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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's first (and second) party developers are finally hitting their stride

makingmusic476 said:
Rainbird said:
makingmusic476 said:
Munkeh111 said:
Well ND have said they think that they will have the same release pattern as last gens, so Uncharted 2 in 2009, then I'm thinking Jak IV in 2010 (hopefully)

They obvious question is will we be getting games in 2010? Other than ND and Insomniac, I can't think of any other studios to be able to make games for then


I do believe that ND will return to Jak for at least one game after Uncharted 2, and my only worry is that they may have to take two years to transition between franchises, since they won't be able to reuse any assets from the Uncharted games.

As for other studios that could be working on games for 2010, there have been strong rumors that Sony Liverpool is working on an action game called The Protector that apparently puts Killzone 2 to shame in the graphics department.  They have to be working on something, and they already have plenty of experience with the ps3's hardware through the development of WipEout HD and Formula One CE.  Since Sony lost the F1 license, they've had plenty of time to start work on another title in addition to WipEout HD (it's only a PSN title, after all) over the past year and a half.  Even if this rumor proves false (and I don't think it will) we should see at least something from them in 2010.

There are also rumors that Sony London has been working on another title since even before the Getaway 3 and Eight Days were canceled.  The only bad thing about the rumor is that it's yet another FPS.  :/  Anywho, hopefully we'll see something nice from them besides casual stuff and home.

And of course Sony bend could always be working on a Syphon Filter for ps3.  It seems to me that they've been made permanent PSP developers, though, what with their work on the Syphon Filter series on the platform, and now Resistance Retribution.

SCEJ hasn't really stepped up to the plate yet this gen, so we might see something from them.  We'll at least get Trico for 2010, assuming it doesn't make it out in 2009

Also, as far as I am aware Incognito is NOT being shut down.  Those were only rumors.

Speaking of Sony London, you missed EyePet.

I think I should have bought another console than the PS3, I would have had less traumas trying to figure out which titles I would have to wait with buying

From the OP:

"Of course, this list isn't including all of Sony's casual stuff, like EyePet and SingStar. "



Gah! But just how much casual stuff besides EyePet and SingStar does Sony do? Personally, I am looking forward to EyePet, it looks like that silly toy you have no idea why keeps entertaining you.

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i think people are getting a bit carried away, yes 2009 looks an excellent year for PS3 but im betting not all these titles come 2009. plus people seem to be getting hyped abotug ames that are just rumoured. surely the confirmed games are good enough to be hyped about already.

@ skeeuk

why is it impossible for wii or 360 to match that line up. microsof obviously has projects they are not talking about which could be equally as good.

and for nintendo, the 10 or so games at it'sconference were all second party. nintedo EAD are obviousdly working on 2009 games other than wii sports resort. howeevr we have no idea what these are so people shoudlt start hyping next mario,next zelda,pikmin,starfox,f-zero,retro game, Monolith RPG, kid icarus because we have no idea when these games will come

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


Skeeuk said:
its physically imossible for 360 or wii to have a lineup like the ps3e lineup of 2009, the 1st party titles are amazing and will continue. not to mention possible 3rd party exclusives also. 2009 another hgreat year. i want to know more about 360 and wii 2009 lineup all i can think for 360 is alan wake nd foorza 3, if gt5 makes it in 2009 which im sure it will they should launch same day as forza 3. the true exclusives on ps3 will never be timed or anything they remeain on the best console this gen.

It's not impossible. If enough of the PS3's 2009 lineup gets delayed and Microsoft announces more games during 2009 than Sony, I could realistically see the 360's lineup coming within reasonable range of the PS3's. However, it's pretty unlikely. Microsoft will be much more hard-set to snatch third-party exclusives with the PS3 having a 4:5 ratio to the 360 in total worldwide sales. That being said, here's a look into the 360's 2009 exclusive lineup.

1st Party Developed
Forza Motorsport 3 (Turn 10 Studios)
Halo: Chronicles (Wingnut Interactive)
Halo Wars (Ensemble Studios)
Untitled New Rare IP #1 (Rare)
Untitled New Rare IP #2 (Rare)

2nd Party Developed
Alan Wake (Remedy Entertainment)
Blue Dragon 2 (Mistwalker)
Cry On (Mistwalker)
Halo 3: Recon (Bungie)
Mass Effect 2 (BioWare)
Ninety-Nine Nights II (Q Entertainment)
Ninja Blade (From Software)
Scene It? 3 (Screenlife)

3rd Party Developed
Star Ocean
: The Last Hope (tri-Ace / Square Enix)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft Montreal)

Mind you, that list is being pretty generous. I find it very unlikely that Mistwalker will manage to release both Blue Dragon 2 AND Cry on in 2009 (It will likely either be one or the other) and saying Mass Effect 2 is a 2nd party developed game is presumptuous since there is a fair chance that it may go multiplatform. Even as generous as it is though, I'm still not gullible enough to think that Lionhead has any chance of releasing their mysterious new IP by the end of 2009. I think it's pretty clear to just about everyone that the PS3's lineup is much more attractive and will sell hundreds of thousands of more consoles than the 360's lineup.

