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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's first (and second) party developers are finally hitting their stride

And it's resulting in an almost non-stop stream of releases for the ps3 in 2009. 

As we all know, the ps3 got off to a rocky start back in 2006.  Most ps3 projects were far from completion, and some of Sony's biggest internal titles were still being released on the ps2, like God of War II.  Sony's various studios were facing a handful of problems coming into this generation, ranging from getting used to the ps3's rather foreign architecture, to being forced by Sony to announce games long before they were ready in an attempt to show off the ps3's potential, sometimes before development had even actually begun.  The Killzone 2 CGI fiasco is a perfect example of this.  Actual development of the title didn't begin until near the end of 2005!

The dearth of releases over the ps3's first year, and arguably over part of its second year (Sony released Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank at the end of last year, but for the first six months of this year Sony only released GT5 Prologue) resulted in the ps3 being dubbed the "Delaystation" by many.  And there was some truth to this, as the more and more we learned about titles like Killzone 2 and InFamous, the further away they seemed.

Now, however, all of these titles are FINALLY starting to come out.  :D

Many studios are now wrapping up their first major projects for the ps3, like Guerrilla Games, Sucker Punch, and Level 5, while others have already gotten into a nice groove on the system, like Insomniac and Naughty Dog.  Hell, Insomniac will be releasing their THIRD ps3 title, Resistance 2, just next week.

With Sony's studios now working at full capacity, things are looking great for the ps3.   2009 is looking to have one of Sony's strongest first party line ups ever.


So what games should we see throughout next year?

Definite 2009 releases

Killzone 2 - February

Starting off the year with a bang will be Guerrilla Games' blockbuster shooter, Killzone 2.  Sony has put a hell of a lot of time and resources into this baby, and it shows through it's excellent level design, gameplay, and most notably graphics.

White Knight Chronicles - Q1 or Q2, I'm thinking March or April

Level 5's first major JRPG for the current generation of consoles has finally arrived.  Releasing on December 25th of this year in Japan, this game should make it to the other territories relatively quickly, given Sony's emphasis on global releases these days. 

InFamous - May

This is Sucker Punch's first foray into the current generation, and it's looking pretty good so far.  Sucker Punch are kind've like the little brother of Naughty Dog and Insomniac.  They put out pretty damn good games, but it generally takes them a bit longer than the other two to do so.  InFamous was originally announced for Fall of 2008, but earlier this year a delay to 2009 was confirmed.  After extensive gameplay demonstrations and interviews throughout the year, Game Informer managed to peg down a more specific timeframe for the game in their cover story shortly after E3 - May 2009.

God of War III - Q3 or Q4 '09, probably around the holidays

Sony Santa Monica are some of Sony's best developers, and they usually release a game every two years.  God of War hit in March of 2005, and God of War II followed in March of 2007.  God of War III, being their first ps3 title, will  obviously take a bit longer to develop than previous titles.  At last E3, God of War III was announced with a 2009 release date, and since Sony Santa Monica aren't known for delays, I fully expect them to meet this date.  Personally, I think it will follow the path of Uncharted.  Uncharted was announced with a CGI trailer at E306, gameplay was first shown at Sony Gamers Day in May 2007, and the game hit just in time for the Holiday 2007 season. 

Ratchet & Clank Future 2 - Holiday '09

Insomniac release a game every year.  That's just what they do.  The next Ratchet & Clank has already unofficially been announced, and it should be officially announced around the beginning of next year.

Uncharted 2 - Holiday '09

Like Insomniac, Naughty Dog releases games like clockwork, though they often take two years between games at the beginning of a generation, and then one year later on, once they've mastered the ins and outs of the platform they're working on.  This game is a lock for 2009, and it will probably be announced around the beginning of the year, much like MotorStorm 2 and Resistance 2 were announced this past year.

Highly probable 2009 releases
- Slated for 2009, and will most likely make it out in 2009, but shit happens, ya know?

Gran Turismo 5 - Q4 '09

Many were disappointed about this game's delay to 2009, but no one can say it wasn't expected.  The problem with Polyphony Digital is that they're perfectionists (yet at the same time, this is their most positive trait).  The decision to include damage in this iteration of the series only expanded the amount of work they'll have to do to reach the insanely high bar they'll set for themselves.  A few months back it was reported that Kazunori Yamauchi, the director of the GT series, said that a 2010 release date for GT5 wasn't out of the question.  However, that was only a rumor, and it's recently been reported that Yamauchi openly laughed at the thought of a 2010 release date for the game, saying that it will be here "sooner than expected."  I can't help but have my doubts about it hitting in 2009, but I remain optimistic.  I give this game a 75%+ chance of making it out next year.

Heavy Rain - Q3 or Q4 '09

Quantic Dream's latest title was announced way back at E306, with a tentative Fall 2008 release date.  It was finally re-unveiled with actual gameplay footage back at Leipzig in August, with a new 2009 release date.  I would say it's a lock for 2009, but I don't know enough about the developers to say that for certain.  Chances of it hitting next year are 75%, imo.

