect it as a AAA title, I'd throw 10 games away, like LBP, to be able to play Gears 2, or Fallout 4 right about now.

Another game that I magnificently love is Mario Galaxy. From what I've played of LBP, I like Galaxy a lot better, and I can't really understand why.

I think the key lies within LBP's inherent lack of freedom in the gameplay department. It's cute, it's endearing, I enjoy it for minutes at a time, but it just doesn't feel right to me. It doesn't feel like an epic game. Not the company, the classification.

I guess I could best compare the game to Guitar Hero, or Elite Beat Agents. It's great, magnificant fun, and one of the best games on the PS3. However, it's a completely different experience from playing a game that has a sense of building, freedom, and exploration in it.

As for Gears 2, the increase focus on Story, attempted successfully, to fix issues that people had with the first games narrative. Thing is, Gears narrative is, and always will be about character development and interactions. It's about having a good laugh with the deer camp. Gears 2 is the deer camp of narratives.

If you don't know what deer camp is, it's a place where a bunch of grown ass men go to camp out, get away from their wives, and hunt deer. It's usually less hunting, and more jokes, food, farting, snoring, cards, and telling stories. It's an escape from the drama, but it's also very interesting to watch.

As for Gears 2 being able to support serious story, it most certainly can. The core game is so polished and excellent, you could have Dom start quoting Hamlet, and it would still get 90 plus reviews, sell millions of copies in 2 days, and be loved by gears and non-gears fans alike.

When it's true, it's always necessary to remember that most people don't share your opinion. This is one of those cases.

Back to LBP, yes, I can see how it would be depressing for you. We've all seen our share of games we were fanboys of, flop.

Luckily for me, Fallout 3 is unquestionably my GotY, so I can't really be dissapointed with its sales, I always have the Steam excuse.


You're playing Fallout 4!  Have I missed a few years?


It wasn't a mistake. I was implying that I would give up LBP 2-11, and not care if they ever existed, if I could get ahold of Fallout 4 or Gears 3, early. One new Fallout game, to me, is greater than 10 LBP games. That was my point. It's a 10 to 1 ratio.

Now, I'm not saying LBP isn't a great game. I enjoy it. It's just not my kind of game. Kinda like how lately, I'd much rather play a mediocre rpg than a great fighter. In this case, Fallout 3 is a magnificant rpg, and LBP is a good 2d platformer with magnificant cutesy production value and online mode.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I just don't understand how people can compare games in different genres and declare one "better" than the others. It would be like someone comparing an amazing horror movie to an amazing romantic comedy and declaring one movie "better" . It all comes down to personal preferences.

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I would argue that L4D is far more innovative then LBP. The difference is however the innovativeness is harder to detect since it's through the director AI.

LBP is basically copying a number of computer games, and making it simplier to interface by cutting back your options and giving you limited creativeness in the hope that enough people will buy it that it isn't just regulated to people making levels and practically begging others to play them.


L4D is by for the more important innovation as well because it's one step away from procedural AI for enemies... and that will be a glorius day.   When every computer soldier of a class doesn't react the same way... or of whatever.

humb_lumi said:
Xbox games sell more because M$ invests a lot on marketing (not on quality)... xbox players are also young and they have a lot of free time to play 10 games a week... and to top it off... xbox360 is the cheapest video game... I think M$ is going to give a free xbox with their next windows...

The idea of xbox is to become a Ps.... they buy their exclusives, they have worse hardware... Just the price is cheap.... you get what you pay for...


MS focuses on quality, the problem was this gen where they neglected the integrity of the console to push it out the door and beat Sony to the punch. They shot themself in the foot there and they've paid for it (Literally). The original  Xbox had far more value packed into the system itself than the PS2 was cheaper and had higher failure rates than the Xbox. The 360 being rushed was a one time mistake with MS. Don't expect a crappy system out of the 720.

I think the game will be pretty good in terms of over all sales in the long run.

4 ≈ One

Bitmap Frogs said:
Over-the-top hype leading to frustration and expectations-management? Who would've thought! Afterall, it's only the gazillionth time it has happened this gen with a sony product.


Trolling Sony related threads must be your hobby or something.

LBP innovative? what? LMAO

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