Seihyouken said:
Skeeuk said:
its physically imossible for 360 or wii to have a lineup like the ps3e lineup of 2009, the 1st party titles are amazing and will continue. not to mention possible 3rd party exclusives also. 2009 another hgreat year. i want to know more about 360 and wii 2009 lineup all i can think for 360 is alan wake nd foorza 3, if gt5 makes it in 2009 which im sure it will they should launch same day as forza 3. the true exclusives on ps3 will never be timed or anything they remeain on the best console this gen.

It's not impossible. If enough of the PS3's 2009 lineup gets delayed and Microsoft announces more games during 2009 than Sony, I could realistically see the 360's lineup coming within reasonable range of the PS3's. However, it's pretty unlikely. Microsoft will be much more hard-set to snatch third-party exclusives with the PS3 having a 4:5 ratio to the 360 in total worldwide sales. That being said, here's a look into the 360's 2009 exclusive lineup.

1st Party Developed
Forza Motorsport 3 (Turn 10 Studios)
Halo: Chronicles (Wingnut Interactive)
Halo Wars (Ensemble Studios)
Untitled New Rare IP #1 (Rare)
Untitled New Rare IP #2 (Rare)

2nd Party Developed
Alan Wake (Remedy Entertainment)
Blue Dragon 2 (Mistwalker)
Cry On (Mistwalker)
Halo 3: Recon (Bungie)
Mass Effect 2 (BioWare)
Ninety-Nine Nights II (Q Entertainment)
Ninja Blade (From Software)
Scene It? 3 (Screenlife)

3rd Party Developed
Star Ocean
: The Last Hope (tri-Ace / Square Enix)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft Montreal)

Mind you, that list is being pretty generous. I find it very unlikely that Mistwalker will manage to release both Blue Dragon 2 AND Cry on in 2009 (It will likely either be one or the other) and saying Mass Effect 2 is a 2nd party developed game is presumptuous since there is a fair chance that it may go multiplatform. Even as generous as it is though, I'm still not gullible enough to think that Lionhead has any chance of releasing their mysterious new IP by the end of 2009. I think it's pretty clear to just about everyone that the PS3's lineup is much more attractive and will sell hundreds of thousands of more consoles than the 360's lineup.

well thats certainly a genorous list no doubt, but titles as in 2008 will be again better in 2009 on ps3 than 360.



...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Seihyouken said:
Skeeuk said:
its physically imossible for 360 or wii to have a lineup like the ps3e lineup of 2009, the 1st party titles are amazing and will continue. not to mention possible 3rd party exclusives also. 2009 another hgreat year. i want to know more about 360 and wii 2009 lineup all i can think for 360 is alan wake nd foorza 3, if gt5 makes it in 2009 which im sure it will they should launch same day as forza 3. the true exclusives on ps3 will never be timed or anything they remeain on the best console this gen.

It's not impossible. If enough of the PS3's 2009 lineup gets delayed and Microsoft announces more games during 2009 than Sony, I could realistically see the 360's lineup coming within reasonable range of the PS3's. However, it's pretty unlikely. Microsoft will be much more hard-set to snatch third-party exclusives with the PS3 having a 4:5 ratio to the 360 in total worldwide sales. That being said, here's a look into the 360's 2009 exclusive lineup.

1st Party Developed
Forza Motorsport 3 (Turn 10 Studios)
Halo: Chronicles (Wingnut Interactive)
Halo Wars (Ensemble Studios)
Untitled New Rare IP #1 (Rare)
Untitled New Rare IP #2 (Rare)

2nd Party Developed
Alan Wake (Remedy Entertainment)
Blue Dragon 2 (Mistwalker)
Cry On (Mistwalker)
Halo 3: Recon (Bungie)
Mass Effect 2 (BioWare)
Ninety-Nine Nights II (Q Entertainment)
Ninja Blade (From Software)
Scene It? 3 (Screenlife)

3rd Party Developed
Star Ocean
: The Last Hope (tri-Ace / Square Enix)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft Montreal)

Mind you, that list is being pretty generous. I find it very unlikely that Mistwalker will manage to release both Blue Dragon 2 AND Cry on in 2009 (It will likely either be one or the other) and saying Mass Effect 2 is a 2nd party developed game is presumptuous since there is a fair chance that it may go multiplatform. Even as generous as it is though, I'm still not gullible enough to think that Lionhead has any chance of releasing their mysterious new IP by the end of 2009. I think it's pretty clear to just about everyone that the PS3's lineup is much more attractive and will sell hundreds of thousands of more consoles than the 360's lineup.