MAG - Sometime in 2009, who the hell knows

At E3, Sony said this game is targeted for Spring 2009.  Yeah the fuck right.  All we've seen is CGI of a game that is supposed to make extremely heavy use of online features.  While it has been confirmed that beta tests have been going on for awhile now (since before E3), I can't see them getting this title out the door in a timely fashion.  Even if the game is physically near completion (and it probably is), getting a good network going will be a pain.  Look at the problems Socom: Confrontation is having.  It'll be hell getting a game with 256-player matches running smoothly.  Of course, I could be totally wrong.  After all, Zipper have plenty of experience with net code, pioneering the online movement on the ps2 with the Socom franchise.  Chances of making it out in 2009?  65%

Possible 2009 releases
- Well, they've all been technically announced for 2009, if that means anything.

Demon's Souls - Q3 or Q4 '09

Okay, so this game probably will make it out in 2009.  I just desperately HOPE it doesn't.  It really needs more time to cook.  A lot more.  It was announced at TGS alongside a playable demo, and the demo was knocked by journalists for inconsistent design and horrendous framerate problems.  From Software, PLEASE spend a lot more time on this game, so that it turns out at least somewhat decent.  Sony, get on their asses to make sure it's good.  The game looks like it has potential, and I don't want it to end up the next Lair.  :'(  Chances of coming out next year - 70%, as much as I wish that wasn't the case.   I'd say there's a 50% chance of it making it out of Japan next year.

DC Universe Online - Sometime in 2009, nobody really knows.  Nobody pays any attention to SOE, lol

It's another MMO made by Sony Online Entertainment.  SOE, as well all know, aren't that great.  Of course, they used to be under the control of Sony Pictures, a freakin' film studio.  Recently they were put under the control of Sony Computer Entertainment ('bout damn time), so maybe under SCE's supervision they'll be guided into making better titles than the stuff they've been pumping out for the past few years. Chances of making it out next year - 50%

The Wildcard

Trico (Team ICO's next game) - Q4 2009

Team ICO is known internally at Sony as the Olympic Team, given their track record of developing a game in roughly four years.  The end of 2009 would mark the four year anniversary of Shadow of the Colossus, and it was widely speculated that their next game would appear at last TGS with a 2009 release date.  It never showed up, and it's since been reported that it will be shown soon, when Fumito Ueda is "ready".  At first I was very disappointed that the game wasn't announced at TGS, but given the other titles to be released next year, it's not like we'll be lacking awesome games to play if it doesn't make it out until early 2010.  Chances of the game making it out next year - 50%.


Of course, this list isn't including all of Sony's casual stuff, like EyePet and SingStar. 

Of these titles, seven are developed internally at Sony, two are developed by dedicated second parties, two are developed by third parties with Sony taking the role of publisher, and one is developed by a studio that's currently up in the air.  No one knows what's really going on with Quantic Dream at the moment, but rumors are they might become a permanent second party for Sony, much like Insomniac and Sucker Punch.

Also, Sony's strategy this gen has been getting their developers talking to each other and working together, sharing engine tips, tech strategies, etc.  I fully expect Killzone 2 to be one of Sony's WORST looking titles released next year, as all the tech from that game will be going into titles like God of War III and Uncharted 2, much like Killzone 2 itself used tech originally researched for Uncharted.

Around the Network

Killzone 2 - you lucky bastard, I wish I was in the Beta, I'm not hyped about it because I haven't played, but the R2 beta is really fun and I wish we weren't in a recession so I could buy the game lol. Killzone 2 buy date depending on review and impressions.

WKC - Sounds about right timeframe, I'm hopeful but also being weary about it. Day depending on reviews and impressions.

Infamous - Do want, and Sony, buy Sucker Punch already you asses. Day 1.

God of War III - FUCK YEAH. Day - 100.

Ratchet 2 - Want it, but also wishing Insomniac would give me trophies for FTOD, c'mon guys (please?). Day whenever I have extra cash laying around.

Uncharted 2 - Fuck Yeah. Add MP online, day 1, without MP online, day whenever I have extra cash laying around.

Heavy Rain - see WKC.

MAG - is a definite 2009 release from what I hear, hopefully it'll live up to the hype, I'm excited about it after I talked to one of the developer and he spilled some beans on it. In Zipper I trust. Day 1.

Demon's Soul - The video was underwhelming, I think this is gonna suck, hopefully they'll prove me wrong.

DC Universe Online - SOE is under new management and under SCE now, hopefully that means better quality games. Day depending on reviews and impressions as well as whether or not it'll be free to play.



In all seriousness, as long as they give me GT5 with (realistic) dynamic weather and damage (and hopefully you'll have to use your credits to fix your car damages) and with Porsches (confirmed), Lambos and Buggattis as well as every other car and track out there, then Sony is well in my book. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

Also I'm sure there are a couple of more 1st and 2nd party games that there might be coming out next year.

KZ2 / Infamous / God ofwar3

Which game will make buy a PS3 ..... :DDD

Time to Work !

this thread is VERY informative.....

shows PS3 is coming into its prime

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

FilaBrasileiro said:

Killzone 2 - you lucky bastard, I wish I was in the Beta, I'm not hyped about it because I haven't played, but the R2 beta is really fun and I wish we weren't in a recession so I could buy the game lol. Killzone 2 buy date depending on review and impressions.

