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Forums - Sales Discussion - LBP Sales Expectations (A little high, eh?)

its amazing that gears 2 sold 2.4 million in the first 24 hours...

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Undying said:
People who expected a game like LBP to sell millions are obviously newbies to this industry. Unique games like that rarely if ever even get close to a million.


 funny comming from the guy i quote in my thread in my sig...

Username2324 said:
The launch was/has been too screwed up to take first week sales literally. Some areas still haven't recieved the game so I expect strong sales into the holidays

Really... again with the "botched launch" ????

Enough with the messed up launch excuse, the game has launched already...

If you can't get the game at a local store, go online that's why online stores are there..

LBP not selling it's millions it was hyped to sell wasn't because of a 1 week launch error, it was because:

A) It didn't appeal to everyone, as many hoped

2) There are to many games to buy at this time

G) The games broken..   


side note: many user made levels are being deleted.

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

leo-j said:
Believe it or not these are still not a full week of sales, the game officially released on OCT 28, numbers for the week ending NOV 1= only 4 days on the market.

My expectation was for it to sell 1 million copies before the end of October, and for that to happen we need OTHERS to sell at the least 500k( if LBP were to sell 250k in NA)


Well, to be completely fair, LBP got an early limited release that most will add to week 1 and call it the "official" week 1. On top of that, 4 days is a good amount of time for it to be out on the market, for tracking.

Gears 2, for instance, is only going to be tracked for 2 days in its first week, majorly gimping its stats.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


sega4life said:
Username2324 said:
The launch was/has been too screwed up to take first week sales literally. Some areas still haven't recieved the game so I expect strong sales into the holidays

Really... again with the "botched launch" ????

Enough with the messed up launch excuse, the game has launched already...

If you can't get the game at a local store, go online that's why online stores are there..

LBP not selling it's millions it was hyped to sell wasn't because of a 1 week launch error, it was because:

A) It didn't appeal to everyone, as many hoped

2) There are to many games to buy at this time

G) The games broken..   


side note: many user made levels are being deleted.

Apparently VGChartz doesn't track online, therefore we could be missing 100,000's of sales. I can gaurantee that if that last minute recall hadn't happened we would have seen 600,000+ week 1 sales. The launch went far from planned and the game is still in the process of being launched in some areas.

Now am I saying I expected it to sell millions? No, I expected it to reach a million within 2-3 weeks, which it might still do. But to say the messed up launch had no effect on sales is foolish.


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You guys need to relax a little. The OP presented his arguments in a fair manner (maybe a little misguided) and yet you guys are attacking him just because you disagree? At least when DJMeister trolls he knows he's being annoying. Some of you on the other hand are acting like your world views are going to crumble beneath you if you don't defend your precious game.

Literally 5 minutes after we found out about the launch delay I said:

"We have to look at the implications of this move on week 1 sales. Not enough copies will be printed, it will have a staggered launch, and some of the hype will die down."

Then a thousand Sony fanboys stood up and said:

"STFU Zenfoldor. You are just hating on Sony. This will cause the game to be MORE hyped. You are a fool, and a hater, Zenfoldor, and you are wrong this time, we're sure about it!"


I'm not kidding.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Captain Amazing said:

Hey-ho friends,

Long time reader first time poster here. I have to say that I've often observed a lot of predictions that may be a slightly overstated. Coupled with well-established overenthusiasm this tends to make for a rather tenuous combination. In addition, there are cases where certain predictions are extended even though information comes to light which points to the contrary.

For instance, I've recently noticed some claim that LBP will sell one to two million first-week, with over five million LTD.

While I honestly believe that LBP is an exceptional game and well-deserves the praise that it has received from reviewers, its appeal is limited to the niche that it has been designed for.  Content-creation games have, unfortunately, been few and far between. Though this now sets a whole new bar on future experiences the fact that such games have not seen wide release speaks to the inherent nature of such games as well as niche games in general.  The entire "unique game experience" is simply that - an experience that, while is very different from the norm, does not have wide appeal simply because of its departure from the norm.

Looking at past games that had carried this title, the sales numbers speak for themselves:


No More Heroes - Wii - 360k LTD

ICO - PS2 - 700k LTD (

Okami - PS2 - 150k LTD

Shadow of the Colossus - PS2 - 730k LTD

Viva Pinata - 360 - 1.54M LTD


While it is noted that the current LBP sales figures have somewhat of a skew due to the shortened sales period (since sales figures examine a Sunday-to-Sunday timeframe), the fact that it has sold only over a hundred and sixty thousand units speaks to its niche appeal.

Compared to the latest Viva Piñata game (about fifty thousand first week), this is a very good launch, but considering the amount of marketing that was done for LBP, it does fall short of the hype and enthusiasm that was built for it.  Even Ratchet and Clank (PS3), a platformer game that did not have any content creation, managed to fall only thirty thousand units short of LBP's numbers, and had the same amount of days for its first week (10/23/07 for USA).

It seems fairly likely, considering the level of appeal this game has, that six to ten million LTD may be a bit of an overestimate.  It is more likely that two million is a high-ball figure, and under three million is virtually certain

I'm even willing to bet my cape and superpowers on it.


it will outsell all those mentioned.

people that haven't bought it yet, I'ts!!! awesome i been playing with vgchartz people :D

had an awesome weekends thanks people.

and zen its because you are, cleary overly posting in a LBP thread of a game you don't own.

if you had your point good, but leave if you don't have positive to add.

Undying said:
People who expected a game like LBP to sell millions are obviously newbies to this industry. Unique games like that rarely if ever even get close to a million.


Be careful my boy, it was you who said this


Undying said:

We all know the game will most likly be great, but as history has taught us great=/= great sales.

Is there even a market for LBP? Will the game be a run away sucess? Lets take off our fanboy hats and really think about it.

I don't see this game doing very well. Who is the demographic for this game? Kids? Adults? Casual gamers? Hardcore gamers? Are there enough of that demographic on the PS3? Something just tells me that this game will not do well.


First week sales 100k

Life time 300k

Is 300k a flop for this game?


That's right. I didn't forget. And it will sell a million before the end of this year. I can guarantee you that.

So, if you know me you know I have been saying that LBP would sell well (2-3m LT) but, it won't sell phenomenal (5m+).

Last week when the .. I don't know how to label it as it wasn't technically its first week .. sales came out @ 167k I got called out by a few as being stupid since it wasn't its first real week. Well, now what's ur excuse. It sold exactly what I expected