So much lulz in one list. 

I can see Rare making a new game for next year, but two? When neither has yet been announced?

Forza 3 - it's rumored that Turn 10 is working on PGR5 instead, but I'd expect to see one of the two out next year

Cry On is vaporware, and it's likely AQ Interactive, the publisher, canceled the title.  And if they didn't, it could very well have gone multiplat like Vampire Rain.  Microsoft has no involvement with this Mistwalker title, fyi.

Blue Dragon 2 hasn't even been announced, but I suppose it could make it out next year.  We certainly won't see both Cry On and Blue Dragon, though.  And possibly neither.

Mass Effect 2 isn't second party.  EA bought BioWare and all of their IPs last year.

Scene It?  lulz.  It's trumped by SingStar, Buzz!, EyePet, and the rest of the casual crap Sony London puts out, that I already said was not included in my list.

The rest look alright though.  Of course, it may be too soon for Halo Chronicles, and Star Ocean is probably just timed exclusive.

And I knew eventually people would start comparing lists.  >_<

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Dgc1808 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG... *Below 1st 2nd AND 3rd party exclusives for PS3 in 09 Note: Some possblely not but most are lulz!*

-Killzone 2 *Drool*
-Infamous (Little iffy bout this was but looks solid.)
-White Knight Chronicals (Best JRPG of 09)
-M.assive A.ction G.ame (Erm...Uhm Gee.)
-Heavy Rain (Look at all the pretty colors...)
-Final Fantasy XIII (Exclusive in Japan so lol! it still counts!)
-Ratchet and Clank 2 (Always good to have one O' These out for the lulz.)
-Naughty Dog Project (Uhg i want BOTH Uncharted 2/ Jak something!)
-Gran Turismo 5 (OMG..........TEH EPICZ)
-God of War III (Oh hell yeah 1080p throwin down, chaos, bewbs, and GAWD SLAYING ALL IN HD!!! mmm... tasty.)
-Team Ico Game (Reeks of Pure Epicness)
-Demons Soul (Uhm...An extra exclusive for the hell of it?...)
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII (This is just a wish... Exclusive W-W btw... *cough*Tetsuya Nomura*cough* )
-SotC II (Perhaps?)
-Dark Cloud III (A 2010 Annoucement perhaps?)
-Tales PS3 (By then i think bamcai might consider it.)
-Chaos Legion II (Hard to find rumours point to CL II Being Published by sony but being made by Square)
-Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII HD Remake (Based on recent Rumours, this or holy hell a FFVII Remake which i doubt but meh.)

OMG 09 is gonna own 08 in multiple ways for the PS3 as good as 08 already is!

I'd Love a sequal to Chaos Legion!!! Not sure how the first game did but I enjoyed every minute of it!!!


Yeah fer sure, if its true were in for one hell of an exclusive cause CL imo was far more innovative then DMC ever will.


outlawauron said:
Hmm, never played Chaos Legion.


Its the long forgotton cousin of Devil May Cry 1, and was left for nothing when people found out a DMC 2 was coming out which sucked, hopfully sony can bring Chaos Legion Back up to par.

makingmusic476 said:
Seihyouken said:
Skeeuk said:
its physically imossible for 360 or wii to have a lineup like the ps3e lineup of 2009, the 1st party titles are amazing and will continue. not to mention possible 3rd party exclusives also. 2009 another hgreat year. i want to know more about 360 and wii 2009 lineup all i can think for 360 is alan wake nd foorza 3, if gt5 makes it in 2009 which im sure it will they should launch same day as forza 3. the true exclusives on ps3 will never be timed or anything they remeain on the best console this gen.

It's not impossible. If enough of the PS3's 2009 lineup gets delayed and Microsoft announces more games during 2009 than Sony, I could realistically see the 360's lineup coming within reasonable range of the PS3's. However, it's pretty unlikely. Microsoft will be much more hard-set to snatch third-party exclusives with the PS3 having a 4:5 ratio to the 360 in total worldwide sales. That being said, here's a look into the 360's 2009 exclusive lineup.