WKC - Sounds about right timeframe, I'm hopeful but also being weary about it. Day depending on reviews and impressions.

Infamous - Do want, and Sony, buy Sucker Punch already you asses. Day 1.

God of War III - FUCK YEAH. Day - 100.

Ratchet 2 - Want it, but also wishing Insomniac would give me trophies for FTOD, c'mon guys (please?). Day whenever I have extra cash laying around.

Uncharted 2 - Fuck Yeah. Add MP online, day 1, without MP online, day whenever I have extra cash laying around.

Heavy Rain - see WKC.

MAG - is a definite 2009 release from what I hear, hopefully it'll live up to the hype, I'm excited about it after I talked to one of the developer and he spilled some beans on it. In Zipper I trust. Day 1.

Demon's Soul - The video was underwhelming, I think this is gonna suck, hopefully they'll prove me wrong.

DC Universe Online - SOE is under new management and under SCE now, hopefully that means better quality games. Day depending on reviews and impressions as well as whether or not it'll be free to play.



In all seriousness, as long as they give me GT5 with (realistic) dynamic weather and damage (and hopefully you'll have to use your credits to fix your car damages) and with Porsches (confirmed), Lambos and Buggattis as well as every other car and track out there, then Sony is well in my book. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

Also I'm sure there are a couple of more 1st and 2nd party games that there might be coming out next year.


Yeah, we may get some other annoucnements early on in the year, kind've like how Siren popped up out of no where this year.

I'd give up half those games for Trico, though.   :'(

I also left off Twisted Metal from the list, because I figure the chances of it making it out next year are really slim.  Unless it ends up being an online title like Warhawk or Socom.

Around the Network

Another Very Awesome Read from MakingMusic. Just wish there was news of another Jack game. But am quite happy with SONY putting alot of effort on their 1st party devs and strengthening their 2nd party relations.

4 ≈ One

This is why I am hoping the PS3 will be able to turn it up, and get both MS and Nintendo looking over their shoulders. So far the PS3 has basically felt like the N64, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox and Xbox 360. Every year it gets 2 - 4 awsome games and the rest is just multiplatform. Looking at the release schedual for the next 18 months it actually looks like a Playstation. The last two years have looked like this:


-Ratchet & Clanck Future
-Motorstorm (to some extent)


-Gran Tursismo 5: Prologue
-Metal Gear Solid 4
-Little Big Planet
-Resistance 2
-Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (to some extent)
-White Knight Chronicals (Japan Only)

I don't think anyone could try and defend 2007 as a year of great game on the PS3. Looking at 2008 one could argue it had the best line-up of any console, but when you look at next year things are differant.


-Killzone 2
-White Knight Chronicals (US and Eu launch)
-M.assive A.ction G.ame
-Heavy Rain
-Final Fantasy XIII (Japan only & Exclusive)
-Ratchet and Clank Future 2
-Naughty Dog Project 2 (either Uncharted or Jak)

Possible 2009

-Gran Turismo 5
-God of War III
-Team Ico Game
-Demons Soul
-Quantum Thoery

Looking at that list PS3 has at least 8 major titles coming out in 09, with the possibility of even more. Then you have to realize this is only what we know about. Even if only half of thouse games come out next year that makes for an awsome year. It also means that the momentum can easly continue into 2010.

I am glad to see smeone else bring this up. Sony has the largest first party development staff in the world. They ar bigger than Microsoft and Nintendo's staff combine. The last few years has been about learning the new hardware and overcoming the problems. That is why so many PS3 games have been delayed the first 2 years. By the end of next year each team at Sony will have at least one game out the door, and with that a much better understanding of the hardware.

Devs have already admited that games will start to come at a quicker clip, with even more content. Naughty Dog says they took 2 years on Uncharted, they will take 2 years on Project 2, and then every year after that they will have a new game annulay. Insomniac has been doing a quality game per year since launch, and this year they threw in even another title.

Next year will easyly be the best year so far for the PS3, but it is just getting started. The PS3 will probably have its best year in either 2011 or 2012. After that I expect Sony wil try to get the PS4 up and running smooth a little quicker next gen. Keeping with Cell, Blu-ray, and a nVidia graphics solution will help the transition next time. That is why Ken Kuturagi made the PS3 the way he did. It has set the foundation for future generations, and will allow lower prices, and easyer development. If you really look at were PS3 is today, it is because of the decisions he made all the way back in 2005. The dude is a straight up visionary.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


FilaBrasileiro said:



 Don't know what your saying... But, YEAA!!!! eerrrr.... MOFO!!!!

4 ≈ One

Kill of War Charted Clank Turismo...


I agree. Its pretty shocking. This is the first gen since the NES that Nintendo doesn't have the best first party games (well on handhelds DS>PSP in first party, I am talking PS3 vs Wii) Well done Sony.

Though personally, I blame Wii fit. Or the casual pandering in general. A new star fox would have been so much better than Wii Music for a killer fall game, but Ninty really only wants money, and they will do whatever it takes to survive. Companies that have been round for 120 plus years have to be good at that.