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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft looks to 100 million consoles with 360, NPD to show 2:1 ratio to PS3 for October

100 is a bit to much,maybe 50-60 million?
Unless they plan to buy exclusive right's to the next GTA,sport games,FF and possible their thinking about a motion controller?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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50 million? Sure. 60 million? Possibly. 100 million? I have some beach front property in Idaho that I'd like to sell you. The only thing more ridiculous than this MS thinking 100 million is the the PS3 fanboys in this thread that are saying "No way but I can see the PS3 reaching 100 million."

A bit optimistic you say?

lol I think 35-40 is a bit optimistic :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

it's called pr people.

starcraft said:
The_God_of_War said:
That's insanity. I can see the PS3 one day reching 100 million but not the 360.


How does a console that is doing worse than the Xbox 360 have a valid chance of more than doubling it's lifetime sales?


Because last i checked the ps3 was not doing worse. isnt the ps3 ahead 1 million units this year?


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Wii - 500 million
X360 - 100 million
PS3 - 150 million

Yeah, sometimes people get a bit off the mark.






This on the face of it sounds pretty optimistic. That said I do not know what Microsoft have as a 10 year plan and nor do you.

What I will say is the 360 has already been muted to become a media centre certainly with BT in the UK of sorts. Now I have not seen this but it was muted and it would be this kind of alternative Xbox strategy that we do not know about and why anybody going round claiming 40 million is now appearing to be the optimistic ones.

Lets hope its 2009 is not Microsofts year as that will definitely put the kibosh on it.

W.L.B.B. Member, Portsmouth Branch.

(Welsh(Folk) Living Beyond Borders)

Winner of the 2010 VGC Holiday sales prediction thread with an Average 1.6% accuracy rating. I am indeed awesome.

Kinect as seen by PS3 owners ...if you can pick at it it ... Did I mention the 360 was black and Shinny? Keeping Sigs obscure since 2007, Passed by the Sig police 5July10.
Squilliam said:
There are a lot of growth markets around the world for gaming, Places like Eastern Europe and Latin America along with a lot of formerly poor Asian countries are becoming wealthier.

I can see a cheap system doing well in those regions. Look at Others, and Other Europe for referrence.


Even in Spain the bigest PS market, 360 price point finally make an inmpact 

I think they can do it... if they pack a free Xbox 360 with every copy of Windows and Microsoft Office.

Signature goes here!

I think the most important part of this gen begins when mass market starts to get HD-ready around late 2009. Since mass market never buys the console which is in third place the 360 then will get a really huge boost. 100m is too optimistic but 70m is possible. And although Wii sales over the past weeks just were incredible it remains to be seen if it still is in front of the 360 on 31th Dec. 2011.