1st Party Developed
Forza Motorsport 3 (Turn 10 Studios)
Halo: Chronicles (Wingnut Interactive)
Halo Wars (Ensemble Studios)
Untitled New Rare IP #1 (Rare)
Untitled New Rare IP #2 (Rare)

2nd Party Developed
Alan Wake (Remedy Entertainment)
Blue Dragon 2 (Mistwalker)
Cry On (Mistwalker)
Halo 3: Recon (Bungie)
Mass Effect 2 (BioWare)
Ninety-Nine Nights II (Q Entertainment)
Ninja Blade (From Software)
Scene It? 3 (Screenlife)

3rd Party Developed
Star Ocean
: The Last Hope (tri-Ace / Square Enix)
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction (Ubisoft Montreal)

Mind you, that list is being pretty generous. I find it very unlikely that Mistwalker will manage to release both Blue Dragon 2 AND Cry on in 2009 (It will likely either be one or the other) and saying Mass Effect 2 is a 2nd party developed game is presumptuous since there is a fair chance that it may go multiplatform. Even as generous as it is though, I'm still not gullible enough to think that Lionhead has any chance of releasing their mysterious new IP by the end of 2009. I think it's pretty clear to just about everyone that the PS3's lineup is much more attractive and will sell hundreds of thousands of more consoles than the 360's lineup.


So much lulz in one list. 

I can see Rare making a new game for next year, but two? When neither has yet been announced?

Forza 3 - it's rumored that Turn 10 is working on PGR5 instead, but I'd expect to see one of the two out next year

Cry On is vaporware, and it's likely AQ Interactive, the publisher, canceled the title.  And if they didn't, it could very well have gone multiplat like Vampire Rain.  Microsoft has no involvement with this Mistwalker title, fyi.

Blue Dragon 2 hasn't even been announced, but I suppose it could make it out next year.  We certainly won't see both Cry On and Blue Dragon, though.  And possibly neither.

Mass Effect 2 isn't second party.  EA bought BioWare and all of their IPs last year.

Scene It?  lulz.  It's trumped by SingStar, Buzz!, EyePet, and the rest of the casual crap Sony London puts out, that I already said was not included in my list.

The rest look alright though.  Of course, it may be too soon for Halo Chronicles, and Star Ocean is probably just timed exclusive.

And I knew eventually people would start comparing lists.  >_<

Like I said, I was being quite generous when creating that list. Realistically, 360's lineup probably won't be quite that good.

In regards to Rare, I don't think it's all that farfetched to think that they could come up with two new games, especially if they are small in scale. Don't forget that Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise was announced less than five months prior to its release. Rare is essentially Microsoft's Insomniac Games. A studio that releases one or two games every year.

It's already been confirmed that Turn 10 is working on Forza Motorsport 3. We even have details about the game including a rough number of cars and tracks in the game as well as the fact that it will ship on two discs.

You're quite right about Cry On being vaporware. Honestly, I shouldn't have included it in the list since there are several discrepencies about who is even developing and publishing the game, much less what system it will appear on.

Blue Dragon 2 hasn't been announced yet, but one has to think that Mistwalker has been working on something aside from two or three DS titles in the last year. Blue Dragon 2 was hinted at by Sakaguchi upon the release of Blue Dragon in 2006, but he stated that the game would begin development soon, which obviously could not possibly have been true. This game is an example of how the list is generous.

Mass Effect's status as a 2nd or 3rd party franchise is in dispute last time I checked. Again, I favored being generous with my list and labeling Mass Effect 2 as both a 2nd party title as well as an exclusive. I'm well aware it's possible that may not be the case when the game is finally released.

Scene It? 3 would be an exclusive for 360. I wasn't comparing it to SingStar, Buzz! or EyePet and I personally agree with you that it doesn't hold a candle to any of them. I was simply providing a list of possible and likely exclusive Xbox 360 games for 2009.

Lastly, the rest certainly don't look "alright" from a marketshare standpoint because there isn't really a decent system seller among them. That's Microsoft's problem next year. Halo 3: Recon, Halo Wars and Halo: Chronicles could all sell several million copies, but none of them will sell a noticable amount of systems thanks to Halo 3's massive success. This holds true for Forza 3, Blue Dragon 2, Ninty-Nine Nights II and Mass Effect 2 as well. 360's exclusive lineup for next year is saturated by sequels to games already on 360. Star Ocean 4 is the one silver lining in that list, but as you pointed out there's a good chance that it, as well as Splinter Cell Conviction, could become multiplatform. Unless Microsoft hits it big with new IPs such as Ninja Blade and Alan Wake they're going to find themselves losing marketshare fast to PS3 with huge system selling exclusives like Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, Killzone 2, and Final Fantasy XIII in Japan. This problem only becomes more apparent when you realize that Microsoft doesn't have their $100 price-cut trumph card any more while Sony has at least $200 they can drop in price and stimulate sales with before they're even at the mass market price of $199.99.

Awesome Lineup!
